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Warren Point, Mount Inspiration, Lost Horse Mountain, Ryan Mountain, Bernard Peak, Little Berdoo Peak

15 December 1990

By: Charlie Knapke

Leaders: Charlie Knapke, Frank Goodykoontz

Eighteen of us met at the visitor center at Black Rock Campground. When everyone was ready we headed out to do Warren Point. This area is used as a navigation noodle since there are lots of small hills & gullies but almost any path can be hiked without much trouble. I went out of my way to take an unusual route to the peak and an even more unusual route back to the visitor center.

We then caravanned out to Keys View. Here we set off to do Inspiration Point. I led this by the normal route.

Then it was off to do Lost Horse Mountain. There is a mine ruin near this peak. A couple of years ago there was an accident at these ruins which cost an explorer his life. The area was off limits to hikers for a while. The ruins have now been surrounded by a chain link fence and the area has been reopened to hikers. The fence should also help to preserve the remains of the old stamp mill.

Even though it was late in the day, the group was still hungry for another peak. Off we went to Ryan Mountain which we did at a pace far quicker than the time mentioned on the sign at the trailhead.

The group split up at this point. Some headed for home, some went to town for warm food while others headed to Jumbo Rocks Camp for the night.

Sunday we met at the trailhead for Ryan Mountain. From here we took only our high clearance vehicles to the Geology Tour Road, then south past Squaw Tank to our starting point for Little Berdoo and Bernard. After a discussion with Frank I decided to take an unusual route to these peaks also. This would allow some of the hikers in our group to get a pathfinder route to these peaks.

We parked a little north of the usual place and hiked to the top of the ridge and on to both peaks. This is an excellent route!

We were finished and back to the Ryan Mountain trailhead well before 1:00 p.m. Here the wind was strong and cold. After a quick goodbye we all headed for home.

Thanks to everyone who attended: David Jensen, Evan Samuels, George Schroedter, Austin & Betty Stirratt, Leslie Metcalf, Bob Baird, Alice Cahill, Bob Henderson, Paul Backer, Peter Doggett, Jack Haddad, Bill Hogshead, Dave Welbourn, Rosina Mueller, & Jean Nelson.

Special thanks to Frank for his assistance and for his route suggestions.

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