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Climbing Guides

Bylaws of the Hundred Peaks Section
Section 10. Procedural Matters
- Interpretation of Bylaws The Management Committee shall
interpret the Bylaws. Appeals from such decisions may be made to the
Chapter Executive Committee. Procedures not covered by the Bylaws of the
Section, the Chapter, or the Club shall follow Robert's Rules of Order,
- Amendments These Bylaws may be amended only by a majority
vote of the Management Committee and of all mail ballots cast by active
Section members in an annual or special election, followed by approval
of the Chapter Executive Committee. Any provision of these Bylaws that
conflicts with the Bylaws of the Chapter or Club shall be automatically
repealed, and the Management Committee may adopt a temporary rule as
necessary in such cases.
- Notification of Amendments If the Bylaws are amended the
Section members shall be notified by publication or summary in the next
issue of The Lookout following the vote. The Chapter Executive
Committee shall be notified as soon as possible following such vote.