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Wright Mountain, Circle Mountain, Gobblers Knob

5 August 1990

By: Ron Jones

Leaders: Ron & Leora Jones

Leora and I wondered how many hikers would show up on this trip advertised for beginners. We had an unexpected total of twenty-four. After consolidating cars in the adjacent parking area, we caravaned the Blue Ridge Road all the way to the usual Pine-Wright roadhead. The road closure which was in effect earlier had been lifted. Except that one lady had altitude sickness and waited alongside the trail for our return, it was an uneventful hike. Upon return to our cars, Mr. & Mrs. Dobos, together with Stan Kryzston, elected to stay for a climb of Pine and Dawson.

The group then caravaned to the Circle Mtn roadhead. Two remained at the cars while Leora acted as trail sweep for 18 others on a hot climb to the top. At the summit we were harrassed by many, many bees who wanted to land on our sweat drenched skin. Several people were stung.

Upon our return to the cars about one o'clock, the advertised tailgate party became the main event. We had everything from ice cold fresh lemonade, salads made of fresh fruit and fresh veggies, delightful desserts, 8-layer bean dip, and deviled eggs to zucchini bread, grapes and home-baked lemon squares. It was an A-1 party.

After the delicious lunch, only 14 people chose to drive to the Gobblers Knob trailhead and in short order 12 well-fed hikers were on the summit. We were treated with views toward San Gorgonio of thunderstorms and lightning and, in fact, a few drops of rain fell on us on our drive home.

I was especially pleased to be joined by my longtime friends, Ann and Lou Cavalieri and thanks to Leora, Annick Wolf, Mike Welther, Chris Martin, Jeff Wilson, Harriet Edwards, Richard and Giovanna Schamberg, Ruth Kocher and Rosetta Bentley who stuck it out to the end and to all the others who brought so much delicious food.

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