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Mount Disappointment, San Gabriel Peak, Mount Markham, Mount Lowe

12 June 1993

By: Luella Fickle

Leaders: Luella Fickle, Bob Wheatley

Bob Wheatley agreed to substitute for my husband who is now working weekends. Erich's schedule was for second shift, so he was able to make the trip. So we were three strong for my 200th Lead trip. Too hot - too many bugs. The flowers were beautiful, especially the poodle dog on Disappointment. The large plentiful lizards were Southern Alligator Lizards. David Eisenberg had mentioned that he planned to take his beginner group to Mt Lowe so we did it last. We replaced the can on Markham that has disappeared since Erich and I were there in November. All other cans were still there. David wasn't on Lowe, he had lost his voice. Frank and Ruth Dobos were there with the beginners. We had sparkling cider which I'd wrapped in newspaper. It was still cool. Erich had to leave as soon as we got to the summit, so he missed out on the picture. David had intended that we do Markham together, but I misunderstood. So Bob and I left the others at the saddle between Markham and Lowe. Several of the beginners (about eight) decided that it was too hot and buggy and joined us. So we hiked out with a gain of seven as Erich had signed out. This is the first time in 200 leads that I had more going out than coming in.

I want to thank all the assistants and co-leaders who made 200 leads possible: My Dad and Penny Johnson who were my first assistants for the beginner leader in 1976. And Jack Trager, Gordon Lindberg, David Eisenberg, Carleton Shay, Alfredo Gomez, and Erich Fickle who did the majority of my assists/co-leads. Ant thank you to Bob Wheatley who substituted for Gordon who couldn't be on two hikes at once! Bob is representative of the continued cheerful volunteer spirit that makes our hiking program possible. Other one or two time co-leaders were: John Backus, Dick Akawie (at a roadhead for broken legged Jack), Frank Goodykoontz, Bill T Russell (longest trip), Betty Stirratt, Bob Wright, Virgil Bayless, Leonard Bayless, Mickey Thayer, Ronnie Nagatta, Jim Raiford, Barbara Cohen, Molly Beath, Ellen Miller, Fred Miller, Kay Machen... I hope I didn't miss any of you who made 200 Leads possible.

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