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Climbing Guides

Bylaws of the Hundred Peaks Section
Section 2. Elections
Annual elections to fill positions on the Management Committee and to
vote on ballot proposals shall be held in the fourth quarter.
- Advance Notice Advance notice to Section members shall be
published in The Lookout of the following:
- Their right to submit names for consideration by the Nominating
- Their right to nominate candidates by petition;
- and Their right to submit petitions for proposals to be placed on
the ballot.
Candidates and proposals that will appear on the ballot shall be
published in the November issue of The Lookout.
- Candidates by Nomination The Nominating Committee shall
submit a list of nominees to the Management Committee at the annual
business meeting, and may select candidates from among its own members.
Nominees must be active members in good standing who consent; at least
two more candidates shall be nominated than the number of positions to
be filled.
- Candidates by Petition A petition signed by ten active
Section members shall serve to nominate any active member in good
standing who consents. Such petitions must be received by the Management
Committee before the close of the annual business meeting.
- Ballot Proposals Ballot proposals may be added to the ballot
as follows:
- Peak additions and deletions shall follow the provisions of
Bylaws Section 7; and
- Amendments to the Bylaws shall follow the provisions of Bylaws
Section 10.
Other ballot proposals within the province of the Section may be
included in the ballot by majority vote of the Management Committee, or
upon a petition to the Management Committee signed by at least twenty
active Section members. All petitions covering ballot proposals shall
set forth the proposals in the form of a question that may be answered
by a simple "yes" or "no" vote.
- Ballot Language Candidates for Management Committee shall be
listed on the ballot in a sequence determined by lot, and ballots shall
allow each Section member to vote for as many candidates as there are
positions to be filled. Ballot proposals shall be listed in an order
determined by the Elections Committee. Proposals shall be put to the
members in proper form for ballot, accompanied by arguments for and
- Ballot Mailing The Elections Committee shall direct the
preparation of ballots and the mailing of ballots to all active members,
with such mailing to occur no later than November 10. Balloting shall be
designed to ensure the secrecy of each member's vote; under no
circumstances shall materials to return with the ballot or entries to be
made on the ballot be requested that may serve to identify the voter.
- Ballot Counting Only ballots received by the Elections
Committee on or before December 1 shall be counted. The Elections
Committee shall count the ballots before the December Management meeting
and report the results to the Management Committee. Candidates who
receive the highest number of votes for the number of positions to be
filled shall be elected; ties shall be resolved by lot. A majority of
members voting is required to pass all proposals. Returned ballots shall
be sealed and retained by the Secretary for two months unless a longer
period is directed by the Management Committee.
- Election Results
- Ballot proposals shall take effect immediately upon passage.
- Candidates elected in the annual election shall assume office on
January 1.
- The Chapter Executive Committee and the Club shall be notified as
soon as possible of the following:
- The passage of any amendment to the Bylaws; and
- The officer positions to be assumed by the winning
- Election results for candidates and proposals shall be published
as soon as possible in The Lookout.