Pat R and I climbed Sugarloaf Mountain on Fri, 8/26/1994 via one of the north ridges and found it to be an enjoyable alternate to the standard hike westward from Wildhorse pass. The walking was through open forest on good dirt with no brush or talus although it was steep in places. The roadhead is at about 8250', directly north of the summit, making a gain of 1700' and about one mile distance. The ascent time was about two hours and the descent was less than one hour. We placed a set of duks, not ducks, to aid in route finding on the descent.
The route:
A few miles SE of Big Bear City, leave Hwy 38 and go SW on the Wildhorse Road, 2N93, for 0.8 mi. At this point (174868), turn right, SW, on a fair dirt road that is shown on the Moonridge topo, and go 0.7 mi into the north part of Sec 31. At this point (17181360) a logging road, not shown on the topo, goes up to the south. Go up this road for perhaps 0.7 mi to its and on the east side of a dry stream bed at about 8250' (171 5B520). There is parking space for many cars. A 4WD is probably necessary to easily get up this logging road.
From the roadhead cross the stream bed and go up a small ridge at az 220° to 8500', then turn a bit to az 240° and go on up the hillside to reach the north ridge at about 8800' (168850). From here go up the ridge/hillside to az 170°, passing to the left (E) of a steep white rock face at about 9400', and continue to the summit plateau. Then walk 150m east to the summit cairn. I did this rough survey on the descent and it may have errors. I would appreciate corrections and comments.
Someone left a nice red plastic tool box as a register container. A problem is that the top is recessed to allow the handle to fold down and the openings for the handle hinge pins will let in rain with the recessed top acting as a catchment basin. A large flat rock on top might and might not keep out the rain. We slanted the box to prevent water build up but I recommend that it be replaced with a container without holes in the lid.