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PAST Scheduled Outings - 2008

This is a list of Hundred Peaks Section sponsored outings (with a smattering of other Sierra Club outings of interest to HPS) that have been published in the section newsletter, the Lookout and/or the Angeles Chapter Schedule of Activities and/or the section's mailing list for outings and announcements.

For complete leadership contact information, it is necessary to obtain a copy of the Angeles Chapter Schedule of Activities.

Jan 1 Tue Hundred Peaks, WTC
O: Mount Wilson (5700+'): Enjoy one of leader's favorite SoCal hikes, 14 mile loop, 4000' gain/loss, including some steep ridges on descent. Be prepared for any weather. Contact leader if in doubt. Meet 8 AM at Chantry Flat, upper parking lot. Leader: ASHER WAXMAN Assistant: MIKKI SIEGEL
Jan 1 Tue HPS, PV-SB, Long Beach, Natural Science
I: San Jacinto Peak (10,804'), Folly Peak (10,480'), Drury Peak (10,160'), Marion Mountain (10,320') via Snowshoe: Moderately paced, strenuous over varying terrain from the tram. We will attempt up to 4 peaks, resulting in 10 miles and 3500' gain. The leaders have made this San Jacinto pilgrimage for 8 years. The ocean, Mount Charleston and the Channel Islands have often been visible. Take time to learn from our naturalist about the fauna and flora. Bring 10 essentials, lunch, and water. Esase (preferred) or sase with recent conditioning, phone & rideshare information to Leaders: KENT SCHWITKIS, Naturalist: SHERRY ROSS
Jan 5 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Rosa Point (5038'): Very strenuous cross-country trek over steep, rocky terrain covered with ocotillo, agave, and all four varieties of cholla in a remote desert region of the Santa Rosa Mountains near Indio. Hike is 12 miles round trip with 5500' of elevation gain. Diehards might consider staying over with leaders in area carcamp (or motel) to pick up nearby Whale Peak on Sunday. Paved road driving Saturday. For trip details send recent conditioning, phone and rideshare information to Leader: BILL SIMPSON Co-Leaders: TOM HILL, WAYNE BANNISTER, PETER & IGNACIA DOGGETT
Jan 5 Sat Lower Peaks
O: Temescal Peak (2126'), Saddle Peak East (2800'): Great winter walks on west side with driving between. 14 miles, 2700' gain, mostly on trail or road. Quick moderate pace. Email leader for information. Leader: GEORGE WYSUP Assistant: JENNIFER WASHINGTON
Jan 5 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Ross Mountain (7339'): Due to potentially unsafe conditions, replaced with Buck Point and San Sevaine, below. Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-Leader: GARY SCHENK
Jan 5 Sat Hundred Peaks
Replaces Ross Mountain
I: Buck Point (6433') and San Sevaine Lookout (5240'): Rescheduled (weather!) to January 12. Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-Leader: GARY SCHENK
Jan 6 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Whale Peak (5349'): This hike is 9 miles round trip with 2300' of gain. Expect some brush and slow going. The dirt road to the trailhead is excellent, suitable for most passenger cars. Make it a weekend of hiking and join the leaders Saturday for a hike to Rosa Point. Diehards can stay Saturday night with leaders in area carcamp (or motel). For trip details send recent conditioning, phone and rideshare information to Leader: BILL SIMPSON Co-Leaders: TOM HILL, WAYNE BANNISTER
Jan 6 Sun Crescenta Valley, K-9 Comm, Wilderness Adventures
O: Deukmejian Park to Top of Mt Lukens: 8 miles round trip, 2000' gain. Loop trail begins at Deukemejian Wilderness area in La Crescenta. We will hike up the eastern side of Mt Lukens, lunching at the top and coming down on the fire road and western side of Mt Lukens. There is water at the beginning and end of this hike only. Meet 8 AM Deukemejian Wilderness Park. Bring lugsoles, lunch, water for you and k9. Rain cancels. Leader: CATHY KISSINGER Assistants: JOEL GOLDBERG, DOAN-TRANG TRAN
Jan 8 Tue Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
O: Mount Lowe (5603'), Mount Markham (5742'), Occidental Peak (5732'): Join us for some pathfinders from Eaton Saddle with great views of Eaton Canyon and Metropolitan Los Angeles in the distance. Total distance will be around 5 miles and 1300' of gain. Other peaks may be possible. After the hikes, join us for some drinks and plan on attending the HPS meeting at Newcomb's Ranch that evening. Contact leaders by email for meeting time and place. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, INGEBORG PROCHAZKA
Jan 8 Tue Hundred Peaks
HPS Management Committee Meeting: 6:30 PM. All are welcome. Weather permitting, it will be at Newcomb's Ranch on Highway 2 in the San Gabriels. Weather not permitting, it will be at the Denny's in Temple City. If in doubt, contact someone on the Management Committee to find out what the weather decided.
Jan 9 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Bighorn Mountains (5894'): Seldom led northern approach from Johnson Valley on the north side of the San Bernardino Range, 7 miles round trip, 2700' gain. Steep, slippery route in harsh desert terrain. Easy dirt road driving suitable for most passenger cars. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, DAVE COMERZAN
Jan 11 Fri Hundred Peaks
I: Chaparrosa Peak (5541'): Suspended peak open for limited number of HPS hikers by permission from Pipes Canyon Preserve. Paved road driving. 8 miles round trip, 1300' gain trail and cross country through recent burn area. Possible hike to a second peak after. Email George for information. Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, ROBERT MYERS, WAYNE BANNISTER
Jan 12 Sat Pasadena, Hundred Peaks, Orange County
O: Mount Lukens (5074'): Moderately paced hike to L.A. City's highest point via the Stone Canyon Trail and fire road. 7 miles round trip, 3300' gain. Meet 8 AM at La Cañada rideshare point. Bring water, lunch, boots, and suitable clothing. Rain cancels. Leaders: MEI KWAN, DANA HUNTER, LINDA HILLMAN
Jan 12 Sat WTC, Hundred Peaks
I: Warren Point (5103'): Practice navigation for Sunday's checkoff on this 6 mile round trip, 1300' gain hike in the pinyon pine and juniper region of western Joshua Tree National Park. We will take a cross-country route to Warren Point and practice micro-navigation skills along the way. Send email (preferred) or sase, with contact info & recent conditioning to Leader: ROBERT MYERS Co-Leaders: SUSAN RICHMOND, JANE SIMPSON
Jan 12 Sat Hundred Peaks
Rescheduled from January 5
I: Buck Point (6433') and San Sevaine Lookout (5240'): Two recently unsuspended peaks at the eastern edge of the San Gabriel Mtns. above Fontana. Start on Road 1N36, not the traditional Road 1N34. 17 miles round trip, 5000' gain on dirt road and trail. Email leader for info. Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-Leader: GARY SCHENK
Jan 12-13 Sat-Sun Hundred Peaks, Desert Peaks
I: Rabbit Peak #2 (6640+), Villager Peak (5756'): Very strenuous but traditional backpack near the Salton Sea, 21 miles round trip, 8000' gain overall. Terrain is steep, rocky, and infested with groves of cholla, agave, and other thorny obstacles. Must carry all water for the overnight camp near Villager. For trip details send recent conditioning, backpacking experience, and phone & rideshare information to Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: PATRICK VAUGHN, PAT ARREDONDO, WAYNE BANNISTER
Jan 13 Sun LTC, WTC, DPS, HPS, SPS
I: Warren Point Navigation: Navigation noodles at Joshua Tree National Park for either checkout or practice to satisfy the Basic (I/M) or Advanced (E) level navigation requirements. To receive homework assignment, send navigation experience/training, any WTC, rideshare info, phones, email/sase to Leader: HARRY FREIMANIS Assistant: ROBERT MYERS
Jan 15 Tue Lower Peaks
O: Wilson Peak (4573'): Hike this high point of Pinyon Ridge in Anza Borrego State Park with us during the week. 5.5 miles one way, 900'/700' gain. Contact leaders for meeting time and place. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, INGEBORG PROCHAZKA
Jan 15 Tue Hundred Peaks
I: Snowshoe in the local mountains (wherever conditions permit): Rescheduled to January 22nd, see below. Leaders: SANDY BURNSIDE, MARS BONFIRE
Jan 16 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Asbestos Mountain (5265'), San Ysidro Mountain (6147'): Visit two desert peaks near northern San Diego County. First peak 3 miles round trip, 1000' gain. Second peak up to 10 miles round trip, 2100' gain. Strenuous overall. Routes to both peaks cross steep, slippery desert terrain with cholla and brush adding excitement. Easy dirt road driving suitable for most passenger cars. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, DAVE COMERZAN
Jan 19 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Cole Point (5604'), Mount Emma (5273') Old Mount Emma (5063'): Hike these nice peaks to develop an appetite for that night's HPS Banquet. The total hike will be about 8 miles round trip with 3000' of gain. Bring lug soles, water, lunch, jacket & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Jan 19 Sat Hundred Peaks
Annual Awards Banquet: Program is more socialization between climbers. Silent auction for donated items. 5 PM social hour, 6:30 PM dinner. Taix Restaurant (1911 Sunset Blvd.) Send $30 (HPS), specify beef, fish, or vegetarian entree (tickets will be held at the door), email, H & W phones to Reservationist: JIM S. FLEMING
Jan 19 Sat Lower Peaks
O: Brown Mountain (4486'): Moderate paced 9 miles round trip, 900' gain/1600' gain on return. Historic hike through Mueller Tunnel to Markham Saddle, then down to Tom Sloan saddle. Learn how the mountain was named and share recent updates. Meet 7:30 AM La Cañada rideshare. Bring lugs, water and snack. Leaders: JOHN and DANA HUNTER
Jan 20 Sun Hundred Peaks
O: Josephine Peak (5558'): Hike this moderate peak from Colby Canyon. The total hike will be about 8 miles round trip with 2100' of gain. Bring lug soles, water, lunch, jacket & hat. Contact the leader for meeting info. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Jan 20 Sun Hundred Peaks
O: Sunset Peak (5796'): Pleasant winter hike near Mount Baldy with an easy pace suitable for beginners, 7 miles round trip, 1300' gain. Meet 10 AM at the free public parking lot on the corner of Mills Ave and Mt Baldy Road in Claremont. Bring lunch, liquids, warm clothes. If storm threatens obtain trip status from Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: BRUCE CRAIG, WAYNE VOLLAIRE
Jan 22 Tue Hundred Peaks
I: Snowshoe in the local mountains (wherever conditions permit): Approximately 10 miles, 2500' gain. Pace will be moderate. Destination will be finalized before the trip date. Email Sandy the week before for final details and instructions. Leaders: SANDY BURNSIDE, MARS BONFIRE
Jan 23 Wed Hundred Peaks
O: Little Cahuilla Mountain (5042'), Cahuilla Mountain (5635'): Postponed to March 26th due to weather Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, BRUCE CRAIG
Jan 23 Wed Lower Peaks
O: Wild Horse Peak (3277'): We plan this hike to start at Dripping Springs Campground outside of the city of Temecula. The hike is 5 miles one way with 1800' gain, mostly on trail, with some cross-country near the top. Contact leaders for meeting time and place. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, INGEBORG PROCHAZKA
Jan 26 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: San Gabriel Peak (6161'), Mt Disappointment (5960'+), Mt Deception (5796'): 5 miles, 1800' gain in the San Gabriel Mountains, great views of the LA basin. Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare point with water, lunch, hiking boots a must. Rain, snow cancels. Leaders: FRANK DOBOS, MARY McMANNES
Jan 26 Sat LTC, Sierra Peaks, Desert Peaks, Hundred Peaks
M/E: Local Baldy Snow Practice: Come review snow climbing, rope travel, ice axe, and snow anchors. Practice your skills or brush up on new techniques. Especially for aspiring M & E leader candidates. Restricted to SC mbrs with prior experience with the ice axe. Lack of snow may cancel. Email SC#, climbing resume, email address, phone # to Leader: NILE SORENSON Co-Leader: TINA BOWMAN
Jan 26 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Queen Mountain (5680+), Ryan Mountain (5457'), Lost Horse Mountain (5313'): Three nice peaks in Joshua Tree National Park, averaging 4 miles round trip, 1100' gain each, in view-filled desert terrain. Do any or all. Some easy dirt road driving suitable for most passenger cars; entrance fee for JTNP. Consider staying over for Sunday's trip in the area. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, MARLEN MERTZ
Jan 27 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Meeks Mountain (6277'), Black Mountain #4 (6149'): Rescheduled to March 15 due to inclement weather. Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, WAYNE BANNISTER
Jan 30 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Cross Mountain (5203'), Chuckwalla Mountain (5029'): Enjoy colorful rockscapes on this pleasant loop hike north of town of Mojave. Strenuous, 11 miles round trip, 4200' gain in desert terrain. Some minimal dirt road driving suitable for most vehicles. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, WAYNE BANNISTER
Feb 2 Sat Hundred Peaks, DPS
I: Iron Mountain #3 (5040'), Round Top (6316'), Granite Mountain #1 (6600'+), Rabbit Peak #1 (5307'): A natural loop up and down steep ridges (and some pleasant dirt road). About 12 miles, 4000' total gain at a moderate pace. Some weather may not cancel. Meet 7 AM La Cañada. Leaders: JOE YOUNG and ASHER WAXMAN
Feb 2 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Chief Peak (5550'): Rescheduled to February 23. Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-leaders: MAURA RAFFENSPERGER, DAVE BEYMER
Feb 3 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Rosa Point (5038'): Rescheduled to February 24. Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, TOM HILL, WAYNE VOLLAIRE
Feb 3 Sun WTC, Hundred Peaks
O: Strawberry Peak (6164'), Mount Lawlor (5957'): Easy, slow paced 8-9 mile round trip venture all on trail with approximately 2000' gain. Orange County folks will meet at 7 AM. Other hikers will join at 8 AM. ESASE leader if interested and details will be distributed. Bring 2-3 liters of water, lunch and snacks, 10 essentials, appropriate extra clothing, and maybe something with strawberries to share on top. Adventure Pass required. Rain cancels. Hike is designed for incoming and new WTC students. Send ESASE to Leader: CHERYL GILL Co-Leaders: LAURA CURRAN, GARY BICKEL
Feb 6 Wed Lower Peaks
O: Agua Tibia (4779'): Canceled due to Poomacha fire closure. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, INGEBORG PROCHAZKA
Feb 6 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Mayan Peak (6108'), Butterbredt Peak (5997'): Good workout on two steep sandhills in the Southern Sierras near Jawbone Canyon north of the town of Mojave. Moderately paced 7 miles round trip, 3100' gain. Much driving on dirt roads, usually in excellent condition. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leader: BILL SIMPSON
Feb 9 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Onyx Peak #2 (5244'), Mayan Peak (6108'): Hike these fine deserty, steep, sandy peaks. The total hike will be about 7 miles round trip with 4100' of gain. Bring lug soles, water, lunch, jacket & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Feb 9 Sat Pasadena, Hundred Peaks, Orange County
O: Mount Lowe (5603'): Moderately strenuous, and moderately pace, 13 miles round trip, 3800' gain scenic loop hike past historic Echo Moutain and Castle Canyon Trail to Inspiration Pt and on to the summit of Mount Lowe. Return via Sam Merrill trail. Wonderful view of LA Basin. Meet 7:30 AM N end of Lake St, Altadena. Bring water, lunch, boots, and suitable clothing. Rain cancels. Leaders: MEI KWAN, DANA HUNTER, LINDA HILLMAN
Feb 9 Sat West Los Angeles, Hundred Peaks
O: Eagle Rock, Santa Monicas Tour: A grand hike on firebreak & trails from Westridge, some steep climbs near end, approximately 18 miles, 4000' gain loop. Come prepared to enjoy weather and friendly lunch at Eagle Rock. Plus views and flowers (we hope). Contact leader for meeting time. Leader: MIKKI SIEGEL Assistant: ASHER WAXMAN
Feb 9 Sat LTC, Sierra Peaks, Desert Peaks, Hundred Peaks
M/E: Local Baldy Snow Practice: Come review snow climbing, rope travel, ice axe, and snow anchors. Practice your skills or brush up on new techniques. Especially for aspiring M & E leader candidates. Restricted to SC mbrs with prior experience with the ice axe. Lack of snow may cancel. Email SC#, climbing resume, email address, phone # to Leader: NILE SORENSON Co-Leader: TOM McDONNELL
Feb 9-10 Sat-Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Little Berdoo Peak (5440'+), Bernard Peak (5430'), Quail Mountain (5800'+), Mount Inspiration (5560'+): Carcamp in Joshua Tree National Park (entrance fee). Both days feature cross-country routes in sometimes steep desert terrain. First two peaks Saturday as a moderate loop with much dirt road driving, AWD or 4WD recommended, 7 miles round trip, 1600' gain. Camp in JTNP after dinner in nearby town. Second two peaks Sunday from paved roads, 16 miles round trip, 3000' gain total. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: JOE YOUNG, PAT ARREDONDO
Feb 10 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Black Mountain #6 (5244'), Red Mountain (5261'): Hike these nice HPS Peaks near Ridgecrest, CA. The total distance will be about 7.5 miles round trip with 2950' of gain. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Feb 12 Tue Lower Peaks
Annual Lower Peaks Committee Meeting: Plan to attend the Annual meeting of the Lower Peaks Committee. 7:00 PM at Knowlwood Restaurant (150 S Harbor Blvd, Fullerton). Peak additions and deletions will be discussed. Copies of the Lower Peaks Guide will be available. For further information, contact Chair: WAYNE NORMAN
Feb 13 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Black Mountain #3 (5686'): For this peak in the Tehachapi Mountains near town of Mojave, we attempt a route from the north/northeast in an attempt to avoid the subdivision. Moderate trip at easy pace, up to 6 miles round trip, 2000' gain, cross-country on steep slopes amidst foothill woodlands and scrub brush. Paved road driving. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders DAVE COMERZAN, JOHN RADALJ
Feb 16 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: San Ysidro Mountain (6147'): Enjoy this beautiful peak in the Anza Borrego Desert. The total hike will be about 10 miles round trip with 2400' of gain. Bring lug soles, water, lunch, jacket & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Feb 16 Sat Lower Peaks
O: Simi Peak (2403'), Rocky Peak (2714'): Good winter workout in Ventura Co. Paved road driving between. 12 miles, 2400' gain, mostly on trail or road. Moderate pace. Email leader for information. Leader: GEORGE WYSUP Assistants: TOM HILL, MARY McMANNES
Feb 16 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Villager Peak (5756'), Rabbit Peak (6642'): Very strenuous day hike (not a backpack) over steep, loose, rocky, and thorny terrain to peaks west of the Salton Sea for 21 miles round trip with 8000' of gain. Suitable only for well-conditioned hikers. Slow pace. Expect night travel. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, KATHY CHEEVER
Feb 17 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Villager Peak (5756'), Rabbit Peak #2 (6640'): Day hike the BIG Bunny on a very strenuous day hike at a BRISK pace that will be paced to take about 12 hours. The total hike will be about 21 miles round trip with 8000' of gain. Not intended for new hikers. Bring lug soles, water, food, warm clothes, head lamp & stamina. Contact the leader to see if you are ready. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Feb 17 Sun Crescenta Valley, K9
O: Josephine Peak (5558'): 8 miles round trip, 1900' gain. Weather permitting, this is a great little winter hike especially if the sun happens to be shining, the soft crunch of snow under my lugs, fresh clean air - a real favorite. Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare. We'll cross the highway to a dirt road on the west side of Angeles Forest Highway - follow the dirt road as it meanders up some switchbacks, 2 miles to a junction. From the junction you have a beautiful view to the east of Strawberry Peak across Josephine Saddle. To the west is the route to Josephine Peak. Continue to the left (west) up the fire road, to the summit of Josephine Peak. The ruins of the old fire lookout in the form of a concrete foundation mark the summit. Well mannered dogs welcome. Leaders: OLIVIA HERNANDEZ, BOBCAT THOMPSON
Feb 18 Mon Hundred Peaks
O: Exploratory trip to Bailey Peak (5699'): Join us on Presidents Day as we explore a route from Silverwood Lake entrance station to the highest peak between Lake Arrowhead and Cajon Pass, in order to evaluate a possible replacement for other peaks in the area. Moderate hike on usually closed roads, 10 miles round trip, 2200' gain. Optional short side hikes to nearby Sugarpine Mountain (5478') and Monument Peak #2 (5290') for comparison, the latter "peak" being a 40-foot bump next to the road. For trip information contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: GINNY HERINGER, GREG DALY, BRUCE CRAIG
Feb 19 Tue Hundred Peaks
I: Snowshoe in the local mountains (wherever conditions permit): Approximately 10 miles, 2500' gain. Pace will be moderate. Destination will be finalized before the trip date. Email Sandy the week before for final details and instructions. Leaders: SANDY BURNSIDE, MARS BONFIRE
Feb 20 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Cuyapaipe Mountain (6378'), Sheephead Mountain (5896'): Visit this pair of San Diego peaks by thrashing along obscure paths and brushy slopes, more difficult to find and reach than they might seem. Moderately strenuous 7 miles round trip, 1700' gain total for both peaks. May visit easier nearby peaks for stress relief afterward if all goes well. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leader: DAVE COMERZAN
Feb 23 Sat Hundred Peaks
Rescheduled from February 2
O: Chief Peak (5550'): Great hike in the Ventura County backcountry north of Ojai. Moderately paced, 9 miles, 2300' gain, mostly on dirt roads. E-mail leader for details. Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-leaders: MAURA RAFFENSPERGER, DAVE BEYMER
Feb 23-24 Sat-Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Malapai Hill (4237'), Ryan Mountain (5457'), Inspiration Point (5560'): With reunion at Austin and Betty Stirrat's home. Both days moderately paced in beautiful interior of Joshua Tree National Park. Saturday, Malapai Hill to Ryan, 8 miles, 2100' gain on mostly cross-country terrain and a car shuttle. Sunday, do Inspiration Point, 2 miles round trip, 700' gain. Both days include views of great Indian pictographs. Bring water, lunch, lug sole boots. Come for one or both days, or just potluck reunion. Contact Diane for trip information. Leaders: DIANE DUNBAR, JOE YOUNG, FRANK DOBOS
Feb 24 Sun Hundred Peaks
Rescheduled from February 3
I: Rosa Point (5038'): How about a different route to Rosa? We plan to explore Smoke Tree wash from S-22. (It's possible that this route does not go, in which case we will do an alternate hike.) This route starts a few miles east of the usual "Thimble" trailhead. 13.5 miles, 5400' gain over rugged, steep, and cholla-infested desert terrain. But it's a fun hike. Paved road driving with a short car shuttle so we can return via the route 1. Email recent conditioning and experience and contact info to George. Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, TOM HILL, WAYNE VOLLAIRE
Feb 27 Wed Hundred Peaks
O: Pacifico Mountain (7124'): Pretty hike mostly on PCT from Mill Creek Summit to a classic Angeles peak. Suitable for well-conditioned beginners. Moderate, 12 miles round trip, 2200 gain, mainly on the Pacific Crest Trail. For details and trip status contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leader: GEORGE WYSUP
Mar 1 Sat Hundred Peaks
Postponed/canceled due to scheduling conflict
I: Russell Peak (6696'), Morris Peak (7215'): Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leader: GEORGE WYSUP
Mar 1 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Rabbit Peak #1 (5307'), Granite Mountain #1 (6600'), Round Top Mountain (6316') and Iron Mountain #3 (5040'): 10 miles total distance, 4000'gain. This is a strenuous loop hike of the "Little Four" that will utilize use trails on steep ridges going up and coming down. Contact leader for meeting place and time. Bring water, lug soles, lunch, hat, sunscreen, warm clothes and windbreaker. Leader: BILL SIMPSON Co-Leader: LILLY FUKUI
Mar 1-2 Sat-Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Whale Peak (5349'), Rosa Point (5038'): Canceled. Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, GARY SCHENK
Mar 5 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: White Mountain #1 (7727'), Rattlesnake Mountain (6131'), Luna Mountain (5967'), Round Mountain (5272'): Join our search for peaks to climb in the desert fringe of Hesperia east of Cajon Pass. First peak maximum 7 miles round trip, 1900' gain; final three total 6 miles, 2000' gain. Each peak a separate hike, do any or all. Much dirt road driving; high clearance vehicles recommended. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, WAYNE BANNISTER
Mar 8 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Hines Peak (6716'), Topatopa Bluff (6367'): Strenuous hike in the Ventura County backcountry near Ojai via beautiful Sisar Canyon. 19 miles, 5500' gain, mostly on dirt roads and trails. Paced to complete in 10 hours. E-mail leader for details. Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-Leader: WAYNE VOLLAIRE
Mar 8 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Red Mountain (5261'): Black Mountain #6 (5244'): This Red Mountain weekend begins with ascents of two volcanic peaks SW of Death Valley. Moderately strenuous, 12 miles round trip, 3000' gain cross-country in desert terrain if you do both peaks. Dirt road driving for second peak, high-clearance vehicles recommended. Option to stay over Saturday night in a Randsburg turn-of-the century hotel, to eat dinner in an old opera house, and to learn about the history of mining on Red Mountain in a slide show presentation by a local historian. For details on staying in the historic hotel and going to the talk contact Marlen Mertz. For details on hikes contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, MARLEN MERTZ
Mar 8 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Bernard Peak (5430'), Little Berdoo Peak (5440'+): Hike these two fine summits via a long cross-country route from the Keys View paved road. The entire hike will be about 16 miles round trip with 2000' of gain. For details contact Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Mar 8 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Bighorn Mountains (5894'), Meeks Mountain (6277'): Moderately strenuous desert hiking along dirt roads and ridges to peaks between Victorville and Joshua Tree for 5 miles round trip with 1001' of gain for Bighorn and 2.5 miles rt with 903' of gain for Meeks. Visit one or both. High clearance 4WD advised. Slow pace. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, KATHY CHEEVER
Mar 8-9 Sat-Sun Hundred Peaks
I: The BIG THREE: McKinley Mountain (6200'), San Rafael Mountain (6593'), Santa Cruz Peak (5570'): Canceled due to fire closure. Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-Leader: WAYNE VOLLAIRE
Mar 9 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Quail Mountain (5800'+): Moderate hike to the highest point in Joshua Tree National Park. The entire hike will be about 10 miles round trip with 1800' of gain. For details contact Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: BILL SIMPSON, IGNACIA DOGGETT
Mar 9 Sun Hundred Peaks
M: Five Fingers (5174'), explore Parallel Peak (6063') via Peak 6352': Three interesting summits in the Southern Sierra near Walker Pass to close out the Red Mountain weekend. First peak is a a scree-and-climb requiring comfort on solid rock, 3 miles round trip, 1600' gain. Final peaks 4 miles round trip, 2100' gain, as we explore peaks in a remote area of Kern County near the Lamont Peak (SPS) trailhead. Some dirt road driving, high clearance vehicles recommended. For hike details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, MARLEN MERTZ
Mar 9 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Russell Peak (6696'), Backus Peak (6651'): 9 miles, 2500' gain on occasional rocky terrain with some steep and loose sections in Southern Sierra near Highways 178 and 14. Moderate pace. Bring 10 essentials, lunch. E-mail leaders for meeting time and place and with recent conditioning/experience. Leaders: VIRGIL POPESCU, PAT ARREDONDO
Mar 12 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Deer Mountain (5536'): Northside approach from Hesperia side using obscure paths from 3N59 near Luna Mountain, strenuous 15 miles round trip, 2800' gain. May shorten route if Deep Creek has low flow. Much dirt road driving; high clearance vehicles recommended. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, WAYNE BANNISTER
Mar 12 Wed Hundred Peaks
O: Mount Islip (8250'): Due to closure of Highway 2, replaced with the Emmas. Contact leaders by email for meeting time and place. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, INGEBORG PROCHAZKA
Mar 12 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Martinez Mountain (6560'+): Hike this great, deserty, rocky peak at a moderate pace. The entire hike will be about 16 miles round trip with 4300' of gain. Expect to take about 8 hours. For details contact Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant: BILL SIMPSON
Mar 12 Wed Local Hikes
O: Winston Peak (7502'), Winston Ridge (7003'): 5 miles round trip, 1100' of gain. Start and end at Cloudburst Summit. Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles. Leaders: BETH MIKA, DON SIMINSKI
Mar 15 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Santiago Peak (5687'), Modjeska Peak (5496'): Canceled due to fire closure, replaced by Meeks and Black (see below). Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, WAYNE BANNISTER
Mar 15 Sat Hundred Peaks
Rescheduled from January 27
I: Meeks Mountain (6277'), Black Mountain #4 (6149'): Two desert peaks near Yucca Valley and Joshua Tree. First peak 4 miles round trip, 900' gain. Second peak 5 miles round trip, 1600' gain. Moderately strenuous overall, do either or both. Long dirt road drives; high-clearance vehicles recommended. Leaders will carcamp in the area from Saturday's trip. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, WAYNE BANNISTER
Mar 15 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Chuckwalla Mountain (5029'), Cross Mountain (5203'): Expect to see some exquisite flowers! These poppy fields are absolutely gorgeous, when the flowers are blooming. Perhaps 2008 will be a great year. The entire hike is about 11 miles round trip with 4000' of gain. For details contact Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Mar 15 Sat Gay and Lesbian Sierrans
O: Round Top (6316'), Granite Mountain (5633'): Pine trees, clear mountain air and a stunning 360° view at the top await you on this Peakbaggers' Special. This is a moderately strenuous 13 mile round trip, 1600' gain hike that will take most of the day on a gradually-climbing fire road, that's the moderate part. The strenuous part is heading up Granite Mountain - 20 minutes on a steep, barely there trail. Meet 8 AM sharp at La Cañada rideshare point. Bring a big lunch, 3 liters of water, sunscreen, lots of layers for unpredictable March Weather, adventure pass. Heavy rain or snow cancels. Leader: NANCY BEVERLY Co-Leader: S. K. CHIOU
Mar 16 Sun Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Black Mountain #3 (5686'), Tehachapi Mountain (7960'+): Two easy hikes to a two lovely peak. For Black #3, the entire hike will only be about 2.5 miles round trip with 1500' of gain: steep. Tehachapi is all on trail, and may involve some postholing near the summit: 5 miles round trip, 2000' gain. For details contact Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant: IGNACIA DOGGETT
Mar 16 Sun Hundred Peaks, Lower Peaks, Natural Science
New Outing, first time published
I: Onyx Peak #2 (5244'), Saddleback Butte (3651'): This should be a pretty good spring for wildflowers so we will take time to smell them. Onyx (SE of Lake Isabella) has the best display I've ever seen. 4 miles, 2300' gain cross country route, some steep sand. [Optional] Saddleback Butte (east of Lancaster) can also be excellent. 4 miles, 1000' gain on use trail. Natural Science credit available for prospective leaders. For information email George. Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, LAURA JOSEPH
Mar 16 Sun Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Explore Tandy Peak (5098'), then Quail Mountain (5800'+), Mount Inspiration (5560'+): Strenuous hike to Quail, the highest point in Joshua Tree National Park, by way of delisted Tandy Peak and Juniper Flats. Lots of desert-style cross country, 14 miles round trip, 2300' gain for the first two peaks; final peak adds 700' gain afterwards if conditions cooperate. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER
Mar 17 Mon Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Mayan Peak (6108'), Butterbredt Peak (5997'): Steep and loose sandy walks in the Jawbone Canyon area north of Mojave. Mayan is a moderately strenuous 3 miles round trip with 1800' of gain and Butterbredt is about the same. Mayan requires a couple of rock climbing moves to ascend the optional summit block. Slow pace. High clearance 4WD is recommended. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during the four days before the event for status and details. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, CHERYL GILL
Mar 18 Tue Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Quail Mountain (5800'): Enjoy pleasant day hike with desert scenery at a moderate pace 10 miles, 1800' gain. For hike details contact Leader: JENNIFER WASHINGTON Co-Leader: DAVE COMERZAN
Mar 18 Tue Hundred Peaks
I: Snowshoe in the local mountains (wherever conditions permit): Approximately 10 miles, 2500' gain. Pace will be moderate. Destination will be finalized before the trip date. Email Sandy the week before for instructions. Leaders: SANDY BURNSIDE, MARS BONFIRE
Mar 19 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Indian Mountain (5790'): We take the southern approach to Indian from Pine Cove near Idyllwild, pioneered by Peter Doggett. Moderately strenuous one-way shuttle trip on paved roads, 10 miles total hiking, 2200' gain. Short stretch of brushy cross-country near the summit. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, WAYNE BANNISTER
Mar 19 Wed Local Hikes
O: Mount Wilson Circle Hike: 5 miles round trip, 500' gain. See the 100" telescope and learn some astronomy. Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Bring water, lugsoles, lunch, rideshare $. Leaders: JOHN DePOY, DAN BUTLER
Mar 19 Wed Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Villager Peak (5746'), Rabbit Peak (6642'): Very strenuous day hike (not a backpack) over steep, loose, rocky and thorny terrain to peaks west of the Salton Sea. 21 miles round trip with 8000' gain. Suitable only for well-conditioned hikers. Slow pace. Expect 20+ hours and night travel. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during the four days before event for status and details. Leaders: CHERYL GILL, MARS BONFIRE
Mar 22 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Buck Point (6433'), San Sevaine (5240'+): Explore a route from the south to the summits of these seldom visited peaks near Cajon Pass. Strenuous, up to 18 miles round trip, 6100' gain on combination of firebreaks, roads, and cross-country. Possible car shuttle. For details send conditioning/experience to Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, WAYNE BANNISTER, WAYNE VOLLAIRE
Mar 22 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Rattlesnake Peak (5826'): Hike this great, steep peak at a moderate pace. The total hike will be about 9 miles round trip with 3700' gain. For details contact Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Mar 22 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
O: Reyes Peak (7510'), Haddock Mountain (7416'): Canceled due to road closure. Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-Leader: LAURA LATHROP-WARRINER
Mar 24 Mon Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Mount Emma (5273'), Old Mount Emma (5063'): Moderately strenuous walk on orad and steep and loose ridges to peaks south of Palmdale for 6.5 miles round trip with 1670' of gain. Slow pace. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during the four days before event for status and details. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, CHERYL GILL
Mar 26 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Eagle Crag (5077'): Canceled due to Poomacha fire closure. Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, DAVE COMERZAN
Mar 26 Wed Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Russell Peak (6696'), Backus Peak (6651'): Replaced with nearby Onyx Peak (5244') via the east ridge, 6 miles round trip, 2700' gain, and incredible flowers. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Mar 26 Wed Hundred Peaks
Rescheduled from January 23
O: Little Cahuilla Mountain (5042'), Cahuilla Mountain (5635'): Visit this unusual pair of isolated peaks between Temecula and Idyllwild, moderate 9 miles round trip, 2400' gain. Separate hikes, do one or both. A few miles of easy dirt road driving; high clearance vehicles recommended. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, BRUCE CRAIG
Mar 29 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Oakzanita Peak (5054'), Stonewall Peak (5730'), Cuyamaca Peak (6512'), Middle Peak (5883'): Enjoy regrowth from the fire several years ago as we trek our favorite park in San Diego County. Strenuous overall, 14 miles round trip, 4000' gain. Paved road driving. Consider carcamping for Sunday's trip in the area. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, PAT ARREDONDO
Mar 29 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Mount Lukens (5074'): Visit the high point of the City of Los Angeles. The hike is mostly on trail with some hiking on fire road with 9 miles round trip and 3000' gain. Be prepared for spectacular views of the Los Angeles basin and surrounding mountains from the summit. For details contact Leader: BILL SIMPSON Co-Leader: LILLY FUKUI
Mar 29 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Caliente Mountain (5106'): Strenuous, brushy & perhaps hot hike to the high point of San Luis Obispo county. The total hike will be about 10 miles round trip with 3300' of gain. For details contact Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant: IGNACIA DOGGETT
Mar 29 Sat Wilderness Adventures
O: Mount Lowe: Scenic 13 mile, 3800' gain moderately paced loop hike past historic Echo Mountain on the Castle Canyon Trail to Inspiration Point, and on to Mount Lowe. Meet 8:50 AM top of Lake Ave in Altadena with 2 quarts of water, lunch, rain gear. Heavy rain cancels. Leader: GARY ANDERSON Co-Leader: MIA YANG
Mar 30 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Cuyapaipe Mountain (6378'), Sheephead Mountain (5896'), Monument Peak #1 (6271'), Garnet Peak (5880'+), Garnet Mountain (5680'+): Here's a series of small adventures in the Laguna Mountains of southern San Diego County. Doing all five is a strenuous adventure of 12 miles round trip, 3000' gain, harder than it sounds. Much cross-country and brush, some trails, a little of everything; but we do them in order of difficulty from hard to easy. Consider staying over from Saturday's trip. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, PAT ARREDONDO
Apr 2 Wed Hundred Peaks
O: Sawtooth Peak (5200'+), Burnt Peak (5788'), Liebre Mountain (5760'+): Enjoy the Liebre Range in far northwest Los Angeles County. Moderately strenuous, 10 miles round trip, 2600' gain on firebreaks and roads. Much dirt road driving; high clearance vehicles recommended. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, DAVE COMERZAN
Apr 4-6 Fri-Sun Natural Science, Long Beach
O: Desert Ecology Workship: Explore three important waterways on the borders of Mojave and Colorado Desert during spring wildflower season. Observe birds and other wildlife, flora, and fire's effects on the desert. Car camp at Whitewater Preserve near Palm Springs, Canyon hikes Sat/Sun, potluck Sat, LTC credit available. $30 payable to SC Natural Sciences Section w/ SC#, $35 w/o. Details via E-mail or SASE. Send payment, conditioning, contact, and carpool information to Leader: SHARON MOORE Assistant Leader/Naturalist: SHERRY ROSS Assistant Ldr: MEI KWAN Naturalist: KATHY KEANE
Apr 5 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Lightner Peak (6430'): We climb the steep trail from Kern River/Miracle Hot Springs on the north side to grand vistas of the Central Valley surrounding Bakersfield area. Strenuous, 11 miles round trip, 4300' gain. But if you still have some energy, consider continuing on to Bald Eagle (a separate outing, listed below.) For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, BRUCE CRAIG, PAT ARREDONDO
Apr 5 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Bald Eagle Peak (6181'): Visit this fine little rock scramble as a separate trip on the same day as the nearby Lightner trip. Easy, one mile round trip, 600' gain. If interested contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, PAT ARREDONDO
Apr 5 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Cole Point (5604'), Mount Emma (5273'), Old Mount Emma (5063'): Moderately paced. Approximately 9 miles, 2500' gain. Great panorama. Lots of ups and downs on the way. Meet 8 AM La Cañada rideshare location. Bring lunch, lots of water and good cheer. Leader: HARVEY GANZ Co-Leader: BRENT COSTELLO
Apr 5 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Indianhead (3960'+): Climb this very steep & rocky peak near Borrego Springs. The entire hike is 4.5 miles round trip with 3200' of gain. This is a demanding hike that should only be attempted by adventurous, strong & extreme hikers. Bring: lug soles, water, lunch, jacket, gloves & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Apr 5 Sat LTC, WTC, Hundred Peaks
O: GPS Class: Introduction to Global Positioning System at Eaton Canyon Nature Center, Pasadena. Apply early, no registration at door, start 9 AM indoors. Focus on Garman models includes features, selection, operation, use with maps (provided), hands-on field practice in afternoon. Bring GPS, but we have loaners. Send sase, phones, email, any GPS experience & model, $20 (LTC-no refund after April 7) to Leader: HARRY FREIMANIS Assistant: ROBERT MYERS
Apr 5 Sat Wilderness Adventures
O: Mount Lukens (5074'): From Deukmejian Park in La Crescenta. A great 9 mile round trip, 2900' gain hike. Pretty wildflowers in the Spring. Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare point or 9:15 AM at Park (exit 210 Freeway at either Lowell or Pennsylvania Ave, N to park entrance on Markridge St via either Dunsmore or New York Ave). Bring lunch, water, lugsoles, suitable clothing layers. Hard rain cancels. Leader: JEFF HAMILTON Assistant: ROBIN RIDINGER
Apr 5-6 Sat-Sun Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Martinez Mountain (6560'), Sheep Mountain (5141'): Join us for a 20-mile backpack, instead of the 1-day strenuous trudge. We plan 2 pleasant days of hiking in the Santa Rosa Wilderness. We'll hike in Saturday 5 miles/1000' gain to campsite then summit bag to Martinez 7 miles round trip and 2400' gain. Let's plan on a potluck for evening camp. Sunday morning we'll grab Sheep 3 miles round trip and 1100' gain, break camp then back to the cars. For more details please send/email recent conditioning/backpack experience to Leader: JENNIFER WASHINGTON Assistant: GEORGE WYSUP
Apr 5-6 Sat-Sun Tejon-Tehachapi, HPS, Natural Science, Santa Clarita, PV-SB, Long Beach
Rescheduled to April 12-13
I: Tejon Ranch, Wind Wolves, Unnamed Peak (5152'): Leader: KENT SCHWITKIS Naturalist/Co-Leaders: GINNY HERINGER, SHERRY ROSS
Apr 6 Sun Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: San Ysidro Mountain (6147'): Hike this fine peak in the Anza Borrego Desert. We'll hike UP Hellhole Canyon and hike DOWN Cherry Canyon. Car shuttle employed. UP - 8.5 miles, 5300'. DOWN - 2.5 miles, 1700'. Bring: lug soles, water, lunch, jacket & hat. Contact leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Apr 6 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Sorrell Peak (7704'), Piute Lookout (8326'), Weldon Peak (6320'): Three separate easy-to-moderate hikes in the forested Piute Mountains near Lake Isabella, 9 miles round trip, 2200' gain for all three peaks. Consider staying over from the Saturday hikes to Lightner and Bald Eagle. Extensive driving tour on generally good dirt roads (when dry). High-clearance vehicles recommended. For details and status contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER
Apr 7 Mon Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Mount Lawlor (5957'), Strawberry Peak (6124'): Moderately strenuous walk along dirt road; steep, loose, and thorny ridges; and trail to peaks north of Pasadena and west of Highway 2 for 6.5 miles round trip with 2360' gain. Suitable only for hikers skilled at unstable thorny terrain. Slow pace. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during the four days before event for status and details. Leaders: CHERYL GILL, MARS BONFIRE
Apr 9 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Mount Deception (5796'), Mount Disappointment (5960'), San Gabriel Peak (6161'), Mount Markham (5742'), Mount Lowe (5603'): Enjoy a hike to these historic peaks above Pasadena. Moderately paced 10 miles round trip, 2500' gain. Afterwards we may visit nearby Occidental Peak and Mount Wilson Skyline Park. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: BILL SIMPSON, WAYNE BANNISTER
Apr 9 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Barley Flats (5600'), Lawler (5957'): We will hike from Red Box on an old road 3 miles with 1000' gain to Barley Flats, then do another 2 miles with 800' gain to Lawler. After lunch, down the west side to the saddle, return 2 miles to Red Box. Meet at 9 AM La Cañada rideshare. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles. Leaders: DAN LUKE, BETH MIKA
Apr 9 Wed Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Iron Mountain #1 (8007'): Let's do this grueling hike to this classic San Gabriels peak while it's cool. We will hike route 1 from Heaton Flat at a reasonable pace. For seasoned hikers in good condition. Very strenuous, 14 miles round trip, 7200' gain with a few steep, loose stretches. Apply with conditioning information to Leader: GEORGE WYSUP Co-Leader: JENNIFER WASHINGTON
Apr 12 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Circle Mountain (6880'): List Finish and Celebration. Remember this outing that was postponed due to the October/November fires? Leader has been sitting with one remaining peak for almost half a year and is again ready to tackle her final mountain! Come hike and party atop Circle Mountain in Wrightwood (seven mile route) and then move to Table Mountain Campground for barbecuing, music and other festivities. Option to stay overnight in campground or cabin and hike and/or relax on Sunday. Email Marlen for overnight details, meeting times/rideshare locations. If you'd prefer an alternate shorter, standard (steep) route (2 miles round trip, 800' gain), contact Ted Lubeshkoff. Or see below for a more adventurous option... Leader: MARLEN MERTZ Assistants: TOM HILL, GEORGE WYSUP, WAYNE VOLLAIRE, BILL SIMPSON, ED LUBIN, MIKKI SIEGEL, PAT ARREDONDO, WINNETTE BUTLER, TED LUBESHKOFF, PAT VAUGHN
Apr 12 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Circle Mountain (6875'): Help Ms. Mertz celebrate her HPS List Finish via a longer, more strenuous hike to the summit. We'll descend via the easiest route. The hike to the top will be about 6 miles with 3300' of gain. The return route is only one mile with 800' of drop. No dirt road driving. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Co-leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON, LAURA JOSEPH
Apr 12 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Quail Mountain (5801'): Moderately strenuous desert hiking along trail, wash, and ridge to the highest peak in Joshua Tree National Park for 14 miles round trip with 1404' of gain. Slow pace. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, KATHY CHEEVER
Apr 13 Sun Tejon-Tehachapi, HPS, Natural Science, Santa Clarita, PV-SB, Long Beach
I: Tejon Ranch, Wind Wolves, Unnamed Peak (5152'): Enjoy pine forests and the picturesque high country of our San Emigdio Range and the grasslands of Wind Wolves. We will be immersing ourselves into an environment that is very similar to Tejon Ranch, by visiting the Wind Wolves Preserve. We will tour the proposed development areas, as well as the highly unique areas within Wind Wolves. We may see deer, elk, raptors, flowers, rock art, more. Take time to learn from our naturalists about the fauna and flora, help us plan the next stages in our goal to create a new state or national park. Lots of driving. Some easy hiking. Group size limited to 30. Esase/sase, phones, rideshare to Leader: KENT SCHWITKIS Naturalist/Co-Leaders: SHARON MOORE, SHERRY ROSS
Apr 13 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Butterfly Peak (6240'+), Lion Peak (6868'), Pine Mountain #2 (7054'), Pyramid Peak (7035'): Unusual shuttle trip near Idyllwild to access the Desert Divide from Pathfinder Ranch and exit at Morris Ranch Road to the north. Strenuous, 11 miles one way using car shuttle, 4200' gain, with much cross-country scrambling. Paved road driving. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: PAT ARREDONDO, WAYNE BANNISTER
Apr 13 Sun Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Butterfly Peak (6240'+), Ken Point (6423'): Hike these two fine peaks on the Desert Divide. The total hike will be about 10 miles round trip with 2800' of gain (2500' up + 300' back). Bring: lug soles, water, lunch & jacket. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Apr 17 Thu Hundred Peaks
I: Monte Cristo Loop: Rabbit Peak #1 (5307'), Granite Mountain #1 (6600'), Round Top (6316'), Iron Mountain #3 (5040'): Strenuous but classic spring loop hike to nearby Angeles Forest peaks, 14 miles round trip, 4200' gain on roads and sometimes steep firebreaks. Experienced hikers meet 7 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Bring some water, good footwear, and lunch for the top. Rain cancels; if in doubt contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, JOHN RADALJ
Apr 18-20 Fri-Sun Hundred Peaks
I: The BIG FOUR: Samon Peak (6227'), Madulce Peak (6536'), Big Pine Mountain (6800'), West Big Pine (6490'): Canceled due to forest closure. Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-Leader: SANDY SPERLING
Apr 19 Sat Hundred Peaks, Crescenta Valley, Lower Peaks, K-9
O: Mount Lowe (5603'), Brown Mountain (4466'): Bag a Hundred Peak and a Lower Peak on this moderately-strenuous loop trip from Eaton Saddle. 11 miles, 3300' gain. Well-behaved K-9's OK. Meet 8 AM, La Cañada rideshare point. Bring 3 L's (Lunch, Liquids, Lugsoles). Leaders: BOB THOMPSON, JIM FLEMING, AUGIE MEDINA
Apr 19 Sat Hundred Peaks, WTC
I: Quail Mountain (5813'): 12 mile, 4200' moderately strenuous loop hike with substantial cross country and some steep rocky portions. Check out the view from the highest peak in Joshua Tree National Park. Along the way find Johnny Lang's mine. Leave 6 AM Diamond Bar rideshare pt or 8:15 AM Quail Springs Picnic Area. (In Joshua Tree at SR62 turn south on Park Blvd with a sign "Joshua Tree National Park". Drive 10.9 miles to picnic area on the right. Park by restrooms.) National Park service entrance fee $15 per car. For more info contact Leader: PETER LARA Assistant: BARRY HOLCHIN
Apr 19 Sat Hundred Peaks, Desert Peaks
I: Garnet Mountain (5680'), Sombrero Peak (4229'): Join the celebration as Gene Mauk finishes 2 lists. First we will climb Garnet Mountain to finish the HPS list. Then, after a drive of about 60 miles, we will climb class 2 Sombrero Peak to finish the DPS list. Festivities will continue with a potluck dinner and campfire at Borrego Palm Campground in Borrego Springs. Send e-SASE (preferred) or SASE to Gene. Leaders: GENE MAUK, DOUG MANTLE, MARY McMANNES
Apr 19 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Black Mountain #4 (6149'), Warren Point (5103'): Climb these nice peaks in Yucca Valley & Joshua Tree. The first hike will be 4 miles round trip with 950' of Gain (800' up + 150' back). The second hike will be 4 miles round trip with 1000' of gain. Bring: lug soles, water, lunch, jacket & Hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Apr 19 Sat Crescenta Valley
O: Mill Creek Summit to Mount Pacifico Campground: 12 miles round trip, 2200' gain/loss. Moderately paced hike that follows the easy graded Pacific Crest Trail and a climb to the Mount Pacifico Campground. We will enjoy expansive views of the Antelope Valley and the Mojave Desert. Well mannered dogs welcome; must be in owner's control at all times. Meet 8 AM at La Cañada rideshare point. Bring at least 2 quarts of water, enough for your K9 companion, lunch, lugsoles. Rain or temperatures above 90° cancels. Leader: CATHY KISSINGER Assistants: JOHN YARD, OLIVIA HERNANDEZ
Apr 19-20 Sat-Sun LTC, WTC, DPS, HPS, SPS
I: Indian Cove Navigation: Navigation noodles at Joshua Tree National Park to satisfy the Basic (I/M) level navigation requirements. Saturday for practice, skills refresher, altimeter; homework, campfire. Sunday for checkout. To receive homework assignment, email/sase, navigation experience training, any WTC, leader rating, rideshare info, phones, to Leader: HARRY FREIMANIS Assistant: ROBERT MYERS
Apr 20 Sun Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Meeks Mountain (6277'), Bighorn Mountains (5894'): Hike these super peaks near Yucca Valley. The first peak will be only 4 miles round trip with 1000' of gain. The second peak will be 6 miles round trip with 1100' of gain. Bring: water, lug soles, lunch & jacket. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Apr 20 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Thorn Point (6920'+), San Guillermo Mountain (6606'): Long, gnarly cross-country scramble and bushwhack in Frazier Park area to ascend the west ridge of Thorn Point, with an approach via Cedar Creek Trail. Strenuous climb, 12 miles round trip, 3300' gain. From summit we descend the easy standard trail to vehicles. Second peak optional, 2 miles round trip, 800' gain. Much dirt road driving; high clearance vehicles recommended. For details send experience and conditioning to Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, WAYNE BANNISTER
Apr 20 Sun Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
O: Josephine Peak (5558'): Moderate paced, 8 miles round trip, 2100' gain, via Colby Canyon. Colby Canyon will be absolutely gorgeous after the wet winter. Don't miss it! Meet 9AM at La Cañada rideshare point but let us know you're coming by email in advance. Bring water, lunch, food to share. Rain cancels. Leaders: PAT ARREDONDO, LAURA JOSEPH
Apr 22 Tue Hundred Peaks
O: Liebre Mountain (5760'): We like to hike this drive-up via the PCT at about 8 miles with 2100' of gain. The terrain is partly wooded and partly open ridges. Contact leaders by email for meeting time and place. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, INGEBORG PROCHAZKA
Apr 23 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Rock Point (5280'+), Butterfly Peak (6240'+): We scour a puzzling stretch of the southern Desert Divide near Idyllwild to find these two interesting peaks. Moderately strenuous, 8 miles round trip, 2000' gain, with some rock scrambling and brush. Paved road driving. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, JOHN RADALJ
Apr 23 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Bare Mountain (6388'): 6 miles round trip, 1800' gain from Pinyon Flats, 800' gain on return. Moderate pace. Meet 8:58 AM, La Cañada rideshare point. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles, suitable clothing. Leaders: RON ROSIEN, GARY BICKEL
Apr 26 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Legends of the HPS: Backus Peak (6551' ), Russell Peak (6696'): Strenuous outing in southern Sierra involve 8 miles round trip and 3000' gain, mostly cross country. Peaks are named for two HPS great leaders. Minimal dirt road driving. Bring water, lunch, lug sole boots. Call leaders for meeting time and place. Leader: JOE YOUNG Assistant: DIANE DUNBAR
Apr 26 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Josephine Peak (5558'): Hike to this popular peak to enjoy the view and meet others. 6 miles round trip, 1900' gain, beginners welcome. The spring flowers will be blooming for picture taking. Meet 9 AM La Cañada ride share point. Bring water, lunch, wear boots. Rain cancels. Leaders: FRANK DOBOS, WAYNE WURZBURGER
Apr 26 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Cobblestone Mountain (6733'), White Mountain #2 (6250'), Sewart Mountain (6841'): Canceled due to road closure. Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: PATRICK VAUGHN, WAYNE BANNISTER
Apr 26 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Eagle Rest Peak (6005'): Climb this fantastic peak via San Emigdio Creek. The total hike will be about 11 miles round trip with 3800' of gain (2500' up & 1300' back). Bring: lug soles, water, lunch, jacket & hat. Contact the leader for meeting info. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leader: IGNACIA DOGGETT
Apr 27 Sun Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Bare Mountain (6388'): Hike this nice peak in the middle of the Angeles National Forest. The total hike will be 6 miles round trip with 2600' of gain (1800' up & 800' back). Bring: lug soles, water, lunch, jacket & hat. Contact the leader for meeting info. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Apr 27 Sun Hundred Peaks, GLS
O: Thorn Point (6935'): Canceled. Leaders: INGEBORG PROCHAZKA, NANCY BEVERLY
Apr 27 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Black Mountain #6 (5244'), Red Mountain (5261'): Moderately strenuous hikes in northeast Kern County. Expect some rocky steep cross-country terrain. Dirt road driving to each peak which requires high-clearance vehicles. Black is approx 5 miles round trip with 1400' gain; Red is approximately 5 miles round trip 1400' gain. E-mail leaders for meeting time and place and with recent conditioning/experience. Leaders: VIRGIL POPESCU, PAT ARREDONDO
Apr 27 Sun Hundred Peaks
O: Bare Mountain (6388'), [optional] Winston Peak (7502') and Winston Ridge (7003'): Let's visit this not-so-beautiful neighbor of Pacifico and Hillyer via the old standard route; 5 miles round trip, 2000' gain on firebreak. If that's not enough for you, continue to the Winstons after a short drive to Cloudburst Summit; adding 5 miles round trip with 1400' gain to your day. Hope for wildflowers. Email George for information. Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, BRUCE CRAIG, WAYNE BANNISTER, JENNIFER WASHINGTON
Apr 28 Mon Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Mount Wilson (5710'), Occidental (5732'), Mount Markham (5742'), Mount Lowe (5603'), San Gabriel Peak (6161'), Mount Disappointment (5961'), Mount Deception (5796'): Moderately strenuous walk along dirt road; trail; and steep, loose and thorny ridges to peaks north of Pasadena and east of Highway 2 for 10 miles round trip with 2931' gain. Do all or some. Slow pace. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during the four days before event for status and details. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, CHERYL GILL
Apr 30 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Iron Spring Mountain (5755'), Beauty Peak (5548'): Moderately strenuous adventure to two chaparral peaks between Idyllwild and Temecula, 9 miles round trip, 2700' gain. Harder than it sounds due to some easy rock scrambling and usually brushy conditions. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, DAVE COMERZAN
Apr 30 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Josephine Peak (5558') from Colby Canyon: A beautiful stream, shaded route, and great views from the top on this 8 mile round trip, 2500' gain hike. Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Bring lunch, water, suitable clothing, lugsoles. Leaders: ROSEMARY CAMPBELL, RON ROSIEN
May 3 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Mount Markham (5742'), Mount Lowe (5603'), Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup: Easy peaks in Angeles National Forest and easy cleanup of our section of Route 2. Hike total is six miles round trip, 1100' gain. Refreshments provided by the HPS, after we give a little back to the mountains. Start celebrating Cinco de Mayo early! Meet 8 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Bring water, lugsoles. Rain cancels. Leader: JIM S. FLEMING Assistant: WINNETTE BUTLER
May 3 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Alamo Mountain (7360'+ ), San Rafael Peak (6640'+), McDonald Peak (6870'): Canceled. Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, WAYNE BANNISTER, STEVE SMITH
May 3 Sat Hundred Peaks
Replacement outing for May 4 trip to Snowy and Black, which are not currently accessible.
I: Lizard Head (5320'+): Gnarly exploratory excursion to this remote summit in Los Padres will attempt to follow a former route that should have changed its brushy flavor after the Zaca Fire of last year. Long, strenuous hike of 18 miles round trip, 2200' gain. Although most of the trip is along a canyon trail, there is significant cross country travel necessary to reach the summit. Expect to traverse burnt slopes containing downed trees and other fire remnants. For trip details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, GEORGE WYSUP
May 3 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Lookout Mtn #2 (6812'): Postponed to May 10. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leader: IGNACIA DOGGETT
May 3 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Pacifico Mountain (7124') from Mill Creek Summit: Enjoy this lovely spring hike mostly on the PCT in the nearby Angeles. Moderate paced 12 miles round trip hike with 2200' gain. Bring water, goodies, 10 essentials, and your good humor! Meet 8 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, KATHY CHEEVER, LILLY FUKUI
May 3 Sat Palos Verdes-South Bay, Hundred Peaks
M: Strawberry Peak (6164'): Moderate 6 miles round trip, 2600' gain via Colby Canyon. Experience and comfort on class 3 rock required. Meet 9 AM Colby Canyon parking area (11 miles from La Cañada rideshare point, 1 mile beyond Angeles Crest/Angeles Forest junction). Bring good boots, Adventure Pass, something with "strawberries" to share on top. Rain cancels. Leaders: BARRY HOLCHIN, BOB BEACH
May 3 Sat LTC, WTC, HPS
I: Mount Lowe (5603') Beginning Navigation Clinic: 4 miles, 500' gain. Spend the day one-on-one with an instructor, learning/practicing map and compass. Beginners to rusty old-timers welcome. Not a check-off. Many expert leaders will attend; many I-rated leaders started here in the past. Send sase, $25 deposit made out to Sierra Club (refunded at trailhead), phone to Leader: DIANE DUNBAR Co-Leader: RICHARD BOARDMAN
May 3-4 Sat-Sun WTC, Desert Peaks, Hundred Peaks
I: Indianhead (3960'), San Ysidro Mountain (6147'): Enjoy desert scenery in Anza Borrego Desert State Park. On Saturday dayhike up beautiful Palm Canyon to DPS peak Indianhead (8 miles, 3200' gain). Car camp at Borrego Palm Canyon with happy hour and potluck dinner. Sunday AM drive short distance to trailhead for HPS peak San Ysidro Mountain (4 miles, 2300' gain). Send SASE or email (preferred) to leader with contact information, recent experience and conditioning. Leader: KATHY RICH; Co-Leader: WILL McWHINNEY
May 4 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Black Mountain #2 (6202'), Snowy Peak (6532'), Sewart Mountain (6841'): Replaced by May 3 trip to Lizard Head, see above. Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, WAYNE BANNISTER
May 4 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Cajon Mountain (5360'), Sugarpine Mountain (5478'), White Mountain #1 (7727'): Hike these three lovely peaks in the San Bernardino National Forest. The total hike will be about 10.5 miles round trip with 2300' of gain. Much dirt road driving between the peaks. Bring: lug soles, water, lunch & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leader: IGNACIA DOGGETT
May 4 Sun Hundred Peaks
O: Strawberry Peak (6164'), Mount Lawlor (5957'): Moderate paced, 8-9 mile round trip on trail with approximately 2000' gain. Bring water, lunch, and something with strawberries (or chocolate) to share on top. Rain cancels. Send ESASE to Leaders: LAURA JOSEPH, PAT ARREDONDO
May 5 Mon Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
O: Morris Peak (7215'): Moderately strenuous walk along PCT and use trail to a peak north of Mojave for 9 miles round trip with 2000' of gain. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE CANNON, MARS BONFIRE
May 6 Tue Hundred Peaks
O: Josephine Peak (5558'): We'll hike this peak in the front range of the San Gabriel Mountains by going up Colby Canyon to Josephine Saddle and take the road for a short distance to the summit. The total hiking distance is 8 miles round trip with 2100' of gain. Contact leaders by email for meeting time and place. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, INGEBORG PROCHAZKA
May 7 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Fox Mountain #1 (5167'), Peak Mountain (5843'), McPherson Peak (5749'): Knock off this cluster of peaks in the far NW outback of Santa Barbara County. First peak may require a new ridgeline approach due to Zaca Fire closure, up to 8 miles round trip, 2500' gain. Final peaks total 2 miles round trip, 800' gain. Much cross-country travel in scrub brush and sometimes steep slopes. Much dirt road driving, high clearance vehicles recommended. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, DAVE COMERZAN
May 7 Wed Hundred Peaks, 20s and 30s
New Outing, first time published
I: Simi Peak (2403'): Come out and join us for an evening walk to Simi Peak - the highest point in the Simi Hills, with great views and beautiful wildflowers! Hike is 9 miles and 2000' gain. Meeting location at 6:15 PM is Wood Ranch trailhead parking lot at the intersection of Wood Ranch Parkway and Long Canyon Road. Please bring a headlamp, windbreaker, water and a snack to share with the group on the peak. Co-Leaders: PAMELA ROWE, JIM FLEMING
May 10 Sat Hundred Peaks
Rescheduled from May 3

I: Lookout Mtn #2 (6812'): Hike this fine peak near Mount Baldy. The total hike will be about 4 miles round trip with 2300' of gain. Bring: lug soles, water, lunch & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leader: IGNACIA DOGGETT
May 10 Sat Hundred Peaks, Natural Science
O: Cerro Noroeste (8286'), Grouse Mountain (8582'): Postponed due to gate closure. Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, GINNY HERINGER, LAURA JOSEPH
May 10 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Iron Mountain #1 (8007'): Tough, grueling dayhike to this classic San Gabriel peak near Mount Baldy. We hike at a moderate but steady pace following the standard route from Heaton Flat, very strenuous, 14 miles round trip, 7200' gain. Group size limited by permit, so apply early with conditioning information to Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER
May 10 Sat Hundred Peaks, WTC
O: Baldylocks and the Three Ts: Our fifth annual - for Big Bad Wolves only! You know the story: Baldylocks heads out from her Mount Baldy Village home at the strike of dawn and hikes up 6000' in 6 miles to the top of Mount Baldy (10,064') where, gazing eastward, she spies Mama T, Papa T and Baby T, aka the Three Ts. "A T party!" she exclaims, then scrambles over Devil's Backbone, past the ski lift and up Thunder Mountain (8587'), Telegraph Peak (8985') and Timber Mountain (8303') before descending Icehouse Canyon to Grandma's house and a waiting car shuttle. "Only 20 miles and 8000' gain - this hike was ju-u-u-u-st right!" Long, strenuous and paced to complete pre-dark. But if you think this hike is just right, too, email your conditioning, experience and contact info to Leader: EDD RUSKOWITZ Assistant: MELISSA KANE
May 10 Sat Palos Verdes-South Bay, Hundred Peaks, WTC
I: Shay (6714'), Little Shay (6635'), Ingham (6355') and Deep Creek Host Springs (5' deep): 18th semi-annual Deep Creek Host Springs hike/soak/swim with some more peaks. Moderately paced 13 miles, 3100' gain with considerable cross country via exploratory routes. Some 4WD driving. Bring lunch, water, rain gear, lugs (swim suit optional!). No beginners. Plan on spending full day - it's near Hesperia. Rain cancels. Send esase (preferable) or sase, along with carpool info to Leader: BARRY HOLCHIN Co-Leader: WAYNE VOLLAIRE
May 10-11 Sat-Sun LTC, WTC, DPS, Desert Committee
I: Places We've Saved Navigation Noodle in the Mojave National Preserve: Join us for our fifth annual journey through this jewel of the Mojave now preserved, under the California Desert Protection Act, as a result of the efforts of Sierra Club activists and others. An intermediate cross-country navigation day-hike workshop will be conducted out of a car camp in the pinyon and juniper forests of the Mid Hills. Potluck and social on Saturday, and also for those arriving early on Friday. Send email or sase to Leader: VIRGIL SHIELDS Assistant: HARRY FREIMANIS
May 11 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Three Sisters (8080'+), Heart Bar Peak (8332'): Come hike these two fine peaks on Mother's Day. The first hike will be a total of about 7 miles with a total gain of 1800 feet. The second peak will be a total of about 3 miles with a total gain of about 1500 feet. Please bring: water, lug soles, lunch, hat and a jacket. Contact the leader for meeting info. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
May 11 Sun Hundred Peaks
O: Winston Ridge (7003'): Celebrate Mother's Day and a List finish on Winston Ridge! 5 miles round trip, 1000' gain, and a beautiful wooded summit in the Angeles Forest near Cloudburst Summit. Meet 9AM La Cañada rideshare point. Bring goodies to share and good cheer... Leaders: CHERYL GILL, KAREN & WOLF LEVERICH, WINNETTE BUTLER
May 11 Sun Hundred Peaks, 20s and 30s
New Outing, first time published
O: Akawie (7283'), Winston Peak (7502'), Winston Ridge (7003') and possibly Krakta Ridge (7515'): Come join us for a longer version of Cheryl Gill's list finish (aka my body double in my list finish pictures in the Lookout). First hike to Akawie is 1.2 miles and 400'. Separate hike to the Winstons at approximately 5 miles and 1400' gain to catch up with the group (or maybe crash the party). Possible separate hike to Krakta Ridge afterwards with 1.5 miles and 700'. Be sure to bring goodies to share and 10 essentials. RSVP to Leader: PAMELA ROWE Co-Leaders: LOUIS KWAN, GREG DALY
May 12 Mon Hundred Peaks
I: Mount Williamson (8214'): Moderately strenuous walk along PCT and use trail to a peak southeast of Palmdale for 4 miles round trip with 1529' gain. Slow pace. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: CHERYL GILL, MARS BONFIRE
May 14 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Hawes Peak (6751'), Little Shay Mountain (6635'), Ingham Peak (6355'), Shay Mountain (6714'): Loop hike near Big Bear in somewhat challenging burnt-out woodlands with patchy poodledog growth, moderately strenuous 10 miles round trip, 3200' gain. Lots of dirt road driving. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, WAYNE BANNISTER
May 16-18 Fri-Sun LTC, Harwood Lodge, WTC
C: Wilderness First Aid Course: Runs from 8 AM Friday to 5:30 PM Sunday. Includes lodging, meals, practice first aid kit. CPR within previous 4 years required to enroll. $190 with SC#/$200 non-member (full refund through April 11). For application, contact Leader: STEVE SCHUSTER
May 16 Fri Hundred Peaks
Hundred Peaks Management Committee Meeting: The HPS Management Committee will meet at 6:30 PM at the Keller Peak Ski Hut (site of the weekend's Spring Fling.) All are welcome to attend. For directions, contact Program Chair: DAVE COMERZAN
May 17 Sat WTC, Hundred Peaks
I: Lake Peak (10,161'): Practice navigation for Sunday's checkoff on this 13.5 mile round trip, 3500' gain hike in the San Gorgonio Wilderness. We will take a cross-country route to Lake Peak and practice micro-navigation skills along the way. Send email (preferred) or sase, with contact info & recent conditioning to Leader: ROBERT MYERS Co-Leaders: JANE SIMPSON, ADRIENNE BENEDICT
May 17-18 Sat-Sun Hundred Peaks
HPS Spring Fling Weekend at Keller Peak Ski Hut: Welcome in the spring with a fun and festive weekend at Keller Peak Ski Hut in the San Bernardino Mountains. Join us for peak-bagging in the area and fun or camping (with potluck Saturday night) at the hut, or motels in area. Send SASE, e-sase or fax for info/reservation to Reservationist: DAVE COMERZAN
May 17 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Hawes Peak (6751'), Little Shay Mountain (6635'), Ingham Peak (6355'), Shay Mountain (6714'): Spring Fling loop hike north of Big Bear in somewhat challenging burnt-out woodlands. Moderately strenuous 10 miles round trip, 3200' gain. Lots of dirt road driving. Send recent conditioning, phone, city, & rideshare information to Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-Leader: WAYNE VOLLAIRE
May 17 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Sugarloaf Mountain (9952'): Spring Fling hike near Big Bear that follows an unusual route to the peak from the west and north, visiting huge western junipers along the way. Moderately strenuous, 9 miles round trip, 2800' gain mostly on road and trail; the final push goes steeply up forested slopes to the summit. For details contact Leader: GEORGE WYSUP Co-Leaders: TOM HILL, MARLEN MERTZ, PATRICK VAUGHN
May 17 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Little Bear Peak (7621'), Delamar Mountain (8398'), Arctic Point (8336'), Bertha Peak (8201'): Do some peakbagging on the north side of Big Bear Lake as part of the HPS Spring Fling. 9 miles, 2400' gain combined, mostly cross-country. Dirt road driving between peaks. High clearance vehicles appreciated. Meet at Fawnskin rideshare by the fire station at 8 AM. Leaders: SANDY SPERLING, PETER LARA
May 17 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: The Pinnacles (5737'), Mount Marie Louise (5507'): Enjoy these two rocky summits north of Lake Arrowhead, moderately strenuous but slow paced 6 miles round trip, 1600' gain cross-country in desert-like terrain. Some brush and rock scrambling, some dirt road driving. We'll finish in time for the HPS Spring Fling potluck. Meet 8AM in the parking lot of the Heaps Peak Arboretum: From Highway 330, come up the mountain from the City of Highland and turn west on Highway 18 from Running Springs for 4.5 miles, it is directly on your right-hand side on Highway 18. Or from San Bernardino, drive up the mountain on Highway 18 and continue past the Lake Arrowhead turnoff (Highway 173) Stay on Highway 18 for approximately 2 miles and it will appear on your left-hand side. Leaders: MARK ALLEN, WINNETTE BUTLER, CHERYL GILL, JIM FLEMING, WOLF & KAREN LEVERICH
May 17 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Granite Peaks (7527'), Mineral Mountain (7238') & Tip Top Mountain (7623'): Strenuous, Spring Fling hike to an adventurous peak and two lovely mountains. The total hike will be about 8 miles Round Trip with 2900' Gain. For details, contact Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT & BILL SIMPSON
May 18 Sun Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Rattlesnake Mountain (6131'), Luna Mountain (5967') & Round Mountain (5272'): Enjoy this moderate Spring Fling hike at a comfortable pace. The total hike will be about 5.5 miles round trip with 2000' of gain. For details contact For details, contact Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT & BILL SIMPSON
May 18 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Gold Mountain (8235'), Silver Peak (6756'): Why were these peaks named after precious metals? Let's visit them while at the HPS Spring Fling. 6.5 miles, 1900' gain combined. Dirt road driving between peaks. High clearance vehicles appreciated. Meet at Fawnskin rideshare by the fire station at 9 AM or make other arrangements with leaders on Sat night. Leaders: SANDY SPERLING, PETER LARA
May 18 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Deer Mountain (5536'): Spring Fling hike to this obscure brushy peak near Lake Arrowhead. Moderate, 5 miles round trip, 1800' gain. For details and status contact Tom. Co-Leaders: PAT ARREDONDO, TOM HILL, MARLEN MERTZ
May 18 Sun Hundred Peaks
O: Mill Peak (6670'), Keller Peak (LO) (7882'), Slide Peak (7841'): Three simple but very different peaks near Keller Ski Hut and the HPS Spring Fling. All driving on paved roads. Slide is 1 1/2 miles cross-country on firebreak, 460' gain, to the top of a ski lift. Mill is 2 miles round trip, 600' gain, on road and good use trail. Keller can be driven up, and we might. But if there's interest, we can set up a car shuttle and hike up the new trail, getting in a few more miles of hiking and another 1000' of gain. Chat up leaders at potluck Saturday night or meet 9 AM at the old Mill Peak trailhead (plenty of parking): from Running Springs, go east 1.0 miles on Highway 18, turn right (south) on Keller Peak Road and park in 0.5 miles in a large dirt turnout on the right. Leaders: MARK ALLEN, WINNETTE BUTLER, CHERYL GILL, WOLF & KAREN LEVERICH, JIM FLEMING
May 18 Sun LTC, WTC, HPS
I: Grinnell Ridge Navigation: Navigation noodles at Grinnell Ridge for either checkout or practice to satisfy the Basic (I/M) or Advanced (E) level navigation requirements. To receive homework assignment, send navigation experience/training, any WTC, leader rating, rideshare info, phones, email/sase to Leader: HARRY FREIMANIS Assistant: ROBERT MYERS
May 19 Mon Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
O: Iron Mountain #3 (5040'), Rabbit Peak #1 (5307'): Rough road driving and moderately strenuous steep and loose hiking for 2 miles round trip with 859' gain to two peaks off Angeles Forest Highway in the San Gabriel Mountains. Slow pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE CANNON, MARS BONFIRE
May 20 Tue Hundred Peaks
I: Granite Peaks (7527'), Tip Top Mountain (7623'), Mineral Mountain (7238'): Join us east of Big Bear Lake for this strenuous cross-country trek. We will hike Tip Top and Mineral rather than driving that awful road to Tip Top. 9 miles round trip, 2700' gain. Some dirt driving requiring high clearance vehicles. Apply with recent conditioning info to Leader: GEORGE WYSUP Co-Leader: JENNIFER WASHINGTON
May 21 Wed Hundred Peaks
O: Pacifico Mountain (7124'): Pretty hike mostly on PCT from Mill Creek Summit to a classic Angeles peak. Suitable for well-conditioned beginners. Moderate, 12 miles round trip, 2200 gain, mainly on the Pacific Crest Trail. Bring water, 10 essentials. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, JOHN RADALJ
May 24 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Pinyon Peak (6805'): Canceled due to forecast of bad weather. Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, WAYNE BANNISTER
May 24 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Iron Mountain #1 (8007'): Hike this very strenuous peak in the Angeles National Forest. The total hike is 14 miles round trip with 7200' gain. Highly recommended for those who enjoy gain! First 4.75 miles up: fairly enjoyable trail. Last 2.25 miles up: brutally steep. Paced to take 8-9 hours. Bring water, lug soles, sunscreen, lunch, jacket & hat. To obtain the meeting information, contact Leader: BILL SIMPSON Co-Leaders: PETER & IGNACIA DOGGETT
May 24 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
O: Mount McDill (5187'): Rescheduled to May 26th. Leaders: SUZY HERMANN, KAREN ISAACSON LEVERICH, DORIS DUVAL, MARK ALLEN
May 24-26 Sat-Mon Wilderness Adventures, HPS, Pasadena, OCSS
New Outing, first time published
I: Bear Creek, West Fork of San Gabriel River Backpack (Smith Mountain (5111'), Monrovia Peak (5409'): Enjoy the Memorial Day Weekend on this moderately paced backpack along Bear Creek trail to Bear Creek, down Bear Creek, west along West Fork of San Gabriel River to Glenn Trail Camp, exit at Rincon Fire Station. Bag Smith Mountain and Monrovia Peak as side trips. Total mileage and gain/loss, not including side trips to peaks, is about 21 miles, 1100' gain/2800' loss. Short car shuttle required. Send name, phones, email, recent backpacking experience to Leader: BRENT COSTELLO Co-Leader: HARVEY GANZ
May 25 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Cannel Point (8314') from Kernville: Postponed, perhaps until June 28th or 29th. Leader: GEORGE WYSUP Assistants: TOM HILL, WAYNE BANNISTER
May 26 Mon Hundred Peaks
Rescheduled from May 24th
O: Mount McDill (5187'): Visit a peak that was on the List decades ago, just north of the Antelope Valley Freeway between Santa Clarita and Palmdale. We'll ascend to the Sierra Pelona Ridge from Bouquet Canyon on the Pacific Crest Trail, then follow the Sierra Pelona Trail to the peak in Ritter Ranch Park. Approximately 12 miles round trip, 2500' gain. Slow pace, but that leaves time and breath to chat with friends and admire views. Meet before 8AM at the Canyon Country rideshare point (group will leave for the trailhead at 8AM). Leaders: SUZY HERMANN, KAREN ISAACSON LEVERICH, DORIS DUVAL, MARK ALLEN
May 28 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Timber Mountain (8303'): 10 miles round trip, 3300' gain. Strenuous. Moderate pace up Icehouse Canyon via Columbine Spring. Return same route. Meet 8:30 AM at public parking lot (intersection of Mills Ave & Baldy Rd). Bring water, lunch, appropriate clothing, lugsoles. Leaders: DORIS DUVAL, DON SIMINSKI
May 29 Thu Hundred Peaks
O: Kratka Ridge (7515'), Mount Akawie (7283'), Winston Ridge (7003'), Winston Peak (7502'): Ramble the San Gabriels on this series of easy peaks in the Middle High Country. Moderate, 9 miles round trip, 2200' gain for all four peaks. Do any or all. Paved road driving. Meet 7 AM at La Cañada rideshare point. For additional information contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: BRUCE CRAIG, DAVE COMERZAN
May 31 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Legends of the HPS: Goodykoontz Peak (7558'), Mount Williamson (8244'+): Strenuous outing in the Angeles Forest involves 8 miles round trip and 3000' gain and a car shuttle. Learn about Frank Goodykoontz, one of the greatest HPS leaders of all time. Meet 7:30 AM at La Cañada rideshare point. Bring water, lunch, lug sole boots. Leader: JOE YOUNG Assistant: BOB THOMPSON
May 31 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: San Rafael Peak (6666'): Climb the devil's peak at a heavenly pace. The total hike will be about 10 miles round trip with 2400' of gain (2100' in & 300' out). Bring: lug soles, water, lunch & hat. Contact the leader for meeting info. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT & BILL SIMPSON
Jun 1 Sun Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
O: Legends of the HPS: Mount Akawie (7283'), Winston Peak (7502'): Moderate outing in Angeles Forest involves 4 miles round trip and 1000' gain. Suitable for beginners. Learn about Dick Akawie, one of the Angeles Chapter's great leaders. This is the annual first Sun in June hike with Stag. Meet 8 AM at La Cañada rideshare point. Bring water, lunch, sturdy boots. Leader: JOE YOUNG Assistant: STAG BROWN
Jun 1 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Chief Peak (5560'+), Hines Peak (6704'), Topatopa Bluff (6367'): Visit three spectacular peaks in condor country along Nordhoff Ridge near Ojai. Easy-paced 9 miles round trip, 3000' gain. Expect some rugged scrambling, including a traverse of a severe knife-edge at Hines that will definitely get your attention. Your 4wd vehicle especially welcome since 4x4 driving permits are required to access the trailheads. For details send vehicle type to Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, PAT ARREDONDO
Jun 1 Sun Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
I: Sewart Mountain (6841'), Snowy Peak (6532'), Black Mountain #2 (6202'): Hike these 3 peaks near Gorman. The entire hike will be 10 miles round trip with 4000' of gain. Could be very brushy. Fairly strenuous. Time permitting, the leaders will also hike to McDonald Peak (6870') and Alamo Mountain (7360+'), which would add another 3 miles and 850' of gain. Consider also hiking with the leaders on Saturday and staying overnight in the area for two days of fun! Bring water, lug soles, lunch, layers and hat. Send email to Leader: BILL SIMPSON Co-Leaders: PETER DOGGETT, IGNACIA DOGGETT
Jun 2 Mon Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
O: Circle Mountain (6881'), Gobblers Knob (6955'): Rough road driving and moderately strenuous steep and loose hiking to two peaks near Wrightwood in the San Gabriel Mountains. Circle is 2 miles round trip with 796' of gain and Gobber is 1 mile round trip with 476' of gain. Do one or both. High clearance 4WD advised. Slow pace. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE CANNON, MARS BONFIRE
Jun 3 Tue Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
I: Tip Top Mountain (7623'), Mineral Mountain (7238'): Two easy hikes totalling 4.8 miles round trip with 1100' of gain to peaks east of Big Bear Lake. Slow pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during the four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DORIS DUVAL, MARS BONFIRE, KAREN LEVERICH
Jun 4 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Ross Mountain (7402'), Mount Baden-Powell (9399'): We start from Vincent Gap and go over Baden-Powell to reach the remote summit of Ross. Very strenuous but moderately paced, 14 miles round trip, 5000' gain. Note that more than 2000' of this gain is on the return climb back over Baden-Powell. For details send conditioning and experience to Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, DAVE COMERZAN
Jun 4 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Pacifico (7124') from Mill Creek Summit: 12 miles round trip with 2200' gain. Hike on PCT going but may vary return route. Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Bring lunch, water, lugsoles. Leaders: DAN LUKE, BETH MIKA
Jun 7 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Split Mountain (6835'), Black Mountain #5 (7438'): Moderately paced, strenuous hike near Lake Isabella in steep terrain with some brush, 10 miles round trip, 4000' gain. Easy dirt road driving to trailhead. For details send conditioning and experience to Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, PAT ARREDONDO
Jun 7 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Sugarloaf Peak (6924'), Ontario Peak (8693'), Bighorn Peak (8441'), Cucamonga Peak (8859'), Etiwanda Peak (8662'): Visit these 5 wonderful peaks on a very strenuous hike in the wilderness. The total hike will be about 20 miles round trip with 6400' of gain. The first two peaks will be reached by hiking cross-country up a very steep canyon. The rest of the hike will follow good trails. Please bring: lug soles, water, lunch, jacket & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Jun 7 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
O: Timber Mountain (8303'), Bighorn Peak (8441'): Postponed (new date not yet determined) due to schedule conflict. Leader: CHRIS SPISAK Co-Leader: LILLY FUKUI
Jun 9 Mon Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
I: Lockwood Peak (6261'), Tecuya Mountain (7160'): Moderately strenuous hike of 5 miles round trip with 700' gain to a peak in the Frazier Park area. Might be able to drive to Tecuya afterward. Slow pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during the four days before event for status and details. Leaders: CHERYL GILL, MARS BONFIRE
Jun 11 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Marion Mountain (10,320'+), Jean Peak (10,670'), San Jacinto Peak (10,804'), Folly Peak (10,480'+), Drury Peak (10,160'+): Beautiful wilderness awaits on this springtime grand tour loop of San Jacinto State Park from the westside. Very strenuous 16 miles round trip, 5200' gain with considerable off-trail travel through rocky forested high country. Some rock scrambling. Group size limited by permit so reserve early. Paved road driving. For details send conditioning and experience to Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, WAYNE BANNISTER
Jun 11 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: San Gabriel Peak (6161'), Mount Lowe (5603'): 5 mile loop with car shuttle between JPL Trail & Eaton Saddle. Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Bring water, lugsoles. Leaders: DON SIMINSKI, JENNIFER WASHINGTON
Jun 11 Wed Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
O: Peak Mountain (5843'), McPherson Peak (5749'), Cuyama Peak (5878'): Two drive-ups and an easy hike of 1 mile round trip with 400' of gain to peaks near Maricopa. Slow pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during the four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DORIS DUVAL, MARS BONFIRE
Jun 11 Wed Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
I: Sam Fink Peak (7339'), Red Tahquitz (8720+'), Tahquitz Peak (LO) (8846'): Hike these 3 peaks in the Desert Divide near San Jacinto. The entire hike will be 20 miles round trip with 6200' gain. Hike will go through areas which are extremely beautiful. Fairly strenuous. Brisk pace. Bring water, lug soles, lunch, layers and hat. Send email to Leader: BILL SIMPSON Co-Leaders: PETER DOGGETT, IGNACIA DOGGETT
Jun 13-15 Fri-Sun Natural Science Section
O: Nature Knowledge Workshop: Join the Natural Science Section for a weekend of discovery and enjoyment as you learn about the natural wonders that surround you. From our streamside camp accomodations in the San Bernardino Mountains we'll explore three habitats - chaparral, forest and riparian via easy guided walks led by our Naturalists. Special interest and hands on workshops will be taught Saturday afternoon and evening by our professional Naturalists who will share their expertise in a variaety of natural history topics such as bird, bat, reptile, plant, mammal, insect, geology studies. Includes two nights lodging in dormitory cabins (bring own sleeping bag), six full course meals, instructions. (Tent or carcamping available). All this and hot showers, too! LTC credit available. Participants must be 13 years or older (under 18 must be accompanied by adult). Reservation deadline June 1. See NSS website. Send two SASE/email, phones, names of all participants, $138 with Sierra Club #/$158 non-member (make check to Natural Science Section) to Reservationist: MONICA DONLEY Leader: LIANA ARGENTO Assistants: CLIFF & GABI McLEAN
Jun 14 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Galena Peak (9324'): Creekbed bouldering and gnarly scree climb of the "Headwall" brings us to the highest point on Yucaipa Ridge near Redlands. Strenuous 10 miles round trip, 3300' gain. Number of participants limited. For details send conditioning and experience to Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, PAT ARREDONDO, PAT VAUGHN
Jun 14 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Ross Mountain (7402'), Mount Baden-Powell (9399'): Start from Vincent Gap and go over Baden-Powell to reach the summit of Ross. Very strenuous but moderately paced, 14 miles round trip, 5000' gain. 2000' of the gain is on the return climb. E-mail leader for details. Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-Leader: JOE YOUNG
Jun 14 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Pine Mountain #1 (9648'), Dawson Peak (9576'): Rescheduled to June 21. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, KATHY CHEEVER
Jun 15 Sun Wilderness Adventures, Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
O: Mount Williamson (8214'): This moderate 5 mile, 1600' gain hike offers a great view of the San Andreas Rift Zone. Meet 8 am La Cañada rideshare pt. Bring water, snack, sturdy shoes. Leader: RON GOLDFARB Assistant-Leader: MIA YANG-GOLDFARB
Jun 16 Mon Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
I: San Guillermo Mountain (6606'), Brush Mountain (7040'), San Emigdio Mountain (7492'): Easy hike of two miles round trip and 800' gain to a peak in the Frazier Park area. Might be able to add Brush, a drive up, and San Emigdio, a walk of a couple hundred yards. Slow pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: CHERYL GILL, MARS BONFIRE
Jun 17 Tue Hundred Peaks
O: Mill Peak (6670'), Keller Peak (7882'), Slide Peak (7841'): These peaks are in the San Bernardino Forest in beautiful tree and rock settings. Mill Peak is 3 miles round trip with 600' of gain. Keller Peak with its lookout tower is almost a drive-up, except when the gate is closed, then it is 2.5 miles round trip with 300' of gain. Slide Peak has the distinction of being the top of a ski lift. The hiking distance is about 2 miles round trip with 500' of gain. Contact leaders by email for meeting time and place. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, INGEBORG PROCHAZKA
Jun 17 Tue Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
O: Round Mountain (5272'), White Mountain (7727'): Rough road driving with simple hiking to two peaks north of Big Bear Lake. round is 1 mile round trip with 312' of gain. White is 4 miles round trip with 527' of gain. Do one or both. High clearance 4WD is advised. Slow pace. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE CANNON, MARS BONFIRE
Jun 18 Wed Hundred Peaks
O: Sugarloaf Mountain (9952'): Enjoy this isolated summit towering above the south side of Big Bear Lake, moderate 8 miles round trip, 1900' gain. Dirt road driving 6 miles to reach trailhead; high-clearance vehicles recommended. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: BRUCE CRAIG, DAVE COMERZAN
Jun 21 Sat Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
I: Yucaipa Ridge Traverse: Little San Gorgonio Mountain (9133'), Wilshire Mountain (8832'), Wilshire Peak (8680'+), Cedar Mountain (8324'), Birch Mountain (7826'), Allen Peak (5795'): Tough hike though steep forested terrain, rewarded with spectacular ridgeline views. Very strenuous traverse, 15 miles one way with car shuttle, 5500' gain for all six. Final summit of Allen is optional. Paved road driving. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, JOE YOUNG
Jun 21 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Castle Rocks (8600'), Black Mountain #1 (7772'), Indian Mountain (5790'): Hike these three lovely peaks near Mt. San Jacinto. The total hike will be about 6 miles with 1400' of gain. Bring: water, lunch, lug-soles & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Jun 21 Sat Hundred Peaks
Rescheduled from June 14
I: Pine Mountain #1 (9648'), Dawson Peak (9576'): Strenuous and dangerous hike along narrow, steep, loose, and rocky ridge for 5-3/4 miles round trip with 2809' of gain to two peaks north of Mt. Baldy in the San Gabriel Mtns. Suitable only for experienced and agile hikers. High clearance 4WD advised. Slow pace. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, KATHY CHEEVER
Jun 22 Sun Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
O: San Bernardino Peak (10,649'): Help the leader celebrate the completion of his 10th HPS List. The total hike will be about 18 miles round trip with 4900' of gain. We'll start & finish in Angelus Oaks. Bring water, lug soles, lunch, jacket & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Jun 22 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Tahquitz Peak (8846'), Red Tahquitz (8720'+), Southwell Peak (7840'+): Hike to these three lovely peaks, one with a fire lookout, in the San Jacinto area. Moderate pace of 17 miles, 4000+' gain. Mostly on trail with some cross country. Permit limits group size. E-mail leaders with recent conditioning and hiking experience. Leaders: VIRGIL POPESCU, PAT ARREDONDO
Jun 23 Mon Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
O: Reyes Peak (7514'), Haddock Mountain (7431'): Easy, mellow paced 8 miles round trip, 1500' gain on trail with dramatic sandstone views and pleasant forested terrain. Contact Karen at least three days before hike for details. Leaders: CHERYL GILL, KAREN LEVERICH
Jun 25 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Crafts Peak (8364'), Butler Peak (8535'), Grays Peak (7920'): Replaced by Chief/Hines/Topatopa (below) due to the fire closure near Crafts, etc. Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: BILL SIMPSON, WAYNE BANNISTER
Jun 25 Wed Hundred Peaks
Replaces Crafts/Butler, Grays outing
I: Hines Peak (6704'), Topatopa Bluff (6367'), Chief Peak (5560'+): Visit three spectacular peaks in condor country along Nordhoff Ridge near Ojai. Easy-paced 9 miles round trip, 3000' gain. Expect some rugged scrambling, including a traverse of a severe knife-edge at Hines that will definitely get your attention. Your 4wd vehicle especially welcome since 4x4 driving permits are required to access the trailheads. For details send vehicle type to Leader: Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: BILL SIMPSON, WAYNE BANNISTER
Jun 25 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: San Antonio Ski Hut (8264'): 4 miles round trip, 2000' gain to Sierra Club's historic hut, near headwaters of San Antonio Falls. Built in 1935, it burned down in 1936 and was re-built in 1937. Meet 9 AM public parking lot (intersection of Mills Ave & Baldy Rd). Bring water, lunch, appropriate clothing, lugsoles. Leaders: DORIS DUVAL, DAN BUTLER
Jun 28 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Legends of the HPS: Sam Fink Peak (7339'): Strenuous outing in San Jacinto area involves 12 miles round trip and 4000' gain. Some cross country scrambling. Learn about Sam Fink, an inspirational leader for the HPS for many years. Bring water, lunch, lug sole boots, $$ for tram ride. Call leaders for meeting time and place. Leader: JOE YOUNG Assistant: DIANE DUNBAR
Jun 28 Sat Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Galena Peak (9324'): Hike this steep, sandy & intense peak via Mill Creek. The total hike is about 8 miles round trip with 3300' of gain. The headwall is extremely challenging. Not for beginners! Bring water, rugged lug sole boots, lunch, & jacket. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Jun 28 Sat Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
I: Weldon Peak (6320'), Sorrell Peak (7704'), Piute Lookout (8326'), Bald Eagle Peak (6181'): High-clearance vehicles are recommended for this extensive driving tour on dirt roads through the heart of the Piute Mountains. We plan to pick up four interesting, easy-to-moderate peaks via their standard routes, with a total of 10 miles round trip, 2600' gain if you do all four. For details and trip status send vehicle information to Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leader: PATRICK VAUGHN
Jun 29 Sun Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Allen Peak (5795'), Birch Mountain (7826'): Hike these two fine peaks on the Yucaipa Ridge's lower end. The total hike will be about 13 miles round trip with 3900' of gain. Bring water, lug soles, lunch & jacket. Contact the leader one week before the hike for meeting info. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant: IGNACIA DOGGETT
Jun 29 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Pinyon Peak (6805'), Cannel Point (8314'): Canceled. Leader: GEORGE WYSUP Co-Leaders: TOM HILL, WAYNE BANNISTER
Jun 30 Mon Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
I: Pacifico Mountain (7124'), Round Top (6316'), Granite Mountain #1 (6600'): Three different peaks near the Mill Creek Summit of Angeles Forest Highway. If the weather is nice, we'll set up a car shuttle and hike up Pacifico (6 miles one way, 2200' gain) and then visit the two nearby peaks (another mile round trip and 300' gain). But if it's hot, we may be lazy and drive most of the way up Pacifico. Contact Karen at least three days before the hike for the details. Your high clearance vehicle could prove quite useful!Leaders: CHERYL GILL, KAREN LEVERICH
Jul 2 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Bighorn Mountain (10,997'), Dragons Head (10,866): Climb two prominent peaks next to San Gorgonio using the convenient Vivian Creek Trail. Very strenuous 15 miles round trip, 5800' gain, with significant cross-country travel in open high country at high elevation. A moderate but steady pace gets this one done. Group size limited by permit. Paved road driving. For details send conditioning/altitude experience to Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: BILL SIMPSON, WAYNE BANNISTER
Jul 4 Fri Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
M: Antsell Rock (7679'), Apache Peak (7567') and Spitler Peak (7440'+): Start your 4th of July celebration with a climb to Antsell Rock, one on the most challenging and exciting peaks on the HPS list. Comfort - if not pleasure - on rock is a plus, and route will include a very steep gully with loose rocks. The more mundane Spitler Peak and Apache Peak will be summited first in this three-peak adventure. The entire hike should be about 9 miles round trip with 5000' of elevation gain. Participation will be limited by permit. Bring: water, lunch, lug soles, sun block & hat. Contact the leader for meeting info. Leader: BILL SIMPSON Co-Leaders: PETER DOGGETT & IGNACIA DOGGETT
Jul 4-6 Fri-Sun Hundred Peaks, WTC, Wilderness Adventures
I: Lake Peak (10,161'), Ten Thousand Foot Ridge (10,094'), Grinnell Mountain (10,284'), San Gorgonio Mountain (11,499'), Jepson Peak (11,205'), Charlton Peak (10,806'), Dobbs Peak (10,459'), Dragon's Head (10,866'), Bighorn Mountain (10,997'): 3 days, 9 peaks, 40 miles, 10,000' gain on trail and steep, rocky cross-country. Very strenuous. Spend the holiday weekend in our beautiful San Gorgonio Wilderness. Backpack 4.5 miles, 2000' gain from Fish Creek trailhead to set up base camp for both nights at Fish Creek Saddle. Friday PM dayhike 4.5 miles round trip, 1500' gain to Lake Peak, 10K Ridge, and Grinnell. Saturday dayhike to San Gorgonio, Jepson, Charlton, and Dobbs 18 miles round trip, 3500' gain. Sunday dayhike to Dragon's Head and Bighorn Mountain, 9 miles, 3000' gain. Then break camp and backpack to trailhead. Friday: shared salad. Saturday: Italian potluck. Sign-up early. Permit limits group size. Proven comfort and ability above 10,000' required. Email recent conditioning and experience, city, and phone to leader. Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-leaders: SANDY SPERLING, PETER LARA
Jul 5 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Mount Akawie (7283'), Kratka Ridge (7515'): Two separate short hikes next to the Angeles Crest Highway. Akawie is 1.2 miles round trip, 400' gain. Kratka is 1.5 miles round trip, 700' gain. Both are steep in places, but we'll take our time to enjoy these two wooded peaks in the San Gabriel Mountains. The pace will be slow and newcomers are definitely welcome. Meet 8:30 AM La Cañada rideshare. Wear sturdy hiking shoes or boots, and bring water, a snack and a sense of humor. Rain cancels. Leaders: KAREN & WOLF LEVERICH, WINNETTE BUTLER, LILLY FUKUI, SUZY HERMANN, JIM FLEMING
Jul 6 Sun Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
O: Baldy from the Back: Wright Mountain (8505'), Pine Mountain #1 (9648'), Dawson Peak (9575'), Mount San Antonio (10,064'), Mount Harwood (9552'): Experience the Real Devils Backbone on this very strenuous 14 miles round trip, 5800' gain jaunt up the backside of Mt Baldy from Blue Ridge near Wrightwood. Trail is steep and rugged, adding to the experience. Those satisfied with 5000' gain can enjoy a second lunch on top of Baldy while diehards visit Mount Harwood and return. For trip details send recent conditioning, phone information to Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: BRUCE CRAIG, PAT VAUGHN, WAYNE BANNISTER
Jul 6 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Dobbs Peak (10,459'), Jepson Peak (11,205'), San Gorgonio Mtn (11,499'), Bighorn Mtn (10,997') and Dragons Head (10,866'): Visit these grand peaks on the top of Southern California on a long, very Strenuous and BRISK-paced hike. The total hike will be about 17.5 miles round trip with 6500' of gain. Part of the route will be cross-country on a trail-less, steep slope. Please bring: water, lug soles, lunch, jacket & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Jul 8 Tue Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
O: Vetter Mountain (5908'), maybe Mount Mooney (5840'), maybe Mount Sally (5408'), maybe Pacifico Mountain (7124'): Spend a lazy afternoon in the San Gabriels before the Tuesday evening HPS Management Committee meeting. We'll visit the Vetter Mountain Lookout (1 1/4 miles round trip, 300' gain, more if the gate is closed) and then nearby Mooney (1 mile round trip, 250' feet gain) and/or Sally (2 1/4 miles round trip, 600' gain) and/or Pacifico (we can drive to the summit) depending on the weather and our mood. Meet at noon at Red Box (go north on Angeles Crest Highway for about 14 miles, to the Mount Wilson Road. Meeting place is in the parking lot on south side of the highway). Leaders: GREG de HOOGH, KAREN & WOLF LEVERICH
Jul 8 Tue Hundred Peaks
O: Middle Hawkins (8505'), South Hawkins (7783'): Join us for a pleasant hike to these local favorites. We will start at Islip Saddle. 14 miles round trip, 3000' of gain, estimate 7 1/2 hours of hiking. After the hike will be stopping at Newcomb's for Happy Hour and will be attending the HPS Management Meeting. Meeting is optional, Happy Hour is mandatory. Meet at La Cañada rideshare 8 AM. Leader: DAVE COMERZAN Co-Leaders: BOBCAT THOMPSON, JOE YOUNG
Jul 8 Tue Hundred Peaks
July HPS Management Meeting: The Hundred Peaks Management Committee will meet at 6:30 PM at Newcomb's Ranch on Highway 2, about 27 miles from I-210. All are welcome to attend.
Jul 9 Wed Hundred Peaks
O: Heart Bar Peak (8332'): This pleasant hike in the San Bernardino Mountains is 5 miles round trip with 1100' of gain. Contact leaders by email for meeting time and place. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, INGEBORG PROCHAZKA
Jul 9 Wed Hundred Peaks
O: Cerro Noroeste (8280'), Grouse Mountain (8582'), Sawmill Mountain (8818'), Mount Pinos (8831'): Enjoy this classic high elevation ridge walk west of Frazier Park, featuring expansive views of Los Padres National Forest. Moderately paced 10 miles round trip, 3000' gain. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: PAT VAUGHN, WAYNE BANNISTER
Jul 9 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: PCT from Cloudburst Summit via Cooper Cyn to Buckhorn: Join us for a seldom-led early summer hike on the PCT with short car shuttle. Easy 5 mi, 1000' gain, or 7 mi to Eagles Roost if trail is open. Lunch at Rattlesnake Creek. Meet 9 am La Cañada rideshare pt. Bring 3 L's: lunch, liquids, lugsoles. Leaders: BOBCAT THOMPSON, BETH MIKA
Jul 12 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Timber Mountain (8303'): 10 miles round trip, 3300' gain. Strenuous hike at comfortably brisk pace up Icehouse Canyon to the Saddle then up to enjoy the beautiful view from Timber Mountain for lunch/snack. Bring 2-3 qt. water, lunch, appropriate clothing, lugsoles. Rain cancels. Adventure Pass needed. For details contact Leader: CHERYL MCMURRAY Assistant Leader: MELISSA KANE
Jul 12 Sat Hundred Peaks, Verdugo Hills
O: San Gabriel Peak (6161'), Mt Disappointment (5960'), Mt Deception (5796'): 5 miles, 1800' gain in the San Gabriel Mountains, great views of the LA basin. Meet 9 AM at the La Cañada rideshare pt with water, lunch, hiking boots a must. Rain cancels. Leaders: FRANK DOBOS, MARY McMANNES
Jul 12 Sat Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
I: Mt. Williamson (8214'), Goodykoontz Peak (7558'), Pallet Mtn (7800'), Will Thrall Peak (7845'), Pleasant View Ridge (7983'): Hike these five great peaks in the Angeles National Forest at a strong pace. The entire hike should be about 16.5 miles round trip with 4900' of elevation gain. Bring: water, lunch, lug soles & hat. Contact the leader for meeting info. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Jul 13 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Shields Peak (10,680'+), Anderson Peak (10,840'+), San Bernardino East Peak (10,691'), San Bernardino Peak (10,649'): Canceled due to potentially hazardous thunderstorm situation. Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, PAT ARREDONDO, MARLEN MERTZ
Jul 13 Sun WTC
I: Grinnell Mountain (10,284'), Lake Peak (10,161'): Meet at Lost Creek Trailhead (6,320'). 5.3 miles on trail to Grinnell Ridge (8132'), then cross-country up to peak. Optional side trip to Lake Peak before continuing down to Dry Lake (9065') and then out via trail. In all, a moderately strenuous 15.5 miles with 4000-4400' gain. Send esase, recent experience and conditioning, phone to Leader: ERIN O'NEILL Assistant: PAT VAUGHN
Jul 16 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: San Guillermo Mountain (6606'), Lockwood Peak (6261'), Frazier Mountain (8000'+): Enjoy three small loop-trip adventures on these peaks in Lockwood Valley near Frazier Park, 11 miles round trip, 3200' gain. Moderately strenuous, but each peak will be done as a separate hike. Final peak optional. Several miles of dirt road driving; high-clearance vehicles recommended. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, WAYNE BANNISTER
Jul 16 Wed Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
I: Mount Harwood (9552'), Mount San Antonio (10,064'): Hike these two peaks from Manker Flat. The entire hike should be about 11 miles round trip with 4200' of elevation gain. Bring: water, lunch, lug soles & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Jul 16 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Three Points to Sulfur Springs Hike: 8 mi rt, 1000' gain, where the sky is blue and the air is clear. Everything tastes better outdoors. Meet 9 am La Cañada rideshare pt with water, lugsoles and lunch. Leaders: JOHN DePOY, GINNY HERINGER
Jul 19 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Mount Gleason (6502'): Visit Mount Gleason via the PCT. 7 miles round trip, 1300' gain and a nice trail with lots of nice shade. The pace will be slow and newcomers are definitely welcome. Meet 8:30 AM La Cañada rideshare. Wear sturdy hiking shoes or boots, and bring water, a snack and a sense of humor. Rain cancels. Leaders: KAREN & WOLF LEVERICH, SUZY HERMANN, LILLY FUKUI, CHRIS SPISAK
Jul 19 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Jean Peak (10,670'), Marion Mtn (10,320'), Drury Peak (10,160'), Folly Peak (10,480'), San Jacinto Peak (10,804'), Cornell Peak (9750'): Climb the San Jacinto SIX on a very Strenuous, BRISK hike. The total hike will be about 15 miles round trip with 5000' gain. Comfort on rocky terrain is required. NO beginners. Please bring: water, lug soles, lunch, jacket, hat & money for the Tram. Contact the leader for the meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Jul 19 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Cornell Peak (9750'), Jean Peak (10,670'), Marion Mtn. (10,320'): Moderately paced 10 miles, 3500' gain hike in the beautiful San Jacinto Mtns. Ride the tram, and then hike cross-country to the peaks. Permit limits group size. For info, email city, phone, recent conditioning, and experience to Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-Leader: WAYNE VOLLAIRE
Jul 20 Sun WTC
Rescheduled from July 13
I: Grinnell Mountain (10,284'), Lake Peak (10,161'): Meet at Lost Creek Trailhead (6,320'). 5.3 miles on trail to Grinnell Ridge (8132'), then cross-country up to peak. Optional side trip to Lake Peak before continuing down to Dry Lake (9065') and then out via trail. In all, a moderately strenuous 15.5 miles with 4000-4400' gain. Send esase, recent experience and conditioning, phone to Leader: ERIN O'NEILL Assistant: PAT VAUGHN
Jul 20 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: San Gorgonio Mountain (11,499'), Jepson Peak (11,205'), Charlton Peak (10,806'), Dobbs Peak (10,459'): Ascend to the high point of Southern California using the Vivian Creek Trail, then return cross country to the trailhead along a beautiful, high altitude ridge, picking up two nearby peaks along the way. Very strenuous dayhike at a steady pace, 16 miles round trip, 5600' gain for first three peaks, with several hours spent at high elevation. Optional side trip to Charlton adds 3 miles and 800' gain. Permit limits group size. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, MARLEN MERTZ
Jul 20 Sun Hundred Peaks
Outing not published in Lookout or Schedule
O: Sunday Peak (8295'), Bohna Peak (6760'): Hike these two separate peaks in the Southern Sierras north of Lake Isabella. Total of 6 1/2 miles round trip, 2400' gain. The pace will be slow. Bring water, food, snacks, and boots. Several miles of dirt road driving. Contact the leaders 4 days prior to the trip for meeting place and times. Leaders: CHERYL GILL, K C REID
Jul 22 Tue Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
O: Cleghorn Mountain (5333'), Cajon Mountain (5360'), Sugarpine Mountain (5478'), Monument Peak #2 (5290'): A collection of near drive-ups E of I-15 in the Cajon Pass with the longest being an easy 3 miles round trip with 300' gain. Slow pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE CANNON, MARS BONFIRE
Jul 23 Wed Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
I: Castle Rocks (8600'), Old Castle Rocks (8462'), Black Mountain #1 (7772'): Visit a remote corner of the San Jacinto Wilderness north of Idyllwild. After a short climb just off the PCT for the first peak we scramble through brush and rocks to the top of the more picturesque and difficult "old castle", the former HPS register location for this summit. Relaxed pace, 6 miles round trip, 1300' gain. Afterwards enjoy a woodsy picnic near scenic Black Mountain, with an optional short trip to the summit lookout tower. Permit limits group size. Much dirt road driving, high-clearance vehicles recommended. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, PAT VAUGHN
Jul 23 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Bighorn Pk (8441'): 10+ mi rt, 3400' gain. Strenuous. Slow to moderate pace via Icehouse Cyn and Kelly's Camp. Shorter option to Saddle (8 mi rt, 2600' gain) available. Meet 8 am at public parking lot, intersection of Mills Ave and Baldy Rd (take 210 Fwy E, exit at Baseline, turn L [west], and backtrack to Mills Ave, go N on Mills to Baldy Rd). Bring water, lunch, layered clothing, lugsoles. Leaders: DORIS DUVAL, DAN BUTLER
Jul 23 Wed Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
I: Pinyon Peak (6805'): Hike this forested peak from Hwy. 178 via the Pinyon Jack Trail. The entire hike should be about 6 miles round trip with 2500' of gain. Bring: water, lunch, lug soles & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT & BILL SIMPSON
Jul 26 Sat Hundred Peaks
The 15th Annual Great Waterman Mountain (8038') Rendezvous and Informal Pot Luck: HPS invites you to join us for our annual party atop Waterman Mountain. Plan on spending some time on top getting acquainted and having fun (and eating) as most hikes won't be returning to the cars until late afternoon or early evening. Be sure to bring lots of food and drink to share with other hungry hikers. Rain cancels.
Jul 26 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Waterman Mtn (8038'): Easy to moderate hike to the top of the peak to meet and picnic with other HPSers. 5 miles round trip, 1200' gain. Bring party items to share. Meet 9:30 AM at the La Cañada rideshare point. Rain cancels. Leaders: FRANK DOBOS, MIKE and DOTTY SANDFORD
Jul 26 Sat Hundred Peaks, Natural Science
O: Waterman Mountain (8038'): Take your time on this mellow paced outing to the Waterman Rendezvous. 5 miles round trip, 1200' gain. We'll learn about the flora and fauna as we ascend to the summit and party. Bring something to share at the potluck, your curiosity, sense of humor, a hat, sturdy shoes, and two quarts of water. Meet 8:30 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Co-Leader/Naturalists: GINNY HERINGER, GEORGE WYSUP Co-Leaders: LILLY FUKUI, CHRIS SPISAK, SUZY HERMANN, KAREN LEVERICH
Jul 26 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Twin Peaks (7761'), Waterman Mountain (8038'): Attend the annual HPS Rendezvous the hard way. Expect an early start for this strenuous dayhike, 11 miles to the summit of Waterman via Twin Peaks, 3900' gain, with a leisurely 6 miles back to vehicles after the feast. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, PAT VAUGHN
Jul 26 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Valcrest Rocks (6629'), Waterman Mountain (8038'): Attend the Waterman Rendezvous, but first hike along the adventurous, rocky ridge above Camp Valcrest. The entire hike will be about 10 miles round trip with 3200' of gain. Please bring: lug soles, water, jacket, lunch & cookies. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistants: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Jul 26 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Mount Waterman (8038') and Rendezvous via the West Ridge: 9 miles, 3000' gain. Join us on our "adventure" up the West Ridge of Mt. Waterman from Three Points with a short car shuttle to the end at Cloudburst Summit. Cross-country route will ascend the West Ridge to arrive at the Waterman Rendezvous at High Noon. Descend via steep use trail to Cloudburst Summit after celebration. Bring goodies to share on the summit and a spirit of adventure. Meet 8 AM La Cañada rideshare point with food, water and lugsoles. Well-behaved K-9s & felines welcome but on leash at summit party. Leaders: BOB THOMPSON, JIM FLEMING
Jul 26 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Kratka Ridge (7515') to Waterman Mtn (8038'): 10 miles, 2000' gain. Strenuous cross-country hike through gorgeous forested area meeting groups for potluck. Bring lug soles, 2 to 3 quarts water, goodies to share. Early meeting time for comfortable pace. Meet 6 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Leaders: DIANE DUNBAR, JOE YOUNG
Jul 27 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Copter Ridge (7499') & Middle Hawkins (8505'): Visit these fine peaks in the Angeles Forest from Islip Saddle using the Pacific Crest Trail. Some of the hike will be cross country. The entire hike will be about 14 miles round trip with 5500' of gain (3100' out & 2400' back). Please bring: water, lunch, lug soles, windbreaker & hat. Expect some adventure. Contact the leader for meeting info. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Jul 27 Sun Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
O: Alamo Mountain (7360'), McDonald Peak (6870'): Hike these two peaks in the Los Padres National Forest. Total of 3 miles round trip, 850' gain. The pace will be slow. Bring water, food, snacks, and boots. Several miles of dirt road driving. Contact leaders 4 days prior to the trip for meeting place and times. Leaders: CHERYL GILL, CHRIS SPISAK, MARK ALLEN
Jul 28 Mon Hundred Peaks
I: Kratka Ridge (7515'), Mount Akawie (7283'): Easy hike of 1.6 miles round trip with 700' of gain to a peak south of Highway 2 in the San Gabriel Mountains. Might be able to add Akawie for an additional 1.2 miles round trip with 400' of gain. Slow pace. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: CHERYL GILL, MARS BONFIRE
Jul 30 Wed Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
I: Constance Peak (6645'), Heart Bar Peak (8332'), Onyx Peak #1 (9113'): Pick up three relatively easy peaks north of Redlands adjacent to the San Gorgonio Wilderness, averaging 3 miles round trip, 800' gain for each peak. Do any or all. Hiking routes combine roads, trails, and sometimes steep forested ridgelines. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, PAT VAUGHN
Jul 30 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Winston Pk (7502') and Winston Ridge (7003'): Popular 8 loop on trail and use tr, 5 mi rt, 1100' gain beginning and ending at Cloudburst Summit. Meet 9 am at La Cañada rideshare pt with water, lunch, lugsoles, suitable clothing layers. Leaders: ROSEMARY CAMPBELL, BROOKES TREIDLER
Jul 30 Wed Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
O: Mount Lewis (8396'): Explore the Angeles high country on the PCT and Dawson Saddle trails. Approximately 15 miles and 4200' gain (3200' to Lewis, 1000' on return) Bring: water, lunch, lug soles & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Jul 31 Thu Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
O: Bare Mountain (6388'): Moderate hike of 6 miles round trip with 1100' gain to a peak in the San Gabriel Mountains. Slow pace. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE CANNON, MARS BONFIRE
Aug 2 Sat Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
I: Thunder Mountain (8587'), Telegraph Peak (8985'), Timber Mountain (8303'), Bighorn Peak (8441'), Ontario Peak (8693'), Sugarloaf Peak (6924'): A grand ridgeline awaits you on this grand tour, from Baldy Notch over 3Ts to Falling Rock Canyon. Very strenuous, 11 miles one way hike, 4300' gain, 5800' loss, with much steep downhill in the final leg. Permit limits group size. Short car shuttle. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, PAT VAUGHN
Aug 2 Sat Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
I: Grinnell Mountain (10,284'), Lake Peak (10,161'), 10K Ridge (10,094'): Join us for a beautiful hike in the cooler high-country of the San Gorgonio Wilderness. The total hike should be about 12 miles with 3000' of elevation gain. Bring: water, lunch, lug soles, jacket & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leader: IGNACIA DOGGETT
Aug 3 Sun Hundred Peaks
O: Mount Williamson (8244'): Wonderful views from this high peak north of the Angeles Crest Highway. 4 miles round trip, 1600' gain on the PCT and on a steep use trail. The pace will be slow and newcomers are definitely welcome. Meet 8:30 AM La Cañada rideshare. Wear sturdy hiking shoes or boots, and bring water, a snack and a sense of humor. Rain cancels. Leaders: KAREN & WOLF LEVERICH, WINNETTE BUTLER, JIM FLEMING, LILLY FUKUI
Aug 3 Sun Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
O: Josephine Peak (5558'): Hike this peak in the Angeles National Forest. Eight miles round trip, 1900' gain. Bring water, food, sunscreen, snacks, and boots. The pace will be slow. Contact leaders 4 days prior to the trip for meeting place and times. Leaders: CHERYL GILL, GREG de HOOGH, MARK ALLEN
Aug 3 Sun Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
I: Onyx Peak #1 (9113'), Sugarloaf Mountain (9952'), Heart Bar Peak (8332'), Constance Peak (6645'): Hike to four nice peaks near San Gorgonio Mtn. The total hike will be about 13.5 miles with 3630' of elevation gain. Hike one or all four peaks. Bring: water, lunch, lug soles & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leader: IGNACIA DOGGETT
Aug 4 Mon Hundred Peaks
I: Monrovia Peak (5409'), Sunset Peak (5796'): Easy hike of 1 miles round trip with 600' of gain to peak in San Gabriel Mountains. Might be able to add Sunset for an additional 3 miles round trip with 1500' of gain. Slow pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Permit to drive Redbox-Rincon Road required. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, CHERYL GILL
Aug 6 Wed Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
I: Brush Mountain (7040'+), San Emigdio Mtn (7492'), Tecuya Mtn (7160'+): Three relatively easy peaks near Frazier Park, with routes depending on temperature conditions, vehicle types, and group desire. We anticipate an easy-paced moderate outing ranging from 5-10 miles round trip, 1000-2000' gain. Much dirt road driving with high clearance vehicles recommended. To state your peak and route preferences or obtain details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, PAT VAUGHN
Aug 6 Wed Hundred Peaks
O: Boucher Hill (5438'), Garnet Mountain (5680'), Garnet Peak (5880'): A drive-up (State Park entry fee) and two easy hikes totaling 3.1 miles round trip with 700' of gain to peaks in the Julian area. Slow pace. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DORIS DUVAL, MARS BONFIRE
Aug 6 Wed Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Lookout or Schedule
I: Deer Mountain (5536'): Climb this fun peak near Deep Creek and Devils Hole. The entire hike should be about 4 miles round trip with 1800' gain (1300' going and 500' return). Bring: water, lunch, lug soles & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Aug 6 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Mt Hawkins (8850'): 10 mi rt with 2400' gain, all on good trail or perhaps a little use trail. We drive 40+ mi to Islip Saddle, our trailhead. Return is almost all downhill. Meet 8 am La Cañada rideshare pt with water, lunch, lugsoles. Leaders: GARY BICKEL, BROOKS TREIDLER
Aug 9 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Mount Islip (8250') 18th Annual Peaknic Hike: Peaknic at Little Jimmy Campground. Moderate pace, 6 miles round trip, 1300' gain. Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Bring lugsoles, water, your best potluck item to share, good cheer. Rain cancels. Leaders: MIKE & DOTTY SANDFORD, FRANK DOBOS, LAURA QUINN
Aug 9 Sat Hundred Peaks, Wilderness Adventures
O: South Mount Hawkins (7783'): Moderately paced 14 miles, 3000' gain, from Islip Saddle. Escape the heat on this hike in the San Gabriel Mountains. All trail, no cross-country. E-mail leader for details. Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-leader: TERRY GINSBERG
Aug 9 Sat Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
O: Mount Hawkins (8850'), Throop Peak (9138'), Mount Burnham (8997'), Mount Lewis (8396'): Long PCT dayhike in the Middle High Country of the San Gabriels, this time from Islip Saddle with an interesting Angeles Crest road hike return. Each peak involves a short side trip from the main trail. Strenuous, 16 miles round trip, 4600' gain for those who do all four peaks. For trip details send recent conditioning to Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: PAT VAUGHN, WAYNE BANNISTER, BRUCE CRAIG
Aug 9 Sat Hundred Peaks
Outing not in Schedule or Lookout
I: Mount Pinos (8832'), Sawmill Mountain (8818'), Grouse Mountain (8582'), Cerro Noroeste (8280'): Enjoy a mostly ridge-and-trail hike to four peaks near Frazier Park through a nice forest with grand views in the Los Padres National Forest. Moderately paced 8.5 miles round trip, 2000' gain. Stay in the area Saturday night and join the leaders on Sunday to make the weekend a 6-peak extravaganza. For details contact Leader: BILL SIMPSON Co-Leaders: PETER DOGGETT, IGNACIA DOGGETT
Aug 10 Sun Hundred Peaks
O: Reyes Peak (7514'), Haddock Mountain (7431'): Moderately paced 8 miles round trip, 1500' gain on trail. Venture through nice pine forest north of Ojai. Some dirt road driving, but high-clearance vehicle not necessary. Join leaders for Saturday hike and stay over in area Saturday night to make the weekend a 6-peak extravaganza. For details contact Leader: BILL SIMPSON Co-Leaders: PETER DOGGETT, IGNACIA DOGGETT
Aug 13 Wed Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
O: Reyes Peak (7514'), Haddock Mountain (7431'): Easy, moderately paced 8 miles round trip, 1500' gain on trail through the pleasant pines north of Ojai with fine vistas of sedimentary formations. Some easy dirt road driving. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, PAT VAUGHN
Aug 13 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Shay Mountain (6714'), Little Shay Mountain (6635'), Ingham Peak (6355'), Hawes Peak (6751'): Hike these four peaks NW of Big Bear Lake. Might be hot! The entire hike should be about 12 miles round trip with 3500' of elevation gain. Bring: water, lunch, lug soles & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Aug 13 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Mt Islip (8250') from Islip Saddle: 6 mi rt, 1300' gain. Always a good one. Meet La Cañada rideshare pt 9 am with water, lunch, lugsoles. Leaders: BETH MIKA, ALAN CHANG
Aug 14 Thu Hundred Peaks
O: Warren Point (5103'), Ryan Mountain (5461'), Lost Horse Mountain (5313'), Inspiration Point (5575'): Individually easy hikes in Joshua Tree National Park (entry free required). The longest is 5 miles round trip with 1000' of gain. Do as many as you wish. Slow pace. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE CANNON, MARS BONFIRE
Aug 16 Sat Hundred Peaks
M: Lily Rock (8000'), Suicide Rock (7528'): Climb one spectacular rock in Idyllwild using the rock climbers' return route, then relax on a trail hike to the second one. Totals for the day 10 miles round trip, 3500' gain. Lily Rock is a moderately strenuous climb in steep, rocky terrain, with some previous experience in 3rd class climbing required at the summit. Suicide Rock is a fine trail. Do one or both. Permit limits group size. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, BILL SIMPSON, PETER & IGNACIA DOGGETT
Aug 16 Sat WTC
Rescheduled from July 13
I: Grinnell Mountain (10,284'), Lake Peak (10,161'): Meet at Lost Creek Trailhead (6,320'). 5.3 miles on trail to Grinnell Ridge (8132'), then cross-country up to peak. Optional side trip to Lake Peak before continuing down to Dry Lake (9065') and then out via trail. In all, a moderately strenuous 15.5 miles with 4000-4400' gain. Send esase, recent experience and conditioning, phone to Leader: ERIN O'NEILL Assistant: PAT VAUGHN
Aug 16 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: San Bernardino Peak (10,649'), San Bernardino East Peak (10,691') Anderson Peak (10,840+'), Shields Peak (10,680+'): Join us for a big hike to four high peaks in the San Gorgonio Wilderness, via the Forsee Trail. 18 miles round trip on good trail with 5000' of gain. Moderately fast pace. Permit limits group size. Bring lots of water, lug soles, lunch, and hat. Send email to Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-leaders: SANDY SPERLING, PETER LARA
Aug 16 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Middle Hawkins (8505'), South Mt. Hawkins (7783'): Bike and hike these two San Gabriel Mountains peaks! Easy biking for 8 miles round trip along Hwy 2 from Islip Saddle then moderately strenuous hiking up and down steep and loose ridges and along trails for 7 miles round trip with 2760' of gain. Bring helmet, spare tube and pump, locking cable, night riding light, plus the usual hiking gear. Slow pace. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, KATHY CHEEVER-BONFIRE
Aug 17 Sun Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
I: San Bernardino East Peak (10,691'), Shields Peak (10,680'+), Anderson Peak (10,840'+): Ascend these peaks in the San Gorgonio Wilderness via the Momyer Trail from the south, descend via Forsee Creek Trail. Car shuttle. Very strenuous dayhike at a steady pace, 17 miles round trip, 6000' gain, mostly on trail. Not suitable for beginners. Bring lots of water, lunch, sturdy boots, rain gear. Meet at Mill Creek Ranger Station at 7 AM. Leaders: JOE YOUNG, BOB THOMPSON
Aug 17 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Three Sisters (8100'): A pretty forested peak in San Bernardino National Forest, 7 miles round trip on road and cross-country, 1800' gain. Mellow pace. Contact Karen at least three days before the event. Leaders: CHERYL GILL, JIM FLEMING, KAREN & WOLF LEVERICH
Aug 17 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Asbestos Mtn (5265'), Cone Peak (6800'), Palm View Peak (7160'): Hike the first peak (3 miles round trip and 1000' gain) in the early morning to beat the heat. Then hike the other two peaks (7 miles round trip and 2000' gain). Expect to see: no palms, no view and/or no peak on our third summit. Bring: water, lunch, lug soles & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Aug 18 Mon Hundred Peaks
I: Arctic Point (8336'), Bertha Peak (8201'): Easy hike of 1.8 miles round trip with 766' of gain to peak north of Big Bear Lake. Might be able to add Bertha for an additional 3 miles round trip with 621' of gain. Slow pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, CHERYL GILL
Aug 20 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Sam Fink Peak (7339') from the Palm Springs Tram: We head south over Hidden Lake Divide to launch ourselves downhill through forested cross country to a remote, cliff-shrouded peak named in honor of the Santa Ana fireman who pioneered routes to this rugged area. Strenuous, 12 miles round trip, 3700' gain. Most of the gain is on the return to the Tram but we will use the scenic trail network to ease this burden. Permit limits group size. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER
Aug 20 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Grizzly Flat: 8 mi rt, 600' gain going in and 800' coming out, through conifer forest, where the sky is blue and air is clear. Lunch down by the riverside. Meet 9 am at La Cañada rideshare pt with water, lugsoles, daypack, lunch. Leaders: JOHN DePOY, DORIS DUVAL
Aug 21 Thu Hundred Peaks
O: Palomar High Point (6140'), Oakzanita Peak (5054'): Palomar is a near drive-up NE of Escondido and Oakzanita is a moderate hike of 8 miles round trip with 1000' of gain. South of Julian. Slow pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE CANNON, MARS BONFIRE
Aug 23-26 Sat-Tue Hundred Peaks
I: Clouds Rest (9526') to Half Dome (8835'): 17 miles, 3600' gain, 4800' loss. Strenuous but comfortably paced, unrushed 4 day backpack from Tenaya Lake to Yosemite Valley. Must be comfortable with steep exposed route holding cables. Email or send SASE with H&W phones, recent conditioning to Leaders: DIANE DUNBAR, GARY BICKEL
Aug 23 Sat Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
O: Mount Williamson (8244'), Kratka Ridge (7515'), Mount Akawie (7283'), Winston Peak (7502'), Winston Ridge (7003'), Vetter Mountain (5908'), Mount Mooney (5840'+), Mount Sally (5408'): Join us as we travel the Angeles from high-to-low toward La Cañada, with separate trips to many pleasant, easy peaks along the way until we run out of daylight or energy. Moderate pace throughout, although the total for the day may approach 17 miles, 5200' gain before sundown. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, PAT VAUGHN, BRUCE CRAIG
Aug 23 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Weldon Peak (6320'), Sorrell Peak (7704'), Piute Lookout (8326'), Bald Eagle Peak (6181'): Postponed due to fire closure. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Aug 23 Sat Hundred Peaks
Replaces Weldon, etc., above.

I: Mount Baden-Powell (9399'), Ross Mountain (7402'): Climb these grand mountains in the middle of the Angeles National Forest. The entire hike should be about 13.5 miles round trip with 4800' gain (2800' up & 2000' back). This will be a moderate hike for strong hikers. No beginners. Could be hot. Much steep, sunny cross-country. Please bring: water, lunch, lug soles, hat & stamina. Contact the leader for the meeting information. Leaders: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leader: IGNACIA DOGGETT
Aug 24 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Scodie Mountain (7294'): Visit one of the nicest HPS peaks in Kern County via a seldom-used, very steep route up the NE Gully. The total hike will be about 9 miles round trip with 2800' of gain. Please bring: water, lug soles, lunch & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Aug 24 Sun Hundred Peaks
O: Mount Hillyer (6200'): 6 miles round trip, 900' of gain to this interesting peak near Chilao Flats in the San Gabriel Mountains. The pace will be slow and newcomers are definitely welcome. Meet 8:30 AM La Cañada rideshare. Wear sturdy hiking shoes or boots, and bring water, a snack and a sense of humor. Rain cancels. Leaders: KAREN & WOLF LEVERICH, JIM FLEMING, LILLY FUKUI
Aug 24 Sun Hundred Peaks
O: Heart Bar Peak (8332'): Hike this peak in the San Bernardino National Forest. Five miles round trip, 1100' gain. Bring water, food, snacks, and boots. The pace will be slow. Contact leader for meeting place and times. Leader: CHERYL GILL Co-Leader: BOB BEACH
Aug 25 Mon Hundred Peaks
I: Gold Mountain (8235'), Silver Peak (6756'): Easy hike of 2 miles round trip with 900' of gain to peak north of Big Bear Lake. Might be able to drive up Silver. Slow pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, CHERYL GILL
Aug 27 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Will Thrall Peak (7845'), Pleasant View Ridge (7983'), Pallett Mtn (7760'+), Goodykoontz Peak (7558'): The Burkhart Trail gets us through a land of twisted canyons, waterfalls, and boulders in the Middle High Country of the San Gabriels, then a moderate cross country ridgeline trek gets us back. Strenuous, 15 miles round trip, 5200' gain. Paved road driving. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, DAVE COMERZAN
Aug 27 Wed Hundred Peaks
New Outing, not published in Lookout or Schedule
I: Castle Rocks (8600'), Black Mountain #1 (7772'), Indian Mountain (5790'): Hike these three lovely peaks near Mt. San Jacinto. The total hike will be about 6 miles with 1400' of gain. Bring: water, lunch, lug-soles & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: BILL SIMPSON Co-leader: PETER DOGGETT
Aug 27 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Mt Williamson (8244'): 6 mi rt, 1600' gain loop hike from Islip Saddle. Return by Westside Trail. Short car shuttle. Meet 9 am La Cañada rideshare pt with water, lunch, lugsoles. Leaders: DORIS DUVAL, DON SIMINSKI
Aug 28 Thu Hundred Peaks
O: Constance Peak (6645'), Onyx Peak #1 (9113'): Constance is an easy hike of 1.6 miles round trip with 500' of gain and Onyx is a drive-up. Both are above Redlands in the San Bernardino National Forest. Slow pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE CANNON, MARS BONFIRE
Aug 30 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Mill Peak (6670'), Keller Peak (7882'), Slide Peak (7841'), Little Bear Peak (7621') and Delamar Mountain (8398): Hike these nice peaks at a moderate pace. The entire hike should be about 5 miles round trip with 2200' gain. Please bring: water, lunch, lug soles & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Aug 30 Sat Hundred Peaks
Originally published as August 30th and 31st
O: Mill Peak (6670'), Slide Peak (7841'), Keller Peak (7882'), Little Bear Peak (7621'), Delamar Mountain (8398'), Bertha Peak (8201'): Late summer trip to always beautiful Big Bear Lake. Enjoy a group of easy peaks in the high forest, done as separate hikes at a relaxed pace. Total for the day up to 8 miles round trip, 2800' gain, do any or all. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: PAT VAUGHN, BRUCE CRAIG, WAYNE BANNISTER
Aug 31 Sun Hundred Peaks
O: Mount Hawkins (8850'), Throop Peak (9138'): Hike in the Angeles National Forest along the Pacific Crest Trail from Islip Saddle. About 9 miles and 2500' gain. The pace will be slow. Contact leader for meeting place and time. Leader: CHERYL GILL Co-Leader: JANE SIMPSON
Aug 31 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Bertha Peak (8201'), Arctic Point (8336'), Gold Mountain (8235'), Silver Peak (6756'): Hike these nice peaks at a strong pace. The entire hike should be about 12.5 miles round trip with 3500' gain. Please bring: water, lunch, lug soles, jacket & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Sep 1 Mon Hundred Peaks
I: Allen Peak (5795'), Birch Mountain (7826'): Join us for this Labor Day hike to two great peaks on the lower end of the Yucaipa Ridge. The entire hike should be about 12 miles round trip with 3900' gain. Please bring: water, lunch, lug soles & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Sep 1 Mon Hundred Peaks
O: Middle Hawkins (8505'): Pleasant forested hike on PCT from Islip Saddle. 8 miles round trip, 2000' gain, wonderful views. Contact Karen before Sunday evening for details. Reservationist: KAREN LEVERICH Leaders: CHERYL GILL, JIM FLEMING, WINNETTE BUTLER
Sep 2 Tue Hundred Peaks
O: Piute Lookout (8326'), Sunday Peak (8295'): Piute is a near drive-up and Sunday is a moderate hike of 3 1/2 miles round trip with 1000' of gain. Both are in the Sequoia National Forest near Lake Isabella. Slow pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE CANNON, MARS BONFIRE
Sep 3 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: The Pinnacles (5737') and Mount Marie Louise (5507'): Hike these two nice peaks in the Lake Arrowhead area. Enjoy much chaparral and manzanita as we make our way to the summits. The total distance covered should be around 6 miles, with gain of about 1600'. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles, layers, hat and sunscreen. Contact leader for meeting information. Leader: BILL SIMPSON Co-leader: PETER DOGGETT
Sep 3 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Lookout Mountain #2 (6812'): Climb this peak near Mount Baldy following a ruggedly beautiful canyon from the east. Route choice will be either Kalember Gulch (pioneered by Laura Joseph) or Erv Bartel Canyon (pioneered by Diane Dunbar), depending on group preference. Moderately strenuous, 6 miles round trip, 2800' gain, with many steep slopes, downed logs, and areas of alpine brush. Paved road driving. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, DAVE COMERZAN
Sep 3 Wed Hundred Peaks
O: Mill Peak (6670'), Keller Peak (7882'), Slide Peak (7841'): A drive up and two easy hikes totaling 3.6 miles round trip with 900' of gain to peaks in the Big Bear area. Slow pace. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DORIS DUVAL, MARS BONFIRE
Sep 3 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Mill Creek Summit to Pacifico Rocks (6800'): A leisurely hike up dirt road and jeep trail to great views of the San Gabriels and Antelope Valley. 7 mi rt, 1800' gain. Meet 9 am La Cañada rideshare pt. Bring 2-3 qts water (depending on temp), lunch, lugsoles. Leaders: BROOKS TREIDLER, DAN BUTLER
Sep 6 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Sorrell Peak (7704'), Weldon Peak (6320'): Visit these fine peaks in Kern County on an moderate hike at a good pace. Sorrell Peak is about 3/4 mile round trip with 400' of gain. Weldon Peak is an 8 mile round trip hike with a total gain of 1600'. Please bring: water, lug soles, lunch and a hat. Contact the Leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leader: IGNACIA DOGGETT
Sep 6 Sat Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
O: Cucamonga Peak (8859'), Etiwanda Peak (8662'): Enjoy a spectacular canyon route on this long trail hike from Lytle Creek to these favorite peaks via the seldom-visited Middle Fork Trail, very strenuous 18 miles round trip, 5400' gain. A long day with many rewards. Permit limits group size. Some dirt road driving to reach trailhead; high clearance vehicles recommended. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, BRUCE CRAIG, PAT VAUGHN
Sep 6 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Mount Islip (8250'): Hike the PCT from Islip Saddle to Windy Gap, then follow the Mount Islip trail to the top of Islip. 6 1/2 miles round trip, 1600' gain. Lovely forest, with wonderful views of the city below. The pace will be slow and newcomers are definitely welcome. Meet 8:30 AM La Cañada rideshare. Wear sturdy hiking shoes or boots, and bring water, a snack and a sense of humor. Rain cancels. Leaders: KAREN & WOLF LEVERICH, LILLY FUKUI, SUZY HERMANN, WINNETTE BUTLER
Sep 6 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Mount Baden-Powell (9399'), Ross Mountain (7402'): Canceled. Leaders: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leader: IGNACIA DOGGETT
Sep 6 Sat OCSS, Hundred Peaks
O: Santiago Half Moon Hike: Done Santiago and found yourself disappointed by the summit? Well then, join us for the first and very possibly last annual Santiago half moon hike where you don't have to see much of it! Saturday night after a trailhead speech in the failing daylight we will thrill to the view of the trail lit only by headlamps and punctuated by the sounds of nocturnal wildlife and the pained wheezes of your fellow participants. Return to your vehicles in the wee hours of Sunday morning for a full days recovery period. 16 strenuous miles with 4000' gain at a brisk but accessible pace. Bring water, 10 essentials, head lamp, backup light source, lug soles, dinner, midnight snack, Forest Service Pass, high clearance vehicle. Hazardous weather cancels. Contact leader with conditioning experience for meeting information. Leader: MATTHEW HENGST Assistants: KIM BREUL, GIGI LOGAN
Sep 9 Tue Hundred Peaks
Annual Business Meeting: All are welcome to attend our annual business meeting, where nominations are finalized for next year's Management Committee. In addition, proposals for Bylaw changes, peak additions and deletions and other matters on which members will vote are discussed and votes are taken on whether to put them on the ballot. The business meeting follows the monthly Management Committee meeting. Join us at 6:30 PM for the management meeting; for 7 PM business meeting, at Newcomb's Ranch on Highway 2, about 27 miles from I-210.
Sep 10 Wed Hundred Peaks
O: Cleghorn Mountain (5333'), Cajon Mountain (5360'+), Sugarpine Mountain (5478'), Monument Peak #2 (5290'), explore Bailey Peak (5699'): Join us as we visit the four traditional HPS peaks just east of Cajon Pass and explore the area high point, a nice little rocky summit that may be worthy of replacing the others. Much dirt road driving; high clearance vehicles recommended. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: JENNIFER WASHINGTON, WAYNE BANNISTER
Sep 10 Wed Hundred Peaks
O: Indian Mountain (5790'), Rouse Hill (5168'), Thomas Mountain (6825'): Three drive-ups in the San Jacinto area. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DORIS DUVAL, MARS BONFIRE
Sep 10 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Waterman Mtn (8038') Loop from Buckhorn: 7 mi loop, 1800' gain from Buckhorn CG exit. Meet 9 am La Cañada rideshare pt with water, lunch, lugsoles. Leaders: BETH MIKA, DAN BUTLER
Sep 11 Thu Hundred Peaks
O: Toro Peak (8716'), Lookout Mountain #1 (5590'): A near drive-up and an easy hike of 2 miles round trip with 500' of gain in the San Jacinto area. High clearance 4WD advised. Slow pace. Call Mars (661 609 8218) for status and details. Leaders: DAVE CANNON, MARS BONFIRE
Sep 12 Fri Hundred Peaks
O: Peak Mountain (5843'), McPherson Peak (5749'), Cuyama Peak (5878'), Frazier Mountain (8000'): Three drive-ups and an easy hike of 1 mile round trip with 400' gain to peaks near Maricopa and Frazier Park. Slow pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DORIS DUVAL, MARS BONFIRE
Sep 13 Sat Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
O: Rouse Hill (5168'), Thomas Mountain (6825'), Rock Point (5280'+), Toro Peak (8716'), Santa Rosa Mountain (8070'): Turn your sturdy trucks into dirty yucks as we do a day of serious driving near Idyllwild. Enjoy 27.5 miles round trip dirt driving for first two, stretch and relax with middle peak; then those able to continue can pick up final two for another 24.5 miles round trip dirt driving. The extravaganza is punctuated with hiking totals of 7 miles round trip, 1700' gain. Send vehicle and rideshare information to Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: BRUCE CRAIG, WAYNE BANNISTER, PAT VAUGHN
Sep 13 Sat Wilderness Adventures, Hundred Peaks
O: Winston Peak (7502') and Winston Ridge (7003'): 5 miles round trip, 1100' gain scenic figure 8 loop beginning and ending at Cloudburst Summit. Some of trail is steep or narrow. Meet at 8:30 AM, La Cañada rideshare point with water, lunch, good footwear, suitable clothing layers. Leaders: ROSEMARY CAMPBELL, TERRY GINSBERG
Sep 13 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Thorn Point Lookout (6920'): Nice fall hike in Ventura County backcountry with beautiful views. 8 miles round trip, 2000' gain on trail. Get this peak done before the road closes for the winter. Email leader for info. Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-Leader: GREG DALY
Sep 13 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Little San Gorgonio Peak (9133'), Wilshire Mountain (8832'), Wilshire Peak (8680'+), Cedar Mountain (8324'): Enjoy one of the prettiest areas to hike in Southern California. We plan to start walking at the Vivian Creek Trailhead and should hike back to the same spot. The entire hike should be about 10 miles round trip with 5100' of gain. Depending upon the desires of those hiking, we could continue hiking down the Yucaipa Ridge (to also get Birch & Allen) to the Bear Paw Preserve. If we do the longer hike, it would add: about 5 miles and 1500' more descent and a car shuttle. Please bring: water, lunch, lug soles, jacket & hat. Also please contact the leader before Friday at noontime for meeting information and your desires to hike all of the Yucaipa Ridge or just the higher end. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leader: IGNACIA DOGGETT
Sep 13-14 Sat-Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Grinnell Mountain (10,284'), Lake Peak (10,161') 10K Ridge (10,094'): Three great peaks in the nearby San Gorgonio Wilderness. Saturday we'll pack to camp and happy hour at Fish Creek Camp (5 miles, 1800'). Sunday we'll climb 7 miles, 2800' gain cross country in a loop to our peaks, then pack out. Send experience, conditioning, phones, email, rideshare info via email or sase to Leader: EDD RUSKOWITZ Assistant: MELISSA KANE
Sep 14 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Bighorn Mountain (10,997'), Dragons Head(10,866'): Enjoy these two magnificent mountains in the San Gorgonio Wilderness via the Fish Creek Trail at a strong pace. The entire hike will be about 19 miles round trip with 3900' of gain (going) and 600' of gain (return). Please bring: water, lunch, lug soles, hat & jacket. Contact the leader for meeting location. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Sep 14 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Galena Peak (9324'): Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, PETER & IGNACIA DOGGETT
Sep 14 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Hildreth Peak (5065'), Old Man Mountain (5538'), Monte Arido (6010'): Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, PETER & IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Sep 15 Mon Hundred Peaks
New Outing, first time published
I: Samon Peak (6227'): Mountain bike and hike to a memorable north of Santa Barbara for a strenuous 23 miles round trip with 3400' of gain (19 of those miles will be biked) on good fire road and brush free hiking. Suitable only for experienced and well conditioned hikers and mountain bikers. Bring helmet, spare tube, night light, and locking cable plus the usual hiking gear. Water is available at Chokecherry Spring (Forest Service recommends treating it). Moderate pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, JOHN RADALJ
Sep 16 Tue Hundred Peaks
I: San Bernardino East Peak (10,691'), San Bernardino Peak (10,649'), Anderson Peak (10,840'), Shields Peak (10,680'): Very strenuous hike to four high elevation peaks in the San Bernardion Mountains above Redlands for 13 miles round trip with 4800' of gain. Suitable only for conditioned and experienced hikers. Permit limits group size. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, MARS BONFIRE
Sep 17 Wed Hundred Peaks
M: Josephine Peak (5558'), Strawberry Peak (6164'), Mount Lawlor (5957'): Enjoy this classic introductory rock climb as we scramble the west ridge to Strawberry after an easy warm up on Josephine. Conveniently located in the San Gabriels near Pasadena. Strenuous outing with steep ridge traverse, 10 miles one way, 3900' gain on our way to Red Box for a short car shuttle. Comfort on solid rock with moderate exposure required. Send some indication of your climbing background and conditioning to Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, BILL SIMPSON, PETER & IGNACIA DOGGETT
Sep 17 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: PCT to Big Buck Camp: 7 mi rt, 200' gain through alpine and oak woodland forest, where the sky is blue and the air is clear. Lunch at Big Buck Camp amid an alpine forest. Meet 9 am La Cañada rideshare pt. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles. Leaders: JOHN DePOY, JANET BARTEL
Sep 19-21 Fri-Sun Hundred Peaks
Fall Festival 2008: Welcome in the fall with a fun and festive weekend at the Tillie Creek Campground in the Lake Isabel area. Join us for peak bagging in the area. Stay at the Tillie Creek Campground Friday or Saturday night or both nights and join us for potluck on Saturday night. Or stay in motels in the area. Send sase/esase to Reservationist: DAVE COMERZAN
Sep 19 Fri Hundred Peaks
I: Pinyon Peak (6805'): Warm up for HPS Fall Festival on this moderate cross-country ridge line trek near Walker's Pass; 6 miles round trip, 3100' gain. Paved roads. For details contact Leader: GEORGE WYSUP Assistants: LAURA JOSEPH, JENNIFER WASHINGTON
Sep 19 Fri Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
I: Piute Fire Zone Tour: Lightner Peak (6430'), Bald Eagle Peak (6181'), Piute Lookout (8326'): Going up to the Festival on Friday? Why not pick off three easy HPS summits near Lake Isabella as we explore the western edges of the huge Piute Fire, 7 miles round trip total with 2500' gain if you do all three. Some moderate rock scrambling on Bald Eagle. Much dirt road driving, high-clearance vehicles welcome! For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: PATRICK VAUGHN, WAYNE BANNISTER
Sep 20 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Bohna Peak (6760'+), Sunday Peak (8295'): Climb Bohna's east ridge cross-country from Cedar Creek through beautiful Sequoia forest, then switch gears as we enjoy a scenic trail to second peak. Moderately strenuous overall, 9 miles round trip, 3100' gain. Some easy dirt road driving. Unwind after at HPS Fall Festival. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, PAT ARREDONDO, PAT VAUGHN
Sep 20 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Morris Peak (7215'), Mount Jenkins (7921'): PCT hike from Walker's Pass with steep cross-country diversions involving some rock scrambling. 14 miles round trip, 3400' gain. Paved roads. For details contact Leader: GEORGE WYSUP Assistants: LAURA JOSEPH, JENNIFER WASHINGTON
Sep 20 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Tehachapi Mountain (7960'+): Beautiful wooded peak near Tehachapi, en route to the Fall Festival. 5 miles round trip, 2200' gain, slow pace, on road and trail. We'll finish in time to join the HPS Potluck near Lake Isabella. All driving on pavement. Meet at 8:30 AM at the McDonald's in Mojave (on east side of Highway 14, about a mile into town when coming from the south). Bring food, water, sturdy shoes, jacket. Co-Leaders: WINNETTE BUTLER, JIM FLEMING, KAREN & WOLF LEVERICH
Sep 20 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Heald Peak (6901'), Nicolls Peak (6070'): Canceled. Leaders: SANDY SPERLING, WAYNE VOLLAIRE
Sep 20 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Heald Peak (6901'), Nicolls Peak (6070'): Visit two of the best peaks. Heald has a very remote approach route and the views from Nicolls are outstanding. Brisk pace. The total hike will be about 8 miles round trip with 4100' gain on a cross-country path. Please bring: water, lunch, lug soles, jacket & a hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Sep 20 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Split Mtn (6835'), Black Mtn #5 (7438'): Strenuous hike over steep. Loose, and brushy terrain to peaks NW of Lake Isabella for 11 mi round trip with 3800' of gain. Suitable only for experienced and conditioned hikers. Slow pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, KATHY CHEEVER-BONFIRE
Sep 21 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Cannel Point (8314'): Climb this remote HPS summit via a new route from the east, beginning at Little Cannell Meadow. Up to 6 miles round trip, 2000' gain. Moderate cross country in forested terrain with some easy rock scrambling near the summit. Lots of dirt road driving; high clearance vehicles recommended. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, LAURA JOSEPH, JENNIFER WASHINGTON, PAT ARREDONDO, WAYNE BANNISTER, PAT VAUGHN, MARLEN MERTZ
Sep 21 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Bald Eagle Peak (6181'), Lightner Peak (6430'): Canceled. Leader: GEORGE WYSUP Assistants: LAURA JOSEPH, JENNIFER WASHINGTON
Sep 21 Sun Hundred Peaks
O: Sunday Peak (8295'), Bohna Peak (6760'+): Replaced by car shuttle version, see below. Co-Leaders: WINNETTE BUTLER, JIM FLEMING, KAREN & WOLF LEVERICH
Sep 21 Sun Hundred Peaks
O/I: Sunday Peak (8295'), Bohna Peak (6760'+): Two lovely wooded peaks near Lake Isabella. Replaces earlier outing (with each peak climbed separately) due to unexpected gate closure. Sunday and Bohna combined are a 7 1/2 mile hike with 1500' gain and 3900' loss, on trail and (mainly) down a sometimes steep cross-country ridge. Slow pace. Car shuttle, with some easy dirt road driving to the Sunday trailhead. Hikers wanting a shorter day can do Sunday Peak only (3 1/2 miles round trip, 1000' gain, all on trail). Slow pace. Meet at 8AM at the HPS Fall Festival (Tillie Creek Campground) or 8:30 AM at Greenhorn Summit (7.7 miles west of Wofford Heights on Highway 155). Bring food, water, sturdy shoes, jacket. Co-Leaders: WINNETTE BUTLER, JIM FLEMING, KAREN & WOLF LEVERICH
Sep 21 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Onyx Peak #2 (5244'), Mayan Peak (6108'), Butterbredt Peak (5997'): Canceled. Leaders: SANDY SPERLING, TED LUBESHKOFF
Sep 21 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Split Mountain (6835'), Black Mountain #5 (7438'): Hike these fine peaks in the cooler days of October. The total hike will be at a strong pace, 8 miles round trip with 3400' gain on a mostly cross-country route. No beginners. Please bring: water, lunch, lug soles, jacket & a hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Sep 24 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Pallett Mtn (7760+'): 13 mi rt, 3300' gain (2300' out plus 1000' on return) at a moderate pace. Involves good but steep use-tr from Burkhart Saddle to peak. Meet 8 am at La Cañada rideshare pt with water, lunch, layered clothing, lugsoles. Leaders: DORIS DUVAL, GARY BICKEL
Sep 24 Wed Hundred Peaks
O: Sawtooth Mountain (5200'+), Burnt Peak (5788'), Liebre Mountain (5760'+): Classic set of easy peaks near the Grapevine in northern Los Angeles County. Moderate overall, 10 miles round trip, 2600' gain. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, JENNIFER WASHINGTON
Sep 25 Thu Hundred Peaks
O: Thomas Mountain (6825'), Rouse Hill (5168'), Indian Mountain (5790'): Three drive-ups in the San Jacinto area. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE CANNON, MARS BONFIRE
Sep 27 Sat Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
O: Apache Peak (7567'), Spitler Peak (7440'+): Visit these two interesting peaks on the Desert Divide near Idyllwild. Moderately strenuous, 13 miles round trip, 3200' gain. Permit limits group size. Paved road driving. For details contact Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: PAT VAUGHN, WAYNE BANNISTER, BRUCE CRAIG
Sep 27 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Mount Islip (8250'): Hike the PCT from Islip Saddle to Windy Gap, then follow the Mount Islip trail to the top of Islip. 6 1/2 miles round trip, 1600' gain. Moderately slow pace; newcomers welcome. Meet 8:30 AM La Cañada rideshare. Wear sturdy hiking shoes or boots, and bring water and lunch. Rain cancels. Leaders: MAURA RAFFENSPERGER, DAVID BEYMER
Sep 27 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Reyes Peak (7510'), Haddock Mt. (7416'): Enjoyable fall hike in the Ventura Co. backcountry. 10 miles round trip, 1500' gain on trail. Considered by some to be two of the prettiest peaks on the HPS list. Email leader for info. Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-Leader: JOE YOUNG
Sep 28 Sun LTC, WTC, HPS, DPS, SPS
I: Grinnell Ridge Navigation: Navigation Noodle in San Bernardino National Forest for either checkout or practice to satisfy the Basic (I/M) or Advanced (E) level navigation requirements. To participate, send navigation experience/training, any WTC, leader rating, rideshare info, phones, email(sase) to Leader: ROBERT MYERS Assistant: HARRY FREIMANIS
Sep 28 Sun Hundred Peaks
M: Antsell Rock (7679'), Southwell Peak (7840'+): Climb a classic HPS peak via the Sam Fink "Trail" up the north side of Antsell. Strenuous outing but moderately paced, 10 miles round trip, 3400' gain. Participants should be comfortable with moderate exposure on solid rock. Permit limits group size. For details send climbing experience to Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, BILL SIMPSON, PETER & IGNACIA DOGGETT
Oct 1 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Iron Mtn #2 (5635'), Condor Pk (5440+') from Mendenhall Ridge Rd: 11 mi rt, 1500' gain, plus 1350' gain on return. Moderate pace for this ambitious hike. Meet 7:58 am at La Cañada rideshare pt with water, lunch, lugsoles, suitable clothing. Significant rain cancels. Leaders: GARY BICKEL, BROOKS TREIDLER
Oct 1 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Charlton Peak (10,806'): Canceled. Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, DAVE COMERZAN
Oct 4 Sat Hundred Peaks, Verdugo Hills
O: Mt Hillyer (6200'): 6 miles round trip, 900' gain easy hike, newcomers welcome. Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Bring water, lunch, hiking boots. Rain cancels. Leaders: FRANK DOBOS, DELPHINE TROWBRIDGE
Oct 4 Sat Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
O: Mount Deception (5796'), Mount Disappointment (5960'), San Gabriel Peak (6161'), Mount Markham (5742'), Mount Lowe (5603'): Enjoy a hike to these historic peaks above Pasadena. Slow to moderate paced 10 miles round trip, 2500' gain. Afterwards we may visit nearby Occidental Peak and Mount Wilson Skyline Park. Rain cancels. Early start, for details contact Leader: PAT VAUGHN Co-Leader: BRUCE CRAIG
Oct 4 Sat Pasadena, Hundred Peaks, Wilderness Adventures
O: Mt. Baden-Powell (9399'): Hike the 41-switchback trail and enjoy views of the high country and the Mojave Desert from the second highest mountain in the San Gabriels, 8 miles round trip/2800' gain. Meet 8 AM in the parking lot of REI's Arcadia store (214 N. Santa Anita) or at Vincent Gap trailhead at 9 AM. Bring water, lunch, hiking boots, jacket. Leaders: JIM and GINNY HERINGER, LILLY FUKUI
Oct 4-5 Sat-Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Big Four: Big Pine Mtn (6800'), West Big Pine (6490'), Madulce Peak (6536'), Samon Peak (6227'): Postponed. Leader: TOM HILL Co-Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, BILL SIMPSON, PETER DOGGETT, IGNACIA DOGGETT
Oct 4-5 Sat-Sun Hundred Peaks, WTC
I: Marion Mtn (10,320'), Drury Peak (10,160'), Jean Peak (10,670'), Cornell Peak (9760'): A great HPS backpack intro, and one of the last chance's for WTC students. Join us for 4 peaks in the San Jacinto Wilderness. Sat meet at tram, back pack (2 miles 530' gain) to Round Valley. Set up camp, Day hike to Marion Mountain, Drury Peak and Jean Peak. (6 miles round trip, 1600'gain). Sunday morning hike to Cornell Peak and cross-country (3 miles, 700' gain) back to tram. Group size limited by permit. Send email to Leader: ROD KIEFFER Co-Leader: JACK KIEFFER
Oct 5 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Pine Mountain #1 (9648'), Dawson Peak (9575'), Wright Mountain (8505'): Pathfinder route, in beautiful Blue Ridge high country north of Mt Baldy, to Pine and Dawson via west ridge from near Lupine campground, then trail down to Wright Mtn. Some dirt roads require AWD; 5 mile car shuttle. Strenuous 8.5 miles, 4800' gain, 3200' loss on trail and cross-country, some trail is steep and loose, moderate pace. Email George with contact info and recent conditioning. Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, JOE YOUNG, BOBCAT THOMPSON
Oct 7 Tues Hundred Peaks
O: West Big Pine (6490'), Big Pine Mtn (6800'): A mountain bike and hike adventure to two of the famous Big Four set of peaks west of Maricopa. Mostly biking on good dirt road with short walks to summits for 36 miles round trip with 4600' of gain. Bring helmet (required), spare tube, locking cable, and night riding light. Suitable only for experienced and conditioned bikers. Moderate pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: JOHN RADALJ, MARS BONFIRE
Oct 8 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Santa Cruz Peak (5570'), San Rafael Mountain (6593'), McKinley Mountain (6200'): A long and very strenuous day hike of the Big Three above Lake Cachuma for 25 miles round trip with 7120' gain. A mix of dirt road, firebreak, steep and loose cross country, and trail suitable only for experienced and conditioned hikers. Expect night hiking. Moderate pace. Experience a new route to San Rafael. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, MARS BONFIRE
Oct 8 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Boucher Hill (5438'), Palomar Observatory "exploratory" (5571'), Combs Peak (6193'), Palomar High Point (6140'): Curious about the ballot proposal to redesignate the summit of Palomar? Join us and you can check out both "summits" on this interesting mix of hikes to some easy peaks in northern San Diego County, 8 miles round trip, 1800' gain. Extensive dirt road driving; high-clearance vehicles recommended. For trip details contact Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leader: PATRICK VAUGHN
Oct 8 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Shortcut Trailhead to Mt Eli: 6 mi rt, 2100' gain. Car shuttle, hike Silver Moccasin Trail across Charlton Flats to a short ridge to this relatively unknown peak. Return to Charlton Flats entrance. Meet 9 am La Cañada rideshare pt. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles. Leaders: BROOKS TREIDLER, DON SIMINSKI
Oct 11 Sat Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
I: Goodykoontz Peak (7558'), Pallett Mountain (7760'): Strenuous loop hike on trail and steep, loose cross-country in San Gabriel back country by way of the Burkhart trail. Up to 15 miles, 4500' gain for this serious hike, no beginners or tigers. Email Pat with contact information and recent conditioning. Rain cancels. Leader: PATRICK VAUGHN Co-Leader: WAYNE VOLLAIRE
Oct 11 Sat LTC, WTC, Hundred Peaks
I: Mount Lowe (5603') Beginning Navigation Clinic: 4 miles, 500' gain. Spend the day one-on-one with an instructor, learning/practicing map and compass. Beginners to rusty old-timers welcome. Not a checkout. Many expert leaders will attend; many I-rated leaders started here in the past. Send sase, $25 deposit (Sierra Club-refunded at trailhead), phones to Leader: DIANE DUNBAR Co-Leader:RICHARD BOARDMAN
Oct 11 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Buck Point (6433'), San Sevaine (5240'): The Lytle Creek rangers claim that the dirt road leading up towards San Sevaine should be open by the end of September. If we can drive up the dirt road, our hike will only be about 6.7 miles round trip with 1300' of gain. However, if this dirt road is not open, we'll have a long hike (or mountain bike, if there is interest) of 17 miles and 5000' gain. Please bring: water, lunch, lug soles, a hat and a headlamp (if we can't drive). Please contact the leader on or after Wednesday to see if the road is open or what to learn how we'll deal with this detour. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leader: IGNACIA DOGGETT
Oct 11 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: West Big Pine (6490'), Big Pine Mtn (6800'): A mountain bike and hike adventure to two of the famous Big Four set of peaks west of Maricopa. Mostly biking on good dirt road with short walks to summits for 36 miles round trip with 4600' of gain. Bring helmet, spare tube, locking cable, and night riding light. Suitable only for experienced and conditioned bikers. Moderate pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, KATHY CHEEVER BONFIRE
Oct 11-12 Sat-Sun Hundred Peaks
I: The Big Three: McKinley Mountain (6200'), San Rafael Mountain (6593'), Santa Cruz Peak (5570'): Very strenuous, moderately paced backpack in central Santa Barbara County. Weekend totals 31 miles round trip, 8100' gain, following roads and often overgrown trails. For trip details send recent conditioning, phone & rideshare information to Leader: Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leader: DON CROLEY
Oct 11-12 Sat-Sun Hundred Peaks
O: Thorn Point (6920'), Haddock Mountain (7431'), Reyes Peak (7514'): Beautiful hikes in Los Padres National Forest. Saturday, after setting up long car shuttle, climb Thorn Point (7.5 miles round trip, 2400' gain). Saturday night car camp with happy hour in Thorn Meadows area. Sunday hike Cedar Creek trail and Piedras Blancas National Recreational Trail, then climb peaks and finish at Pine Mountain road parking area (16 miles, 3400' gain, 3200' loss). All hiking at much-slower-than-brisk pace on trail and good use trail. High clearance vehicles helpful. Apply with recent conditioning and contact info to Leader: GEORGE WYSUP Co-Leader: JENNIFER WASHINGTON
Oct 13 Mon Hundred Peaks
I: Madulce (6536'): A mountain bike and hike adventure to one of the fabulous Big Four set of peaks west of Maricopa. Mostly biking on good dirt road with a moderately strenuous rough trail hike occasionally bypassing downed trees for 28 miles round trip with 4200' of gain. Bring helmet (required), spare tube, locking cable, and night riding light. Suitable only for experienced and conditioned bikers/hikers. Moderate pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: JOHN RADALJ, MARS BONFIRE
Oct 14 Tue Hundred Peaks
I: Hawes Peak (6751'), Little Shay Mountain (6635'), Ingham Peak (6355'), Shay Mountain (6714'): Moderate hike to peaks in the San Bernardino Mountains east of Victorville for 10 miles round trip with 3030' of gain on trail and steep and loose cross-country. Suitable only for conditioned and experienced hikers. Moderate pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, MARS BONFIRE
Oct 15 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Skinner Peak (7120'): Visit one of our picturesque high-desert peaks north of the town of Mojave. Moderate trek in sometimes steep terrain, 8 miles round trip, 2000' gain. Much dirt road driving. For trip details contact Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leader: MARS BONFIRE
Oct 15 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Mt Wilson Circle Hike: 6 mi rt, 1500' gain. Where the sky is blue and the air clear. Have lunch where everything tastes better outdoors. See 100" telescope and learn about the CHARA telescope. Meet 9 am at La Cañada rideshare pt. Bring water, lugsoles, daypack, lunch. Leaders: JOHN DePOY, DAN BUTLER
Oct 17-18 Fri-Sat Hundred Peaks, Palos Verdes-South Bay, NSS, WTC
O: Palm Springs Tram (8450'), Mt San Jacinto (10,804') Moonlight Hike: Strenuous hike for tigers only, 10 miles, 8300' gain to tram with additional 10 miles round trip, 2400' gain to the peak. We'll start hiking before midnight Friday. With the advent of the moonlight aspect of the hike, we've been getting many more successful peak baggers, so we'll have two groups, hopefully both SJ bound, one faster, the other naturalizing along the way. Of course, any who wish can head back down at the tram after a mere 8300' gain. Bring money for tram ride and taxi back to cars. Send e-mail (preferable) or SASE with carpool information, conditioning/experience to Leader: BARRY HOLCHIN Co-Leaders: TONY TRULL, WAYNE VOLLAIRE, SHERRY ROSS, KENT SCHWITKIS, PAMELA ROWE
Oct 18 Sat Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
I: Cobblestone Mountain (6733'), White Mountain #2 (6250'), Sewart Mountain (6841'): Adventurous trip to these very strenuous crux peaks near Alamo Mountain in central Ventura County, 14 miles round trip, 6000' gain. Will feel like more. Some disturbed areas and burnt debris from the Day Fire, but good conditions overall. Half the gain on the return (but thankfully most of it on old forest roads). We expect significant dirt road driving suitable for most passenger cars. For details send vehicle information and recent experience to Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leaders: PATRICK VAUGHN, BILL SIMPSON, PETER DOGGETT, IGNACIA DOGGETT
Oct 18 Sat Long Beach, Hundred Peaks, Natural Science
O: Tahquitz LO (8846'), Red Tahquitz (8738'): Join us for a spooky adventure in the San Jacinto Wilderness to two peaks named after a demon of Native American legend. The lookout offers views to Mexico on a clear day, and haunted Red with its unique coloration overlooks the Desert Divide. 13 mile loop hike, 4000' gain, moderate pace. Permit limits group size. Contact Sharon for details and to reserve your spot. Co-Leaders: SHARON MOORE, TODD WILLIAMS
Oct 19 Sun LTC, WTC, HPS
I: Indian Cove Navigation: Navigation noodles at Joshua Tree National Park to satisfy the Basic (I/M) level navigation requirements. Practice or checkout. To receive homework assignment, email/sase, navigation experience training, any WTC, leader rating, rideshare info, phones, to Leader: ROBERT MYERS Assistant: PHIL WHEELER
Oct 19 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Fox Mountain #1 (5167'): Hike this fine peak in the Los Padres National Forest at a relaxed pace. The entire hike will be 5 miles round trip on some cross-country ridges. There should be a total of 2300' gain (2100' going & 200' on the return). Please bring: water, lunch, lug soles, jacket & hat. Please contact the leader to find the meeting location & time. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT & BILL SIMPSON
Oct 21 Tue Hundred Peaks
I: Owens Peak (8453'), Mount Jenkins (7921'): Join us for these two lovely peaks in the Lake Isabella area. Strenuous loop hike of 8 miles, 3500' of gain on use trail and trail. Contact leaders for details. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, MARS BONFIRE
Oct 22 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Black Mountain #4 (6149'): Canceled. Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, PATRICK VAUGHN
Oct 22 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Mount Deception (5796'), Mount Disappointment (5960'), San Gabriel Peak (6161'), Mount Markham (5742'), Mount Lowe (5603'): Enjoy a hike to these historic peaks above Pasadena. Moderately paced 10 miles round trip, 2500' gain. Afterwards we may visit nearby Occidental Peak and Mount Wilson Skyline Park. For details contact Leaders: WAYNE BANNISTER, PATRICK VAUGHN
Oct 22 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Fox Mt Trail: We will use a shortcut to the Fox Trail from Big Tujunga Cyn Rd. 10 mi rt will give us a good lunch spot. Possible opportunity to do Fox Pk. Meet 7:58 am at supermarket parking lot (NE corner of Foothill Blvd and Mt Gleason Rd). Bring lunch, water, suitable clothing layers, lugsoles. Leaders: RON ROSIEN, DAN BUTLER
Oct 22 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Old Man Mountain (5538'), Monte Arido (6010') and Hildreth Peak (5065'): Hike at least two - and maybe all three - of these remote peaks in the Los Padres National Forest. The leaders will decide on the day of the hike how many peaks will be done (it's possible we will not make it to Hildreth). The total hike without Hildreth will be about 8 miles with around 1900' of gain. Hildreth will add up to an additional 12 miles with another 3500' of gain (1600' to the peak and 1900' on the way back). Participation will be limited due to need for 4wd vehicles for dirt road driving behind locked gate (combination has been arranged for by leader). Bring: water, lunch, lug-soles, layers & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: BILL SIMPSON Co-Leader: PETER DOGGETT
Oct 25 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Mt. San Antonio (10,064) aka Mt. Baldy: Strenuous hike from Baldy Village via the Bear Canyon Trail. 12 miles round trip, 6000' gain. Should be comfortable at high altitudes. Moderate pace. Great views high above LA. Not suitable for beginners. Please bring: water, lunch, lug soles, jacket, and hat. Rain cancels or postpones. Email Leader for info. Leader: LORRAINE DALY Assistant: IGNACIA DOGGETT
Oct 25 Sat Hundred Peaks, Natural Science
O: Thomas Mountain (6825'): Don't drive this peak - join us on the beautiful Ramona Trail as we do a moderate hike (10 miles, 2500' gain) from chaparral to pine forest. Includes Natural Science credit for prospective I-rated leaders. Consider staying to hike another drive-up the next day, Rouse Mountain. Contact Laura for details. Leaders: LAURA JOSEPH, GINNY HERINGER, GEORGE WYSUP
Oct 25 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Chief Peak (5560'+), Hines Peak (6704'), Topatopa Bluff (6367'): Visit three spectacular peaks in condor country along Nordhoff Ridge near Ojai. Easy-paced 9 miles round trip, 3000' gain. Expect some rugged scrambling, including a traverse of a severe knife-edge ridge at Hines. We will carpool, but 4WD vehicles are needed to access the trailheads on the Nordhoff Ridge Road. For info, email city, phone, recent conditioning, and experience to Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-Leader: WAYNE VOLLAIRE
Oct 26 Sun Hundred Peaks, Natural Science
O: Rouse Mountain (5168'): Don't drive this peak - join us on the South Fork Trail as we do a moderate hike (10 miles, 3000' gain) through chaparral and riparian areas. Includes Natural Science credit for prospective I-rated leaders. Contact Laura for details. Leaders: LAURA JOSEPH, GINNY HERINGER, GEORGE WYSUP
Oct 26 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Hildreth Peak (5065'): We take the long, beautiful southern approach from the hot spring to this peak north of the city of Santa Barbara. Strenuous 16 miles round trip, 4700' gain, with some bushwhacking to exit the streambed and gain the main ridgeline. Early start time! Much dirt road driving. For trip details contact Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leader: PATRICK VAUGHN
Oct 27 Mon Hundred Peaks
O: Caliente Mountain (5106'): Mountain bike the scenic and unique ridge road to this historically significant peak west of Maricopa for 15 miles round trip with 2900' gain. Bring helmet, spare tube, and night riding light. Suitable only for experienced and conditioned bikers. Moderate pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: JOHN RADALJ, MARS BONFIRE
Oct 29 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: San Rafael Peak (6640'), McDonald Peak (6870'), Alamo Mountain (7360'): Minimal damage from the huge Day Fire makes this northern trail approach to San Rafael a winner. Moderately strenuous 11 miles round trip, 3200' gain, featuring a forested ridgeline cross-country ascent to the summit from the Little Mutau Trail. Half the gain is on the trail return. Last two peaks (optional) are easy summits in the area, adding about 500' gain for each peak. Much dirt road driving. For trip details contact Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leader: DAVE COMERZAN
Nov 1 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Mt. Pacifico (7124') from Sulphur Springs Road: Pathfinder route, 11 miles, 2500' gain with 400' on the return. Beautiful section of PCT out and back. Meet 7:30 AM at La Cañada Rideshare. Bring lunch, three liters of water, and ten essentials. Rain or shine. Email questions to Leader: VICTORIA OVERBEY Assistant: KC REID
Nov 1 Sat Hundred Peaks, Airport Marina
O: South Mount Hawkins (7783'): Moderately paced 14 miles, 3800' gain, from Islip Saddle. Enjoyable fall hike in the San Gabriel Mountains. Optional short climb to Middle Hawkins on the return. Bring water, lunch, layers and appropriate footwear. Rain cancels. E-mail leader for details. Leader: PAT VAUGHN Co-Leader: BRUCE CRAIG
Nov 1 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Sewart Mountain (6841'), Snowy Peak (6532'), Black Mountain #2 (6202'): Fairly strenuous, moderately paced hike in Ventura County west of the Grapevine. 10 miles round trip, 4000' gain. For info, email leader with recent conditioning and experience. Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-leader: JOE YOUNG
Nov 1 Sat Palos Verdes-South Bay, Hundred Peaks, WTC
I: Rattlesnake (6131'), Hawes (6751'), and Deep Creek Hot Springs (5' deep): 18th semi-annual Deep Creek Hot Springs hike/soak/swim with some more peaks. Moderately paced 14 miles, 3100' gain with considerable cross-country via exploratory routes. Some 4wd driving. Adventure pass required. Bring lunch, water, rain gear, lugs (swim suit optional). No beginners. Plan on spending full day - it's near Hesperia. Rain cancels. Send e-mail (preferable) or sase, along with carpool information, conditioning/experience to Leader: BARRY HOLCHIN Co-Leader: WAYNE VOLLAIRE
Nov 1 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Samon Peak (6227'), Big Pine Mtn. (6800') and West Big Pine Mtn. (6490'): Canceled due to inclement weather, replaced by outing below. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leader: IGNACIA DOGGETT
Nov 1 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Monrovia Peak (5409'): Mountain Bike this mighty peak via the Redbox - Rincon Road. The entire trip will cover about 24 miles with 4000' gain. Please bring - mountain bike, helmet, spare tube, lock, water, lunch, jacket, and gloves. Contact Peter for meeting info. Leader: LORRAINE DALY Assistant Leaders: PETER & IGNACIA DOGGETT
Nov 1 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Caliente (5106'): Mountain bike the scenic and unique ridge road to this historically significant peak west of Maricopa for 15 miles round trip with 2900' gain. Bring helmet, spare tube, and night riding light. Suitable only for experienced and conditioned bikers. Moderate pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661-609-8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, KATHY CHEEVER BONFIRE
Nov 2 Sun Hundred Peaks, K-9
O: San Gabriel Peak (6161'), Mt Disappointment (5960'+), Mt Deception (5796'): 5 miles, 1800' gain in the San Gabriel Mountains, great views of the LA basin. Newcomers and well-behaved K-9s welcome. Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare point with water (for you and your dog), lunch, sturdy shoes. Rain, snow cancels. Leaders: DORIS DUVAL, LILLY FUKUI, CHRIS SPISAK, KAREN LEVERICH
Nov 2 Sun Verdugo Hills, Hundred Peaks
O: Sunset Peak (5796'): Post Harwood Lodge Retreat hike known for its great views. 7 miles round trip, 1500' gain. Meet 9 AM at Harwood Lodge or 9:30 AM at Cow Canyon Saddle (off Glendora Mtn Rd). Bring water, snack, dress for any kind of weather. Leaders: FRANK DOBOS, ELIZABETH ROBERTS, DELPHINE TROWBRIDGE
Nov 2 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Heald Peak (6901'), Nicolls Peak (6070'): Canceled. Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leaders: JENNIFER WASHINGTON, PAT VAUGHN
Nov 2 Sun Lower Peaks
O: Mt Hollywood Exploratory: "Exploratory" because Mt Hollywood is a candidate for the Lower Peaks List. Moderately paced, 8 miles round trip, 2800' gain. Conditioning hike traverses much of Griffith Park. We'll walk up to Hollywood Peak, Mt Lee, and Cahuenga Peak along the way. Meet 8 AM at the Observatory parking lot near the Charlie Turner Trailhead. Bring 2 quarts water and snacks. Rain cancels. Leader: MICHAEL GOSNELL Assistant: GEORGE WYSUP
Nov 5 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Mt. Pacifico (7124') from Mill Creek Summit: 12 miles, 2200' gain hiking on the PCT. Return the same way. Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare. Bring lunch, water, good footwear. Heavy rain cancels. Join Sarah on her provisional. Leaders: SARAH KORDA, ROSEMARY CAMPBELL
Nov 5 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Monte Arido (6010'), Old Man Mountain (5538'): Canceled. But see below for replacement. Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leader: PAT VAUGHN
Nov 5 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Scodie Mountain (7294'): 7 miles round trip, 2300' gain. Significant portion of hike involves a steep climb on this mostly cross-country approach to a seldom-visited peak (25 sign-ins for all of 2005). Summit views arguably as good as those from oft-climbed neighbor, Owens Peak. Much of hike goes through Pinon pine forest. For trip details send recent conditioning, phone and rideshare information to Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leader: PAT VAUGHN
Nov 6 Thu Hundred Peaks
O: Bertha Peak (8201'), Little Bear Peak (7621'): Two easy hikes in the Big Bear Lake area totaling 4 miles round trip with 1000' of gain. High clearance 4WD advised. Slow pace. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE CANNON, MARS BONFIRE
Nov 8 Sat Chapter Outings Management Committee
Chapter Outings Assembly: Join the Outings Management Committee for a session on the present and future of the chapter's outings program. All Sierra Club members are invited, especially outings leaders, provisional leaders and outings chairs. Get the scoop on what's happening in our Chapter, let us know what is working for your entity and how we can help you. Meet 9:30 AM-4:00 PM at Eaton Canyon Nature Center, 1750 N. Altadena Dr., Pasadena. (From 210 freeway eastbound, exit Altadena Dr, north 1.5 miles to park entrance on right. From 210 westbound, exit Sierra Madre Blvd, west 1 block to Altadena Dr, north 1.5 mi.) Light breakfast, refreshments, lunch provided.
Nov 8 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Samon Peak (6227'): Mountain Bike to Chokecherry Spring, then hike the steep, brushy ridge to this spectacular HPS Peak. The entire trip will cover 23 miles round trip with about 4000' gain. Bring: mountain bike, helmet, spare tube, lock, night riding light, water, lunch and jacket. To finish by darkness, we'll need to progress at a moderate pace. No beginners, please. Contact the leader to find the meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leader: IGNACIA DOGGETT
Nov 8 Sat Lower Peaks, Wilderness Adventures
O: Little Pine Mountain (4489'): Looking for a new goal? Try hiking Lower Peaks, finish the list and then have a party! Join leaders in their new Lower Peaks quest! You will get a good workout on this 12 mile, 3400' gain wooded and scenic outing in the Los Padres National Forest north of Santa Barbara, east of Lake Cachuma. Option to camp or hotel overnight and join Sunday's outing to Montecito Peak. Contact Leader: MARLEN MERTZ Co-Leader: WAYNE VOLLAIRE
Nov 8 Sat Pasadena, Lower Peaks
O: Mount Zion Loop from Chantry Flat: Moderately paced 10 mile round trip, 1800' gain hike. Meet 8 AM lower Chantry Flat parking lot. Bring lunch, water, appropriate clothing layers, lugsoles. Rain/fire cancels. Leaders: NORM STABECK, GARY KINSLEY
Nov 8 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Owens Peak (8453'): Replaced with Morris, Jenkins and Owens, see next outing. Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leaders: TED LUBESHKOFF, PAT VAUGHN
Nov 8 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Morris Peak (7215'), Mount Jenkins (7921'), Owens Peak (8453'): A challenging hike of three peaks north in the Lake Isabella area. The hike includes some steep cross country and rock scrambling starting with Morris Peak and concluding with Owens Peak, a prominent peak on the southern crest of the Sierras on the SPS Peak List. This is a strenuous 10 miles round trip, with 5800' gain and a short car shuttle. For trip details contact Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leaders: TED LUBESHKOFF, PAT VAUGHN
Nov 8 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Backus Peak (6651'), Russell Peak (6696'): Join us for a moderately-paced and strenuous cross-country climb, 8.34 miles round trip (10.6 if we don't have a car shuttle) with 3800' gain. We will start with a steep climb of Backus (2750' gain) followed by a 2 mile ridge negotiation out to Russell (1050' gain and loss). We will descend from Russell returning to the cars via a route with some scree. For trip details contact Leader: DAN RICHTER Co-Leader: ASHER WAXMAN
Nov 9 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Morris Peak (7215'), Mount Jenkins (7921'): Canceled. But see November 8 outing to these peaks. Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF
Nov 9 Sun Hundred Peaks
O: South Mt. Hawkins (7783'), Middle Hawkins (8505'): Moderately paced, approximately 14 miles, 3800' gain, from Islip Saddle. Bring water, lunch, layers. Rain cancels. E-mail leader for details. Leaders: PAT ARREDONDO, GEORGE WYSUP
Nov 9 Sun Hundred Peaks
O: Big Pine Mtn (6800') and West Big Pine Mtn (6490'): Visit the two most-remote & pristine HPS Peaks via mountain bike along a dirt road. The entire trip will cover 36 miles round trip with 5200' gain. Bring: mountain bike, helmet, spare tube, lock, night riding light, water, lunch and jacket. To finish by darkness, we'll need to progress at a moderate pace. No beginners, please. Contact Peter to find the meeting information. Leader: LORRAINE DALY Assistant Leaders: PETER & IGNACIA DOGGETT
Nov 9 Sun Wilderness Adventures, Hundred Peaks
O: Strawberry Peak (6164'), Mount Lawlor (5957') from Red Box: 6 miles round trip, 2400' gain hike for the highest peak in the San Gabriel front range. Meet 8 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Bring 2 quarts water, lunch, sturdy lugsole boots. Hiking poles advised for steep descent from Mount Lawlor. Leaders: MIA YANG-GOLDFARB, RON GOLDFARB
Nov 9 Sun Lower Peaks, Wilderness Adventures
O: Montecito Peak (3214'): Join Saturday's hikers (Little Pine Mountain) or come up just for this outing in the beautiful Montecito area near Santa Barbara. Hike along shady Cold Spring Trail, considered the most beautiful footpath in this vicinity. Enjoy stream pools and small waterfalls. 7 miles, 2450' gain. Option of an after-hike group dinner in Santa Barbara. Contact Leader: MARLEN MERTZ Co-Leader: WAYNE VOLLAIRE
Nov 11 Tue Hundred Peaks
I: Lightner Peak (6430') and Hobo Ridge (5582'): Visit these two fine summits on a moderate hike via the steeper & longer Remington Ridge Trail. The total hike will be about 10.5 miles round trip with about 4600' of gain. Please bring: water, lunch, jacket & hat. Contact the Leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT & BILL SIMPSON
Nov 12 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Tehachapi Mountain (7960'), Black Mountain #3 (5686'): Ascend the western flanks of these fine peaks near the town of Mojave. Moderate hike, 9.5 miles round trip, 3700' gain in pleasant forest. Paved road driving. For trip details contact Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leader: JENNIFER WASHINGTON
Nov 12 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Mount Waterman (8038') from Cloudburst Summit: Climb Waterman and hike down the beautiful West Ridge to Newcomb's. 2000' gain, 7 miles. Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Bring water, lunch, good footwear. Leaders: BOBCAT THOMPSON, BETH MIKA
Nov 13 Thu Lower Peaks
O: Sandstone Sextet: Postponed. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, INGEBORG PROCHAZKA
Nov 13 Thu Hundred Peaks
O: Mill Peak (6670'), Keller Peak (7882'), Slide Peak (7841'): A drive-up and two easy hikes in the Big Bear Lake area totaling 3.6 miles round trip with 900' of gain. Slow pace. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE CANNON, MARS BONFIRE
Nov 15 Sat Hundred Peaks, Wilderness Adventures
I: Iron Mountain #3 (5040'), Round Top (6316'), Granite Mountain #1 (6600'+), Rabbit Peak #1 (5307'): Bag 4 moderate peaks and join Leader's 100th peak lead. Approximately 11 miles and 4150' gain should be back to the cars at 4 PM. Meet 7 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Bring lunch and 10 essentials. Leaders: HARVEY GANZ, BRENT COSTELLO, MARYANN MEGGELIN
Nov 15 Sat Hundred Peaks, Airport-Marina
O: Mount Emma (5273'), Old Mount Emma (5063'): 4 miles round trip, 1200' gain for these peaks with some ups and downs between them. Great views to Antelope Valley and Edwards AFB. Meet 8 AM at La Cañada rideshare point with water, lunch, hiking boots. Rain cancels. Leader: PAT VAUGHN Co-Leader: BRUCE CRAIG
Nov 15 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: San Gabriel Peak (6161'), Mount Disappointment (5960+'), Mount Deception (5796'): 5 mile, 2100' gain hike in the San Gabriel Mountains, great views of the LA Basin. Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare point with 2 quarts liquid, lunch, lugsoles a must. Come celebrate a birthday. Rain, snow cancels. Leaders: FRANK DOBOS, MARY McMANNES
Nov 15 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Topatopa Bluff (6367'), Hines Peak (6704') and Chief Peak (5550'+): Climb these three terrific peaks in Ventura County near Ojai. The total hike will be about 10 miles round trip with 3000' gain on a combination of trail, dirt road, open ridgeline and path. Please bring: water, lunch, lug soles, jacket & hat. NO beginners. Hines Peak has a difficult section along a ridge. We'll approach Chief via the southwest ridge. Number of participants limited by the number of 4WD vehicles. Please contact the leader about meeting information. Leaders: PETER & IGNACIA DOGGETT Co-leaders: BILL SIMPSON, MARS & KATHY CHEEVER-BONFIRE
Nov 15 Sat Wilderness Adventures, Hundred Peaks
O: Pacifico Mountain (7124'): Canceled due to fire. Leaders: MIA YANG-GOLDFARB, RON GOLDFARB
Nov 15 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Sheep Mountain (5141'), Martinez Mountain (6560'): This very strenuous dayhike south of Palm Springs will require an early start for its 18 miles round trip, 5000' gain. Martinez Mountain is also on the DPS Peak List. Much rugged cross-country travel in desert terrain. Seasoned hikers send conditioning and experience info to Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leader: JENNIFER WASHINGTON
Nov 15-16 Sat-Sun LTC, WTC, HPS, DPS, SPS
I: Indian Cove Navigation: Navigation noodle at Joshua Tree National Park to satisfy the Basic (I/M) level navigation requirements. Saturday for practice, skills refresher, altimeter, homework, campfire. Sunday checkout. To receive participate, send email/sase, contact info, navigation experience/training, any WTC, leader rating, rideshare info, to Leader: ROBERT MYERS Assistant: HARRY FREIMANIS
Nov 16 Sun Hundred Peaks
Canceled. But see November 15th outing to same peaks. I: Sheep Mountain (5141'), Martinez Mountain (6560'): Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leader: TOM HILL
Nov 16 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Palm View Mound (7160'), Cone Peak (6800'): Join us on the desert divide to bag tricky Cone (plenty of brush and fun rock scrambling) and benign Palm View (great view from the palm-studded summit) at our relaxed moderate pace. About 6 miles, 2200' gain loop trip on trail, old road and cross country, starting on pavement. Contact George for more details. Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, PAT ARREDONDO, JENNIFER WASHINGTON, DON CROLEY
Nov 16 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Lizard Head (5250+'): Visit this wonderful peak in Santa Barbara County. We will maintain a strong pace (not well-suited for slow hikers or beginners). The total hike will be about 11 miles. The total gain is about 3200', with 2000' going & 1200' on the return. Please bring: water, lunch, lug soles & a hat. Contact the Leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT & BILL SIMPSON
Nov 17 Mon Hundred Peaks
O: Mount Lukens (5074'): Mountain bike the highest peak within L.A. city limits for a moderately strenuous 11 miles round trip with 2200' gain on fire roads. Bring helmet (required), spare tube, pump, locking cable, and night riding light. Moderate pace. Suitable only for experienced and conditioned bikers. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: JOHN RADALJ, MARS BONFIRE
Nov 18 Tue Lower Peaks
O: Verdugo Mountain (3126'): Rescheduled to December 9. Leaders: INGEBORG PROCHAZKA, DAVE COMERZAN
Nov 18 Tue Hundred Peaks
Rescheduled from October 21
I: Owens Peak (8453'), Mount Jenkins (7921'): Join us for these two lovely peaks in the Lake Isabella area. Strenuous loop hike of 8 miles, 3500' of gain on use trail and trail. Contact leaders for details. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, MARS BONFIRE
Nov 19 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Backus Peak (6651'), Russell Peak (6696'): Join us for this classic, somewhat gnarly traverse of a prominent ridgeline in the high desert north of the town of Mojave. Strenuous non-shuttle loop, 10 miles round trip, 4000' gain. Paved road driving. For trip details contact Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leaders: PAT VAUGHN, JENNIFER WASHINGTON
Nov 20 Thu Hundred Peaks
I: Reyes Peak (7514'), Haddock Mountain (7431'): Moderate hike to peaks north of Ojai in the Los Padres NF for 8 miles round trip, 1200' gain. Moderate pace. Phone Mars (661 609 8218) during the four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, MARS BONFIRE
Nov 22 Sat Hundred Peaks, Airport Marina
O: Barley Flats (5600'), Mt Lawlor (5957'): We will hike from Red Box on an old road 3 miles with 1000' of gain to Barley Flats then do another 2 miles with 800' gain to Lawlor. Then down the west side of Lawlor to Strawberry saddle, return 2 miles to Red Box. Some loose spots on road between Red Box and Barley along with some bush whacking on trail early along the ridge from Barley to Lawlor. Meet 7:30 AM La Cañada rideshare point with water, lunch and lugsoles. Rain cancels. Leader: PATRICK VAUGHN Co-Leader: BRUCE CRAIG
Nov 22 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Thomas Mountain (6825'): Nice fall hike near Garner Valley, south of Idyllwild, on the beautiful Ramona Trail - 10 miles round trip, 2500' gain. For info, email leader with recent conditioning and experience. Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-Leader: JOE YOUNG
Nov 22 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Exploration of Tejon Canyon on the Tejon Ranch, probable state park site: Participants must be rated Angeles leaders as we'll be learning about Tejon Ranch access procedures. Long day w/dirt rd driving. 4x4 or high clearance vehicles needed on Tejon Ranch. Easy hike of 4 to 6 miles, approximately 600 feet of gain. We'll take time to learn from our naturalist about the fauna and flora at this site. Bring 10 essentials, lunch, and water. Esase (preferred) or sase with recent conditioning, phone & rideshare information to Leader: KENT SCHWITKIS Co-Leader: KAREN LEVERICH Naturalist: SHERRY ROSS
Nov 22 Sat Pasadena, Lower Peaks
O: Stoddard Peak (4624'): Moderately easy 6 mile, 800' gain hike primarily along fire road; however, final ½ mile is on use trail with several rock scrambles. We'll visit the Hansel and Gretel house to check out the patchwork on our way to observe the rejuvenating vegetation in area of recent fire at edge of unusual open valley. Meet 8:30 AM at REI parking lot (214 N Santa Anita Ave, Arcadia) or 9:15 AM at Mt Baldy rideshare point. Rain, heavy snow, fire cancels. Leaders: DANA HUNTER, DAVID CZAMANSKE
Nov 22 Sat Hundred Peaks
Rescheduled from November 9
O: Big Pine Mtn (6800') and West Big Pine Mtn (6490'): Visit the two most-remote & pristine HPS Peaks via mountain bike along a dirt road. The entire trip will cover 36 miles round trip with 5200' gain. Bring: mountain bike, helmet, spare tube, lock, night riding light, water, lunch and jacket. To finish by darkness, we'll need to progress at a moderate pace of about 4 MPH. No beginners, please. Contact leader to find the meeting information. Leaders: PETER & IGNACIA DOGGETT
Nov 22 Sat Desert Peaks
I: Old Woman Mountains (5325'): Come and join Dave and Ann Perkins as they finish the DPS List on Old Woman. We will be doing Drive and Climb Route A: 3200' gain, 7 miles. 2wd okay. It'll be a great climb, and a fantastic potluck around the roaring fire. Bring food to share and beverage of your choice. Come and see what the Desert Peaks Section is all about! Contact Leaders: DAVE & ANN PERKINS
Nov 22-23 Sat-Sun Hundred Peaks, Desert Peaks
I: Villager Peak (5756'), Rabbit Peak (6640'): Long backpack (14 miles, 4900' gain to/from Villager) plus day hike (7 miles, 3100' gain to/from Rabbit) at a gentle but not sluggish pace through fantastic but steep and cholla-infested Anza-Borrego desert terrain to bag the big Bunny, a DPS emblem peak. No bears or lions expected. Hike from pavement, carry a lot of water, and exercise your headlamp along with experienced leaders. For details provide George with recent conditioning and contact information. Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, JENNIFER WASHINGTON, DON CROLEY, WAYNE VOLLAIRE
Nov 25 Tue Hundred Peaks
O: Queen Mountain (5680'): Easy hike of 4 miles round trip with 1000' of gain in Joshua Tree National Park. Summit block involves slab walking and is optional. Park entrance fee. High clearance 4WD advised. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE CANNON, MARS BONFIRE
Nov 25 Tue Lower Peaks
O: Verdugo Mountain (3126'): Rescheduled to December 9. Leaders: INGEBORG PROCHAZKA, DAVE COMERZAN
Nov 26 Wed Hundred Peaks
I: Santa Cruz Peak (5570'), San Rafael Mountain (6593'), McKinley Mountain (6200'): Rescheduled to February 4. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, MARS BONFIRE
Nov 26 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Fox Trail: We will take a shortcut to the Fox Trail from Big Tujunga Canyon Road. 10 miles round trip, 2500' gain to good lunch spot. Option to do Fox Peak. Meet 7:58 AM supermarket parking lot, NE corner of Foothill Blvd and Mt. Gleason Rd. Bring lunch, water, suitable clothing layers, good footwear. Leaders: RON ROSIEN, JOE YOUNG
Nov 28 Fri Hundred Peaks
I: Iron Mountain #1 (8007'): Work off that Thanksgiving dinner with a hike to this peak located in the San Gabriels. Known as Big Iron this hike consists of 14 miles round trip, 7200' of gain on trail and use trail. For details, contact leaders with hiking history. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, MARS BONFIRE
Nov 28 Fri Hundred Peaks
I: Oakzanita Peak (5054'), Middle Peak (5883'), Cuyamaca Peak (6512') and Stonewall Peak (5730'): Hike these four nice peaks in San Diego County. The total hike will be about 16 miles round trip with 4300' gain. Expect to be hiking all day. Please bring: water, lunch, lug soles, jacket & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Nov 29 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Sheephead Mtn (5896'), Monument Peak #1 (6271'), Garnet Peak (5880'+) and Garnet Mtn (5680'+): Hike these peaks near Mt. Laguna and attempt to "Clean-out" the Mt. Laguna area. Presently, the access to Cuyapaipe Mtn. has been restricted and we may not be able to hike to this peak. The total hike will probably be about 9.6 miles round trip with 1900' gain. Please bring: water, lunch, lug soles, jacket & hat. Contact the leader for meeting information & to obtain news about the Cuyapaipe situation. Leader: PETER DOGGETT Assistant Leaders: IGNACIA DOGGETT, BILL SIMPSON
Nov 29 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Mount Wilson (5710'): Strenuous, but moderate pace for a loop hike to work off Thanksgiving calories. Begin at Bailey Canyon Trail, return via Mt. Wilson Trail. Estimate 16 miles round trip, 5000' gain. E-mail leaders with conditioning/experience. Rain cancels. Co-Leaders: PAT ARREDONDO, GEORGE WYSUP, BRUCE CRAIG, MIKE GOSNELL
Nov 30 Sun Hundred Peaks
O: Winston Peak (7502'), Winston Ridge (7003'): Conclude your Thanksgiving weekend with this laid-back hike. 5+ miles round trip, 1500' gain, some easy cross country. Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare. Newcomers welcome. Wear sturdy hiking shoes or boots, and bring water and lunch. Rain cancels. Leaders: MAURA RAFFENSPERGER, DAVID BEYMER
Dec 2 Tue Hundred Peaks
I: Antimony Peak (6848'), Eagle Rest Peak (6005'): Strenuous hike to peaks west-northwest of Frazier Park in the Los Padres National Forest. 11 miles round trip, 3500' gain on road and steep and loose cross-country. Suitable only for conditioned and experienced hikers. Moderate pace. High clearance 4WD advised. Contact Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, MARS BONFIRE
Dec 3 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Winston Peak (7502'), Winston Ridge (7003'): 5+ miles round trip, 1200' gain. Celebrate Jennifer overcoming her debacle as we bag these fine peaks. (Be sure to bring a cup.) Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Bring lunch, water, good footwear, appropriate clothing. Leaders: DAN LUKE, DAN BUTLER
Dec 4 Thu Lower Peaks
O: Simi Peak (2403'): Simi, a lovely Lower Peak located in the Santa Susana Mountains, is 6 miles round trip, 1200' gain. The trail takes us through China Flat, a beautiful oak woodland. Contact leaders for details. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, INGEBORG PROCHAZKA
Dec 4 Thu Hundred Peaks
O: Combs Peak (6193'): Moderate hike of 4.5 miles round trip with 2000' of gain on PCT and use trail to a peak on the Anza-Borrego State Park. High clearance 4WD advised. Slow pace. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: DAVE CANNON, MARS BONFIRE
Dec 6 Sat LTC, WTC, Hundred Peaks
O: GPS Class: Intro to Global Positioning System at Eaton Canyon Nature Center, Pasadena. Apply early, no registration at door, start 9 AM indoors. Focus on Garmin models includes features, selection, operation, use with maps (provided), hands-on field practice in afternoon. We have loaner GPS. Send email/sase, phones, GPS experience & model, $20 (LTC-no refund later than 5 days prior) to Leader: HARRY FREIMANIS Assistant: ROBERT MYERS
Dec 6 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Iron Mountain #2 (5636'), Condor Peak (5440'), Fox Mountain #2 (5033'), Mt Gleason (6520'): Depending on weather and road closures, we'll visit some or all of these peaks in the western Angeles. For information on a car shuttle option to Iron/Condor/Fox (14 miles, 2650' gain, 5750' loss) with an early start and a moderate pace, contact Suzy Hermann. For information on a mountain bike version (some biking, some hiking, 15 miles round trip, 4200' gain), contact Mars Bonfire (661 609 8218). For a mellow paced visit to Gleason and Iron (and maybe Condor if time and ambition allow?) 7 miles round trip, 1400' gain, meet 8 AM La Cañada rideshare. Adventurous newcomers welcome. Bring clothing layers, food, water, sturdy shoes. Rain or snow cancels. Leaders: SUZY HERMANN, LILLY FUKUI, CHRIS SPISAK, MARS BONFIRE, KATHY CHEEVER, KAREN LEVERICH, DORIS DUVAL
Dec 6 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Rosa Point (5083'): Very strenuous cross-country hike in Anza Borrego Desert State Park. 12 miles round trip, 5500' gain, paced to complete in 10 hours, with an early start time. Desert terrain with some steep portions infested with cholla. Strong hikers can come help celebrate the leader's 100th HPS Peak lead. For info, email leader with recent conditioning and experience. Leader: TED LUBESHKOFF Co-Leaders: IGNACIA & PETER DOGGETT
Dec 6 Sat Lower Peaks, Santa Monica Mountains TF, Wilderness Adventures
O: Sandstone Sextet: Here's your chance to get six peaks (2800' to 3111') in one day! Wind and wend your way through this stunning area of the Santa Monica Mtns and bag Sandstone Peak (highest point in the Santa Monica Mtns), Boney, Inspiration, Exchange, Tri-peaks, and Big Dome Peak. 9 miles, 1300' gain. Return on the Mishe Mokwa trail, passing Split, Echo, and Balanced Rocks. Enjoy great views and giant sandstone formations. Bring water, lunch. Rain cancels. Meet 8 AM Pacific Palisades rideshare pt or 9 AM at trailhead (PCH W just past the Ventura Co line, Yerba Buena Rd N 6 winding mi to parking area L side, 1 mi past Ranger Station) Leader: MARLEN MERTZ Co-Leaders: HOWARD KAYTON, WAYNE VOLLAIRE
Dec 6 Sat Orange County, Lower Peaks
O: Los Pinos Peak (4510'): Join us as we trek to the top of Los Pinos Peak in the Santa Ana Mtns. This is a beautiful (seldom led) route, 10-11 miles round trip, 2800' gain through the pines and onto this Lower Peak. Meet 8 AM where Trabuco Creek crosses Trabuco Cyn Rd (take Live Oak Cyn Rd to Trabuco Cyn Rd). Bring 2+ quarts water, lunch and lugsoles, dress for the weather. Leader: RON SCHRANTZ Assistant: DANA HUNTER
Dec 8 Mon Hundred Peaks
O: Monrovia Peak (5409'): A strenuous mountain bike ride from the Angeles Crest Highway along the Red Box Rincon Road for 28 miles round trip with 4650' gain on the bikes plus 1 mile round trip with 600' gain walking a short gully and fire break. Bring helmet (required), spare tube, pump, and night riding light plus cool weather backup gear. Moderate pace. Suitable only for experienced and conditioned bikers/hikers. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: JOHN RADALJ, MARS BONFIRE
Dec 9 Tue Lower Peaks
Rescheduled from November 18
O: Verdugo Mountain (3126'): We will go up Beaudry Cyn Trail to the ridge, then on to the peak. We will go up Beaudry South and down Beaudry North for a loop hike. Stats for the trip are 11 miles round trip, 2300' gain, est. 6 hours hiking. Contact leaders for time and meeting place. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, JOHN RADALJ
Dec 10 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Mount Lukens (5074'): From Deukmejian Park in La Crescenta, 9 miles round trip with 2900' gain. Meet 9 AM at Deukmejian. Exit 210 at Pennsylvania and go north to Foothill and west (left) to New York, north to Markridge and west to park entrance. Bring lunch, water, lugsoles, suitable clothing. Hard rain cancels. Leaders: DON SIMINSKI, JENNIFER WASHINGTON
Dec 11 Thu Hundred Peaks
I: Sheep Mountain (5141'), Martinez Mountain (6560'): Two challenging peaks about 11 miles south of Palm Desert; we will be hiking both of these peaks in one day. A loop consisting of 18 miles round trip, 5500' gain hiking on trail and cross country. Some boulder hopping. For details, contact leaders with hiking history. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, MARS BONFIRE, PETER DOGGETT
Dec 13 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Sawtooth Mtn (5200'), Burnt Peak (5780'), Liebre Mtn (5760'): Easy way to bag all 3 peaks in the Liebre range. Approximately 4 miles and 500' gain. Meet 8:30 AM Sylmar rideshare point. Leaders: HARVEY GANZ Co-Leaders: MARLEN MERTZ, MARYANN MEGGELIN
Dec 13 Sat LTC, WTC, Hundred Peaks
I: Mount Lowe (5603') Beginning Navigation Clinic: 4 miles, 500' gain. Spend the day one-on-one with an instructor, learning/practicing map and compass. Beginners to rusty old-timers welcome. Not a checkout. Many expert leaders will attend; many I-rated leaders started here in the past. Send sase, $25 deposit (Sierra Club-refunded at trailhead), phones to Leader: DIANE DUNBAR Co-Leader: RICHARD BOARDMAN
Dec 13 Sat Pasadena, Lower Peaks
O: Muir Peak (4688') from Lake Ave: Moderately paced 10 mi rt, 2900' gain hike. Meet 7:30 am N end of Lake Ave (from 210 Fwy in Pasadena, exit Lake Av, N to end). Arrive early, parking is limited and you may have to walk a distance from your car. Bring lunch, 3 qts water, appropriate clothing layers, hiking boots. Rain/fire cancels. Leaders: NORM STABECK, DANA HUNTER
Dec 13 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Santa Cruz Peak (5570'), San Rafael Mountain (6593'), McKinley Mountain (6200'): Mountain bike the Big Three and experience a new route to San Rafael! A long and very strenuous bike and hike adventure to peaks above Lake Cachuma for 25 miles round trip with 7100' of gain. A mix of dirt road biking (17 miles) with firebreak, steep and loose cross country, and trail hiking suitable only for experienced and conditioned mountain bikers/hikers. Bring helmet (required), spare tube, locking cable, night riding light, and the usual hiking gear. Moderate pace. Call Mars (661 609 8218) during four days before event for status and details. Leaders: PETER DOGGETT, IGNACIA DOGGETT, WILLIAM SIMPSON, MARS BONFIRE
Dec 13 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Smith Mountain (5111'): Come out for a nice winter hike 7 miles round trip, 1800' gain. Meet 8:30 AM at Azusa rideshare point. Bring water, snack, lugsoles. Heavy rain cancels. Leader: PATRICK VAUGHN Co-Leader: BRUCE CRAIG
Dec 13 Sat Hundred Peaks
LA Xmas by Night: Join us for our annual nighttime walk of downtown LA and distribute food or clothing to the homeless. The walk starts near Chinatown, proceeds to the areas used by the homeless, then criss-crosses downtown, finally arriving at the Original Pantry for breakfast at about 4 AM Sunday morning. Dress warmly and wear good walking shoes. Meet midnight Saturday night at the Chinatown Metro Gold Line station. Bring food (such as sandwiches or fruit), or clothing to give to the needy. Leaders: STAG BROWN, BOBCAT THOMPSON, JOE YOUNG
Dec 14 Sun Hundred Peaks
Rescheduled from November 8
I: Owens Peak (8453'): Some scrambling up steep slopes will bring us to the summit of this prominent peak on the southern crest of the Sierras, involving a moderately strenuous 8 miles round trip, 3100' gain. The peak is also on the SPS Peak List. Much dirt road driving. For trip details contact Leader: WAYNE BANNISTER Co-Leaders: PATRICK VAUGHN, PAT ARREDONDO
Dec 14 Sun Hundred Peaks
O: Bailey Peak (5699'): First official lead of HPS' newest peak (not counting the exploratory leads). Lots of dirt road driving, brief ascent of forested summit (less than 200' gain, maybe a mile round trip of hiking). If there's interest, perhaps we'll say farewell to nearby Monument #2, Sugarpine, and Cajon (soon to have a new lookout tower). Your high clearance or 4WD vehicle could be useful. Contact Peter for details. Leaders: PETER & IGNACIA DOGGETT, KAREN LEVERICH
Dec 14 Sun LTC, WTC, HPS, SPS
I: Warren Point Navigation: Navigation noodle at Joshua Tree National Park for either checkout or practice to satisfy the Basic (I/M) or Advanced (E) level navigation requirements. To participate, send email/sase contact info, navigation experience/training, any WTC, leader rating, rideshare, to Leader: ROBERT MYERS Assistant: HARRY FREIMANIS
Dec 16 Tue Lower Peaks
O: Jones Peak (3375'), Hastings Peak (4000'): Rescheduled to January 8. Leaders: INGEBORG PROCHAZKA, DAVE COMERZAN
Dec 17 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: San Gabriel Peak (6161'), Mt Disappointment (5960'), Mt Deception (5796'): 6 miles with 1500' gain. Short car shuttle. Enter at Eaton Saddle and exit by JPL Trail. Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Bring appropriate clothing, lunch, water, good footwear. Leaders: DAN LUKE, BROOKES TREIDLER
Dec 17 Wed Hundred Peaks
O: Thomas Mountain (6825'): Rescheduled to January 29. Leaders: DAVE COMERZAN, INGEBORG PROCHAZKA
Dec 18 Thu Hundred Peaks
I: Bighorn Mountains (5894'), Meeks Mountain (6277'): Canceled. Leaders: DAVE CANNON, MARS BONFIRE, KAREN LEVERICH
Dec 18 Thu Hundred Peaks
O: Frazier Mountain (8000'), Antimony Peak (6848'), San Emigdio Mountain (7492'), Brush Mountain (7040'): Canceled due to probable road closures. Leaders: DORIS DUVAL, MARS BONFIRE
Dec 18 Thu Hundred Peaks
O: Ryan Mountain (5457'), Lost Horse Mountain (5313'): Two easy hikes in Joshua Tree National Park (entry free required). Ryan is 3 miles round trip, 1100', all on trail. Lost Horse is 5 miles round trip on trail, 900' gain, mostly on trail but with a short segment of steeper use trail. Call Mars (661 609 8218) for status and details. Leaders: MARS BONFIRE, DORIS DUVAL
Dec 20 Sat Hundred Peaks
Dec 20-21 Sat-Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Meeks Mountain (6277'), Bighorn Mountains (5894'), Chaparrosa Peak (5541'), Black Mountain #4 (6149'): Canceled. Co-Leaders: GEORGE WYSUP, JENNIFER WASHINGTON, PAT ARREDONDO
Dec 24 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Chantry Flats-Mt Zion Loop: 10 miles round trip, 1800' gain through beautiful Big Santa Anita Canyon. Some stream crossings. Meet 9 AM at Chantry Flats lower parking lot with water, lunch, good footwear. Exit 210 freeway at Santa Anita Av, go north 6 miles to Flats. If road is closed (call ranger station, 626-574-5200), will meet at La Cañada rideshare for alternate hike. Rain cancels. Leaders: DORIS DUVAL, GARY BICKEL
Dec 27 Sat Hundred Peaks
O: Sunset Peak (5796'): An easy hike, 7 miles round trip, 1300' gain, moderate pace. Meet 8:45 AM rideshare point parking lot north east corner of Mills Ave and Mt. Baldy Road or 9:30 AM at Cow Canyon Saddle (off Glendora Mtn Rd). Bring water, snack, warm clothing, lugsoles. Heavy rain cancels. Leader: PATRICK VAUGHN Co-Leader: BRUCE CRAIG
Dec 27 Sat Hundred Peaks
I: Santa Cruz Peak (5570'): A long and very strenuous bike and hike adventure to the Santa Cruz, the most remote peak of the Big Three in Santa Barbara County. (Time and energy allowing, perhaps nip up the other two, adding a few hiking miles and a modest amount of gain.) 25 miles round trip, 7100' gain (4800' to the peak, 2300' on the return). A mix of dirt road biking (17 miles) with firebreak, steep and loose cross country, and trail hiking suitable only for experienced and conditioned mountain bikers/hikers. Bring helmet (required), spare tube, locking cable, night riding light, and the usual hiking gear. Moderate pace. Contact Peter for details. Leaders: PETER & IGNACIA DOGGETT
Dec 28 Sun Hundred Peaks
I: Asbestos Mtn (5265'), Lookout Mtn #1 (5590'): Help leaders celebrate their 20th anniversary (they met in BMTC) on this moderate hike to two Riverside Co peaks. Asbestos is 3 miles round trip, 1000' gain, Lookout is 2.5 miles round trip, 700' gain; short drive between peaks. Meet 9 AM Pomona rideshare point. Rain cancels. Leaders: MAURA RAFFENSPERGER, DAVID BEYMER
Dec 31 Wed Local Hikes, Hundred Peaks
O: Josephine Peak (5558'): Last chance this year to climb this nearby peak. 8 miles round trip wtih 2500' gain via Colby Canyon with great view from the top. Meet 9 AM La Cañada rideshare point. Bring lunch, water, good footwear, suitable clothing layers. Rain cancels. Leaders: ROSEMARY CAMPBELL, DON SIMINSKI

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