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25A Allen Peak

Location: San Bernardino County, California

Named by the USFS for B. F. Allen, a Special Agent of the Department of the Interior whose favorable report (1890) was instruniental in establishing "Forest Reserves" in the San Gabriel and San Bernardino Mountains (1891). Later appointed Special Forest Agent responsible for all Federal Forests in the Southwest. He conceived of the idea of "Rangers" to patrol forest lands, and hired the first twenty men (1898). This was the origin of the present day USFS founded under Gufford Pichot (1905).

However, John W. Robinson is certain that it was named for USFS Ranger John H.B. "Jack" Allen who was one of the first men hired into the "Bureau of Forestry" and was posted (1901-22) at Mill Creek Ranger Station.

Peak was on the original 1946 HPS Peak List.

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