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28L Lion Peak

Location: San Bernardino County, California

Named by the USFS in 1960. After our native California Mountain Lion (Felis concolor), also called catamount, cougar, panther, and puma. It is 59" to 108" long (with a 21" to 36" long tail), and its weight varies from 75 to 275 lb. Except for two dark whisker patches and a black tipped tail, the body is an unspotted tawny color on top and sides with a white-buff belly. The head and ears are small, while the feet are large. Lions are usually solitary except for a few weeks when mating-there is no fixed season for this but 1 to 6 kittens are usually born in summer. The kittens are raised by the female and remain with her for up to two years. A lion is very adaptable in terms of terrain but requires a game-rich wilderness undisturbed by man. When in such areas it may be active during the day. It is an excellent climber, a good jumper, and can range 25 miles per night. Its preferred prey is deer-which it can outrun but only for short distances. While it is usually silent it has a variety of calls, such as hisses, roars, growls, and even a whistle-like sound. Its mating call is described as like a woman's scream but bloodcurdling. The Lion in Indo European mythology (as far back as the Jatakas) is the "king" of terrestrial animals, and like all true royalty is believed to be brave, magnanimous, wise, and a complete gentleman. It is often given some connection to light (particularly the sun) because of its strength, golden color, and because it is fabled to never fully close its eyes. A lion is believed to embody strength, courage and wisdom. The Lion (Leo), fifth sign of the Zodiac is a fire sign that corresponds with the sun and the will. Among Southwest Indian cultures, especially the Shoshonean tribes, the Lion plays the role of trickster. Among the Chemehuevi Indians he is Coyote's brother. In China and Japan the Lion was believed to frighten away demons and hence a suitable protector of temples. Lions are the Buddhist symbol of courage, nobility and constancy, and bring good luck. The Lion corresponds to gold or the "subterranean sun". In Alchemy, the Lion complements to the "fixed" element (sulphur). Iconographically, the lion is widely used to represent the majesty of temporal royalty and power. In antiquity lions and lionesses were frequently depicted as attributes, companions and guardians of the deity. In Egypt and Assyria, lion statues guarded the royal tombs and temples. Lions have been associated with the Egyptian gods, Bast, Sekhmet, Ra and Horus, and with the Persian god Mithras. Lions are the earthly counterpart of the Eagle, and represents the natural lord or master--the possessor of strength and the masculine principle. It is a widespread folk belief that a lion will never attack a true prince. The lioness is the symbol of maternity and the attribute of the mother-goddess of many cultures. Lions have served as the emblem of state from Judah to Great Britain. In the Bible, lions are frequently mentioned, for example Jesus is likened to one (Apoc v, 5). RiversideLion is one of the many metaphorical names of God, referring back to His most ancient Semitic name "the El", which means "the strong". The Lion came to be associated with St. Mark. Jung believed the Lion represented an index of latent passions, and could even indicate the conscious mind's fear of being consumed by the unconscious.

Name first appears on USFS San Bernardino National Forest map (1960).

Peak was added to the HPS Peak List in 1961.

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