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Bylaws of the Hundred Peaks Section
Section 1. Name, Organization, and Membership
- Section Name The name of the Section is the Hundred Peaks
Section of the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club.
- Constitution The Section is constituted by action of the
Executive Committee of the Angeles Chapter (the "Chapter") of
the Sierra Club (the "Club") in accordance with and subject to
the provisions of the Club Bylaws. The Section is an integral part of
the Chapter and Club and is governed by their Bylaws. It is not a
separate legal entity.
- Purposes The purposes of the Section are to encourage its
members to explore and enjoy the mountain ranges of Southern California
and to become familiar with their scenic resources; and to stimulate
interest in climbing these ranges; to preserve their forests, waters,
wildlife, and wildernesses; to enlist public interest and cooperation in
protecting them; and to foster among its members the purposes of the
Club as stated in the Club Bylaws:
"To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the
earth; to practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's
ecosystems and resources; to educate and enlist humanity to protect and
restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all
lawful means to carry out these objectives."
- Membership
- Subscribers Anyone may subscribe to the Section
newsletter at the same rates as Section members. Nonmembers who
receive the Section newsletter shall be known as subscribers.
- Members To join the Section an individual must:
- Be a member of the Sierra Club.
- Climb at least 25 peaks on the HPS Peak List.
- Submit a list of qualifying peaks showing dates climbed to
the Membership Chair.
- Subscribe to the Section newsletter, The Lookout.
- Receive Management Committee approval.
- Active Members Only active members may vote or hold
office. To remain an active member an individual must:
- Continue Sierra Club membership in good standing.
- Continue subscribing to The Lookout. Where two or
more Section members live at one address, only one subscription
is needed for active membership. Active members shall be listed
annually in the May issue of The Lookout.
- Inactive Members Active members who fail to renew their
subscription to The Lookout or their membership in the Sierra Club
shall be known as inactive members. Their records shall be kept for
five years. After five years former members will need to reapply to
join the Section.
- Honorary Members Honorary members may be selected by
unanimous vote of the Management Committee. Such members shall
receive a complimentary subscription to The Lookout, but
shall not be eligible to vote or to hold office unless the
requirements for active membership have otherwise been met. Honorary
membership is intended only for individuals who have provided
exceptional service to the Section.