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Cone Peak, Palm View Peak, Pyramid Peak, Pine Mountain #2, Lion Peak, Ken Point, Butterfly Peak

10 September 1994

By: Frank Goodykoontz

Leaders: Frank Goodykoontz, Diane Dunbar

CONGRATULATIONS to DIANE as the 1st peak, CONE PEAK was DIANE DUNBAR'S 200TH PEAK. We first had to make this hard by running her up and down on a steep hillside cross-country through lots of brush and dirt, getting her face dirty, her legs and arms all scratched and going up to the tippy-top of the summit block pinnacle so she would love this peak. (The Group thought I got lost). Diane thought it would be best not to tell anyone and not have any celebration as we had a long and hard day with the possibility of some hiking after dark ahead of us and we would be too tired with driving home afterwards. We did celebrate on Cone with homemade Brownies that I had made (for some unknown reason they insisted that Hazel made them).

For the hike we had met early at 06:00 for the car shuttle. After the car shuttle we did Cone Pk with a slightly overcast sky and a little cool with a good breeze on the ridges. Two people lost their hats. In the area I found 2 trails that I hadn't seen before. We did an exploratory on both and the first was not good so we lost some time getting to Cone but the 2nd was a good trail from Cone Pk East on the ridge to the PCT just West of Palm View Pk. Diane and I then traded off leading for a while until the route finding got a little hard for her as she hadn't done these peaks. Some people skipped Ken Pt and I guess I was just barely making it by that time because it got dark before we went up over Butterfly and down to the cars. This is a long hard day especially because of the new gate at the bottom of the road which adds about 2 miles plus about another mile to avoid parking cars on private roads. Last year we did reach the cars just at dark.

The participants Robert Young, Alice Tsang, Paul Graff, Alex Brainard, Ann Kramer, Theresia Glover, Rose Stein, Virgil Popescu, Louis Rodriquez, Stephen Bache were a good and strong group. Mario Gonzalez got there a little late and started on the hike while we were doing the car shuttle thinking we were ahead of him. He hiked about 8 mi. west to about Apache Pk looking for us but we never met.

I appreciate you Diane for being a good Coleader.

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