Leaders: Luella Fickle, Jack Trager
Fifteen met by 7 am at the roadhead. The early start was necessary as I scheduled the hike too early in the fall. In July, Erich and I climbed Snow and discovered how hot it could be. I appreciate the people who were on my trip who let me know they couldn't make it. This allowed me to fill the trip from the waiting list. On a permit trip, this is very helpful.
The group was an interesting mix. We had two first time climbers with the HPS, Cathy Froloff and Jim Corley. We had four seventy year old + list finishers. Both the leader and the assistant had completed the list twice. There were a total of seven list finishers on the trip. Seventy-nine year old How Bailey completed the list again. He didn't know that we had added Snow Peak, he was just there for a new peak. Then there was Alice Cahill and my husband Erich, almost list completers.
The early start allowed us to get well up the ridge before it got hot. Cathy Froloff felt she was slowing us up and decided to stop. Jack and Erich talked her into continuing. We had a nice view on top for our very early lunch.
We were all back to the ears by 1:30. Jack Trager's truck wouldn't start so Erich jumped it. Evan, Alice, Erich, and I went to the factory outlet after the hike. George Pfeiffer invited Jack, Erich, and I over to see his new place in Banning. Jack didn't make it, his truck died at Hadley's again. Doug Hatfield and David Michels went for Kitching. The others not mentioned above were list finishers Wes Veit and Larry Shumway and HPS'ers Rosina Mueller and George Thomas.
Thanks to Jack for his always able assistance.