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Cahuilla Mountain, Little Cahuilla Mountain, Lookout Mountain #1

26 October 1991

By: Luella Fickle

Leaders: Gordon Lindberg, Luella Fickle

It was raining at the Santa Ana carpool point at 5:30 am. Still, there were 7 hopefuls. We decided to drive out to Cary Road in Anza and see what the weather was like. Angel Cardoza's newspaper said rain in pm, NOAH said rain in pm, the radio said rain in pm. Gordon picked up Gerry Fetting in Murrietta and Hugh Baker joined us at Cary Rd so we were 9. It was foggy but not raining. We climbed Cahuilla first - the pretty one. We got wet from fog drip. The ones who hadn't been there before had to take it on faith that there are good views to the south and east from the summit block. The oaks hadn't changed color yet. It still wasn't raining so we drove out to Little Cahuilla. I had clear views of the summit until we got to the summit - fog again. I had fun tracking us backwards in pea soup fog. We took compass bearings, but the tracks and broken brush were all we really needed. Back at Cary Rd and Hwy. 371, it still wasn't raining, so we drove to the PCT parking lot on Hwy. 74 for a climb of Lookout #1. More fog. I assured the group that you could see the Desert Divide, Coyote Canyon, and Santa Rosa Mountain, but not on Saturday! It began to rain as we left the PCT parking lot after bagging all three peaks.

Thanks to Gordon for his patient assist. The other hikers not mentioned were Erich Fickle, Jorg Angehrn, Beverly Rawles, and Alan Hill.

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