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Bylaws of the Hundred Peaks Section

Section 5. Committees

  1. Designation of Committees The Chair shall, with the consent of the Management Committee, appoint the chairs and members of all standing and special committees, except where otherwise specified in these Bylaws. Committee chairs shall regularly report to the Chair and the Management Committee.

  2. Standing Committees The Chair shall be an ex officio member of all standing committees, without vote. Standing committees shall not be dissolved, but the terms of their committee members shall expire with the term of the Management Committee which appointed them. The standing committees are listed below.
    1. Membership Committee The Membership Committee shall assist in recruiting new members and in encouraging participation in Club and Section activities. The Membership Chair shall review applications for Section membership and recognition of achievement, and recommend appropriate action to the Management Committee; and shall maintain an address list of active Section members and a list of holders of achievements.
    2. Mountain Records Committee The Mountain Records Committee shall maintain data on routes and peaks of interest to the Section, and may publish descriptions in the form of peak guides and maps. Changes to peak guides and maps and changes in the published form of the Peak List require approval of the Management Committee. The committee may operate a separate website to display peak guides and maps and related material, in a manner that shall be determined from time to time by the Management Committee.
    3. Outings and Safety Committee The Outings and Safety Committee shall approve Section outings. The committee shall administer HPS and Chapter outings procedures with due regard for trip safety, leader qualifications, and leadership training. The Vice Chair shall chair the committee and serve as Outings Chair. If the Vice Chair does not meet the qualifications for Outings Chair as set forth in the HPS Outings Procedures, another qualified Section member shall be appointed Outings Chair.

  3. Special Committees The Chair may appoint special committees, with the consent of the Management Committee, for limited times and for specific purposes that are consistent with the purposes of the Club, the Chapter, and the Section. Among these special committees shall be the ones listed below.
    1. Website Review Committee During January the Management Committee shall appoint a Website Review Committee. The HPS Webmaster may not serve on the Website Review Committee. The Website Review Committee shall review the HPS Website for compliance with Chapter and Club policies.
    2. Nominating Committee Not later than May 15 the Management Committee shall appoint a Nominating Committee of at least three members. No Management Committee member may serve on the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall nominate a list of candidates for the annual election.
    3. Elections Committee Not later than September 15 the Management Committee shall appoint an Elections Committee of at least three members. No candidate running for office may serve on the Elections Committee. The Elections Committee shall direct the annual election.
    4. Awards Committee At an appropriate time the Management Committee shall appoint an Awards Committee for the purpose of presenting recommendations for the annual awards.

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