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Bylaws of the Hundred Peaks Section

Section 4. Officers and Appointees

  1. Selection of Officers At a time prior to the annual banquet in January, the Management Committee shall select from their number the following officers: the Chair, Vice Chair, and at its option, Secretary and Treasurer. The Management Committee may appoint from outside its membership any other Committee officers it considers necessary, including the Secretary and Treasurer. Notification of officers shall be given to the Chapter Executive Committee and the Club, as required, during January.

  2. Duties of Officers
    1. Chair The Chair shall preside at all Section and Management meetings; enforce the Bylaws; call meetings as empowered or directed; appoint, with the consent of the Management Committee, all standing and special committees; exercise general supervision over Section affairs; and have such other powers as ordinarily accompany the office.
    2. Vice Chair The Vice Chair shall, in the absence of the Chair, perform the duties of the Chair; shall chair the Outings and Safety Committee; and shall be a member of the Mountain Records Committee.
    3. Secretary The Secretary shall record the minutes of any meeting at which business is conducted; maintain a record of those meetings for the most recent years; and maintain any written Section policies and administrative procedures.
    4. Treasurer The Treasurer shall have custody of Section funds; keep accounting records; write checks under the direction of the Management Committee; submit financial reports as required; and submit an annual report to the Chapter Treasurer.
    5. Program Chair The Program Chair shall arrange programs and refreshments for meetings as required; plan and coordinate appropriate social activities; and submit writeups for programs and social events to the Chapter Schedule Editor.

  3. Appointees The Chair may, with the consent of the Management Committee, appoint persons to positions that may be necessary or desirable, among which shall be the ones listed below. Notification of appointees shall be given to the Chapter Executive Committee and the Club, as required, as soon as possible.
    1. Conservation Chair The Conservation Chair shall direct the conservation activities of the Section.
    2. Newsletter Editor The Newsletter Editor shall assemble and publish The Lookout.
    3. Webmaster The Webmaster shall manage the HPS Website in compliance with Chapter and Club policies.

  4. Power to Change Management Committee members may exchange duties. The Management Committee may fill vacancies and replace appointees. Notice of any such change shall be given to the Chapter Executive Committee and the Club, as required, as soon as possible following such change.

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