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7E Thorn Point (LO)

Location: Ventura County, California

Named derived from nearby Thom Meadows, which Ventura historian Jim Blakely believes were named for W, H. Thorne (n.d.), a surveyor who worked in the north-central Ventura backcountry (ca. 1880). However, Erwin Gudde in his California Place Names imagines that Thom Point was "probably named for its shape". Notwithstanding Gudde's guess, likely based on the obvious spirelike qualities of the surrounding ridge, the meadows were named first and such place-names customarily were given to early homesteaders.

The USFS constructed a fire lookout on the summit consisting of a 20' H-B type open brace steel tower with a 14' by 14' cab (1938). Near to this a wood AWS ground observer cabin once existed (1938-1945). Both are abandoned but still standing.

Variant name no longer in use: White Granite Peak (Wheeler 1878).

Thorne Meadows first appears on the BLM Santa Barbara National Forest, (east half) map (1918).

Name first appears on USFS Los Padres National Forest map (1937).

Peak was on the original 1946 HPS Peak List.

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