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Climbing Guides

** Use at Your Own Risk **
Location: Kern County, about 7 miles northwest of Inyokern, 153 miles from Los Angeles
Nearby Peaks: Morris Peak, Mount Jenkins, Owens Peak
Printable version of this route
- Distance: 2 miles round trip cross-country
- Gain: 1600'
- Time: 2-3 hours round trip
- Rating: Class 3, moderate, climbing helmets required
Original: Al Campbell, December 1973
- Take SR 14 to Mojave.
- Continue north on SR 14 to the intersection with SR 178 (Freeman
- Continue north on SR 14 another 5.3 miles to a dirt road on the
left. Turn left. This is 0.4 mile past Indian Wells, with a lodge and brewery. SR 14 is
under construction. It may be necessary to continue farther north and
turn around, returning to the dirt road. Note your odometer and go as
- At 2.6 miles, Powers Well on the left. Keep straight. This is a good
camping spot.
- At 2.7 miles, fork. Turn right.
- At 3.2 miles, fork. Keep right. This is the turnoff for
Owens Peak, Morris Peak
and Mount Jenkins.
- Park in a parking area a short distance from the fork.
- From the parking area (3600'+), the peak is visible as the leftmost
of several points. Hike up the slope through the saddle between the summit
and the next point to its right.
- Continue around to the northeast side of
the summit to a spiny ridge coming down from the summit.
- Scramble up onto
this ridge, turn left, and follow it up toward the summit.
- Soon you will
see two slots coming down from the summit. Follow the left slot through
some easy class 3 rock up to the summit.
Alternatively, it is possible to
hike to the left of the summit and go around the peak to the spiny ridge
as described above.
Note: HPS policy requires the possession and use of a climbing helmet
on Class 3 terrain or where the hazard of rockfall is present.
Printable version of this route
- Distance: 1.3 miles round trip cross-country
- Gain: 800'
- Time: 1.5-2.5 hours round trip
- Rating: Class 3, moderate, climbing helmets required
Original: Bill Simpson & Virginia Simpson, October 2018
- Take SR 14 to Mojave.
- Continue north on SR 14 to the intersection with SR 178 (Freeman
- Continue north on SR 14 another 5.3 miles to a dirt road (SE 152) on the
left. Turn left. This is 0.2 mile past Indian Wells, with a lodge and brewery.
Note your odometer and go as
- At 1.4 miles, turn right onto SE 147.
- After about 100 feet, turn left onto SE 183.
- At 2.0 miles, fork. Keep straight.
- At 2.5 miles, park in a parking area at trailhead (near peak 4475).
- From the parking area (4350'), the peak is visible as the rightmost
of several points. Hike initially down but mostly up the slope to a spiny ridge
coming down to the right of the summit.
- Continue to the summit as per Route 1.
Note: 4WD vehicles may be necessary for driving up SE 183 to the trailhead.
During the winter of 2023, the dirt road (SE 183) suffered
serious erosion and may not be passable. If you want to proceed on this
Route, prior to conditions improving, be prepared to hike. Hiking the
road adds an additional 2.5 miles round trip and 1200' gain.
Note: HPS policy requires the possession and use of a climbing helmet
on Class 3 terrain or where the hazard of rockfall is present.
It is possible to hike up to the spiny ridge from any convenient parking
area near the peak. It is suggested that a Wilderness
map is obtained to be sure that you do not violate the Wilderness
Five Fingers, Owens Peak, Morris
Peak, and Mount Jenkins are all in the
Owens Peak Wilderness. At the date of this
guide no permit is required.
Learn more about Five Fingers.
Please report any corrections or changes to the
Mountain Records Chair.