Five Fingers (also known as Aquila Peak)
is located in Kern County, about 7 miles northwest of
Inyokern, 153 miles from Los Angeles. It lies just within the
Owens Peak Wilderness.
Five Fingers or Aquila Peak was added to the HPS Peak List
in 1973.
See the Summit Signature for
more history and some background about the name of the peak.
Peak Guides
HPS has one current documented route to the peak. Route 1 is 2 miles round
trip with a total of 1600' of gain, and is a steep slog up a loose slope to the
summit formation, followed by some easy class 3 rock to attain the summit.
With 4WD, you can instead do a tight right about ¼ mile past the flume,
followed by a quick left onto a sandy 4WD road, and park in the saddle near
bump 4475', then follow a use trail west about ½ mile to join the
documented route, with about 1000' less gain.