Location: Los Angeles County, California
Name evolved from local Kawaiisu Indian word variously transcribed as tehichipi, tahichipi, thaeechaypah, and tahichipiu.
Name (and HPS code) moved from this original location [to "New" Tehachapi Mountain (7960')] when the Tehachapi South quad was printed (1966). This shift is not unusual, for example Mount Emma was similarly "reassigned". What is odd is that despite some unofficial trips and much talk of keeping this old location on the HPS List, readmission of this old location did not occur before the issue became a moot point-the owners [Tejon Ranch] restricted free access (1969).
Name first appears in this location with elevation 8056' (Wheeler Survey 1878).
Presently a use-name only.
Peak was on the original 1946 HPS Peak List.