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32A Granite Mountain #2

Location: San Diego County, California

Named for the granite outcroppings evident on the summit.

Granite is a common, coarse-grained, lightcolored, hard igneous (formed by crystallization from a molten state) intrusive rock relatively rich in silica (SiO2), potassium (K), and sodium (Na). Although Gudde notes that there are over fifty place-names using the term "granite" elsewhere in California, its relatively little used in our area. Many early immigrants to Los Angeles were from the South and Midwest so regionalism may have precluded local adoption of a New England state nickname. To have personal characteristics that are as hard as granite is to have unyielding endurance, steadfastness, and firmness.

Through nearby Oriflamme Canyon, is part of a transportation corridor once known as the "Yuma Trail". Used by Indians between San Diego Bay and the Colorado River, it was also traveled by Pedro Fages on his way to discover the Colorado Desert and the San Joaquin Valley (1772), and later became known as the "San Diego Trail". It is the only such entry point into our area that has not been exploited by modern transportation.

The Peak was known to the Serrano Indians as "Astrákutava't".

Name first appears on AMS Borego topo (1942).

Peak was on the original 1946 HPS Peak List.

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