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Scodie Mountain, Pilot Knob, Pinyon Peak

30 October 1993

By: Patty Kline

Leaders: Patty Kline, Frank Goodykoontz, George Schroedter

23 people met at Walker Pass at 7:00 am Saturday morning, ready to go. We then got in as few cars as possible to drive west on Hwy 178 to Josephine Stone's ranch. Our Outings Chair, David Eisenberg, got written permission from her well in advance of the trip. This trip is only done in groups with permission from the owner for this route commonly used by the HPS. It is also the lowest peak on the SPS list at 6200 feet. The weather was one of those last rose of summer days that we all long for in the winter.

We started hiking at 8:00 am. Josephine was there to greet us, getting $1.00 from each participant. Josephine is a Native American of the Tubatulabal tribe, whose great-grandfather was William Scodie. Scodie was an early settler, and the peak bearing his name was climbed Sunday.

After David Eisenberg and some others stabbed themselves on yuccas, we got more cautious. David pulled a yucca 3/4 inch long out of his leg. The pace was steady all the way up under the superb leadership of Frank Goodykoontz. The last of the group was down by 6:05 pm. We all had fun on top, but never took a lunch break per se because of the long day. It was 14 miles round trip and 4000 feet of gain, all cross-country.

Saturday night many were too pooped for a campfire. We never did have one, just partied in the parking lot until about 10:30 pm, trying to keep the noise down for those asleep. This was the fortunate weekend of gaining the hour back lost in the spring. We went back to Pacific Standard Time. We needed the extra sleep after Pilot Knob.

Sunday we met at 6:00 am Pacific Standard Time for Pinyon. Again we carpooled from Walker Pass to the Pinyon roadhead. We started hiking at 6:30 am and finished at 12:00 noon in 6 miles round trip and 2000 feet of gain cross-country. Pinyon is 6805 feet high. I got a pound of great tasting pinyon pine nuts. They had just fallen from the trees. Late October is the best harvest time.

We started Scodie back at Walker Pass Campground at 1:00 pm, finishing at 6:15 pm. By now our group had dwindled to about 9 people. Scodie at 7294 feet is one of my favorite HPS peaks with a forested summit and a rocky outcropping where the register is. The route from Walker Pass goes up a stream bed with some dry water falls among the oaks and pines. It is 7 miles round trip and 2300 feet of gain.

The participants were: Tom Moumblow, Walia Ringeler, Doug Jones, Carleton Shay, Gary Murta, Roy Stewart, Theresia Glover, Peter Doggett, Carol Hubbard, Cyndi Runyon, Mike Runyan, Rose Stein, Diane Dunbar, Rex Hyon, Alterio "Bill" Banks, George Hubbard, Ron Grau, Matt McBride, Gwen Hembrock, Sue Wyman, Vic Hannay, and Barbara Reber.

Thank you so much to Frank Goodykoontz and George Schroedter for helping me lead this strenuous weekend and great trip.

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