Leaders: Patty Kline, Bob Hartunian
It was a perfect day for the hike with blue skies and no threat of rain. I think we are still in our long drought.
A group of 17 people met at 7am to carpool up the roads up the Angeles Crest Highway.
We did Twin first, taking an hour lunch on top. I found out one of our hikers, Larry Minasian, graduated from the same high school I did, John Muir High in Pasadena.
Next we did Waterman. Waterman was the first HPS peak I ever hiked, and always has been a special place for me. Maybe this is because I did it so long ago in elementary school.
We were all back to the cars at 3:45pm in this 10 mile, 3900 foot gain hike. My sweep, Bob Hartunian, did a great job. |