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Climbing Guides

** Use at Your Own Risk **
See the Retired Peak Guides in the Archives for Microsoft Word and other versions of this peak guide.
Location: San Bernardino County, about 7 miles west-northwest of Yucca Valley, 128 miles from Los Angeles
Printable version of this route
- Distance: 6.6 miles round trip on trail
- Gain: 1200'
- Time: 3 hours round trip
- Rating: Class 1, easy
Original: Bill T. Russell, June 1989
- Drive east on I-10 past Banning to SR 62.
- Go north on SR 62 to Pioneertown Road in Yucca Valley. Turn left.
- Go north on Pioneertown Road 7.3 miles to Pipes Canyon Road. Turn
left (west).
- Go 0.6 mile to a fork. Go right.
- Continue 0.3 mile farther to a parking area at 51010 Pipes Canyon Road
Pipes", UTM 421811). Park here.
- From the parking area (4460'), hike south along an oxidized (rusted) steel fence to an
opening to the Chaparrosa Peak Trail, and a sign-in register.
- Sign in here and follow the well marked trail to the summit, approximately 3.3 miles.
Printable version of this route
- Distance: 8 miles round trip on trail
- Gain: 1300'
- Time: 3-4 hours round trip
- Rating: Class 1, easy
Original: Dick Akawie and Al Campbell, September 1968
- Drive east on I-10 past Banning to SR 62.
- Go north on SR 62 to Pioneertown Road in Yucca Valley. Turn left.
- Go north on Pioneertown Road 7.3 miles to Pipes Canyon Road. Turn
left (west).
- Go 0.6 mile to a fork. Go right.
- Continue 0.3 mile farther to a parking area at 51010 Pipes Canyon Road
Pipes", UTM 421811). Park here.
- From the parking area (4460'), hike west towards Pipes Canyon.
- Pick up the well marked Pipes Canyon Trail (Indian Trail Loop) at a white steel gate.
Sign in at the register box.
- Follow the trail past the Olsen Ruins and continue on the Indian Loop Trail.
- Follow the Indian Loop to the south-southeast (left, up the canyon) at a fork past
the ruins. The trail fork is marked with signage.
- Follow the trail up the canyon to the Chaparrosa Peak Trail (connecting to Route 1).
- Turn right (south) and follow the trail 0.6 mile up to the summit.
- Coming down, retrace the route up, or continue on "Indian Loop." For the "Indian Loop,"
when you reach the trail fork, continue right on the Chaparrosa Peak Trail, back to the parking area,
3.3 miles from the summit.
Hiking off trail is discouraged.
Since both routes share the same parking spot, they can be combined into
an excellent loop trip.
Chaparrosa Peak burned over in the devastating Sawtooth Complex Fire
of 2006. The peak is within the
Pioneertown Mountains Preserve.
Previous hiking restrictions following the fire have been lifted
and the Preserve is open for hiking. The Preserve is open seven days per week,
sunrise to sunset. It is OK to come out after dark, but park outside the gate
and leave a note on your vehicle (so they don't go in looking for you). Docent
led hikes can be scheduled through the Preserve office (760) 369-7105 if you would
like to learn more about the area.
Please report any corrections or changes (including the reopening of the Preserve) to the
Mountain Records Chair.