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Morris Peak


Morris Peak is located in Kern County, about 10 miles northwest of Inyokern, 150 miles from Los Angeles. It lies within the Owens Peak Wilderness. Morris Peak was added to the HPS Peak List in 1971. See the Summit Signature for more history and some background about the name of the peak.

Peak Guides
HPS has two current documented routes to the peak. Route 1 is 9 miles round trip with a total of 2000' of gain, and follows the Pacific Crest Trail from Walker Pass to a saddle below the peak, then up. Route 2 is 4 miles cross-country, 2400' gain, from Indian Wells Canyon.

Older Peak Guides (routes may no longer be legal or safe, use caution!): 1972, 1974, 1993, and Microsoft Word version from 2002.

Morris (left), Jenkins and Owens from Russell
Photo by Janet Howell

Maps! Lots of maps!

Current Conditions
  • Weather Forecast from the National Weather Service
  • Gate status: there are no gates. The road in Indian Wells Canyon (Route 2) is dirt and subject to weather-related damage. Information on the status of the road might be available from the Ridgecrest Field Office, Bureau of Land Management.
  • Status of State Route 178 from Caltrans
  • Deer hunting season - "The season in Zone X-10 shall open on the last Saturday in September and extend for 16 consecutive days." For more information, visit the California Fish and Game Commission.
  • Sequoia National Forest Incidents (usually fires) from InciWeb
  • Adventure Passes are not currently (2011) required in Sequoia National Forest nor by the Bureau of Land Management.

Trip Reports from our Archives

Morris Peak Registers

Emblems earned on Morris Peak
  • 12 March 1988 - Bryce Wheeler, 100 Peaks Emblem #771
  • 12 May 1990 - Joan Sinsheimer, 200 Peaks Bar #273
  • 20 May 1990 - George R. Stuart, 200 Peaks Bar #272
  • 2 September 2006 - Lilly Fukui, First List Completion #256
  • 2 September 2006 - Valapa Saubhayana, First List Completion #257

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