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Cannel Point, Morris Peak

7-8 November 1970

By: Paul Lipsohn

Leaders: Paul Lipsohn, Bob Herlihy

When crossing Walker Pass in the wind driven rain on Friday night, I expected to be a party of one at the meeting place on Saturday. Instead, I was greeted by nine avid hikers, undeterred by the weather. All were rewarded by clearing skies and a crisp climb through the snow-dusted peaks behind Lake Isabella. We caravanned to the roadhead over paved Faye Ranch Rd. and parked on private property at the Forest Service trailhead. This trail is also used as a cattle-drive, and as such, must be one of the steepest in the country. Our route was straight-forward, following the trail to a high plateau, thence cross-country to the peak. An imposing looking summit block dissolved into easy 2nd class, to the relief of some and chagrin of others. Following a cool lunch on the summit, we returned to the cars, where seven climbers elected to proceed to Indian Wells Canyon for the Sunday climb of Morris Peak.

A spirited discussion regarding map orientation preceded our start up Morris, and was renewed upon reaching the summit of Peak 6650! We agreed that some idiot had turned left one canyon too soon. (In the dark and on an unmapped road and I was tired and the beer was cold and it was an exploratory trip anyway.) Our determined group insisted on making the 5 mile, 2500' gain traverse to Morris Peak, and the reluctant leaders were forced to yield to their impassioned pleas. We gained the summit in time for a late lunch made more pleasant by the spectacular view of Owens Peak and Indian Wells Canyon. After regaining our main ridge, we enjoyed a tremendous scree run nearly all the way to the cars. We reassembled at Tokiwa's for steaks and a well deserved rest after the 22 mile, 9000' gain week-end. The group consensus indicated that both peaks, while offering easier routes than those we had used, were good potential candidates for inclusion on our list.

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