Leaders: Erich & Luella Fickle
By 7:46 there were seven at the PCT parking lot and Highway 74. We had a beautiful clear, cool day. The kind of weather that brings Easterners to California to stay. We had celebrities on the hike. GI Joe, Barbie, and Ken were spotted. Mattel needs to do some more marketing research - both Ken and GI Joe wear beards and Barbie, while long legged, is not skinny. According to the register, Barbie's been to Ken Point 4x and GI Joe 3x and she's now in love with GI Joe. HOW FICKLE.
Gordon was unable to make the trip due to knee trouble. It was good to see Mary Motheral, Dave Jensen, Dorothy Danziger, and Ken Croker and to make the acquaintance of Andy Beall. Thanks to Erich for assisting.