Register Box
Climbing Guides

** Use at Your Own Risk **
See the Retired Peak Guides in the Archives for Microsoft Word and other versions of this peak guide.
Location: San Bernardino County, about 9 miles north of Fontana, 70 miles from Los Angeles
Auto Club | Los Angeles and Vicinity |
Forest Service | Angeles National Forest |
USGS Topos | Devore 7½, Cucamonga Peak 7½ |
Official HPS Maps |
TPO file - Save to your computer then open with National Geographic TOPO! |
| Viewable JPG file - Approximately 1.2 megs |
| GPX file or Google Earth KML file to
download to GPS units and other map software (How to use GPX and KML files) |
| Routes as shown on
CalTopo using the above files (How to use CalTopo) |
Nearby Peaks: Buck Point
Printable version of this route
(USFS Adventure Pass may be required)
- Distance: 2 1/2 miles round trip on road
- Gain: 500' total, 100' out plus 400' on return
- Time: 1 1/2-2 hours round trip
- Rating: Class 1, easy
Original: Warren E. von Pertz, 1974
- Take I-10 east and I-15 north to Sierra Avenue. Turn left at the
bottom of the off-ramp.
- Go 1.6 miles to a dirt road on the left. Turn left. Note your
odometer and go as follows:
- At 1.0 mile, junction at a power line. Go straight.
- At 5.6 miles, fork with 1N36 (closed) on the left. Keep straight.
- At 7.8 miles, fork. Turn right.
- At 7.9 miles, a difficult to see fork in a saddle.
The right fork is closed by an earthen berm. Park here.
- From the parking area (5560'), hike over the earthen berm and down the old road
bed as it goes down through a saddle and then up to the old lookout site
at the end of the road. The register is a rock pile on the left (west) as
you approach the old foundation.
Printable version of this route
(USFS Adventure Pass may be required)
- Distance: 2 miles round trip on use trail and road
- Gain: 700' total, 150' out plus 550' on return
- Time: 1 1/2 hours round trip
- Rating: Class 1, easy
Original: Peter Doggett, December 2010
- Take I-10 east and I-15 north to Sierra Avenue. Turn left at the
bottom of the off-ramp.
- Go 1.6 miles to a dirt road on the left. Turn left. Note your
odometer and go as follows:
- At 1.0 mile, junction at a power line. Go straight.
- At 5.6 miles, fork with 1N36 (closed) on the left. Keep straight.
- At 7.8 miles, fork. Turn right.
- At 7.9 miles, a difficult to see fork in a saddle.
The right fork is closed by an earthen berm. This is the parking for Route 1.
- At 8.2 miles, road ends next to some radio towers. Park here.
- From the parking area (5640+'), walk back down the road about 40 yards. There may be a duck here.
- Leave the dirt road on the left and proceed easterly down a hunter's trail. (Very steep at the top end).
- Proceed to the East and then NE, following the trail along the ridge. It may be marked with ribbons and ducks.
- At 5160', you will meet an old dirt road.
- Turn left and follow this dirt road down into a saddle at 5100' and then up to the old lookout side at the end of the road. Expect brush on much of this abandoned road.
- The register is in a pile of rocks on the left (west) as you approach the old foundation.
It is a rough dirt road drive to the trailhead, best done in a high clearance 4WD.
1N34 is sometimes open from Cucamonga Canyon. This is a long 4WD road
and can be very rough and sometimes impassable.
It is also possible to
hike up the old 1N36 roadbed from the southeast. This is shorter that
hiking in from Sierra Avenue.
The road from Sierra Avenue is closed except in the fall season.
Contact this USFS office for details.
Lytle Creek Ranger Station
1209 Lytle Creek Rd
Lytle Creek, CA 92358
(909) 382-2851
Please report any corrections or changes to the
Mountain Records Chair.