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Shields Peak, Anderson Peak, San Bernardino East, San Bernardino Peak

29 July 1989

By: Jon Sheldon

Leaders: Jon Sheldon and Ruth Feldon

Fourteen crazy peakbaggers met at 7:30AM at the Forsee Ridge Trailhead on Saturday. Of course, it was a beautiful sunny day - just as the leaders predicted. We had no mishaps on the way up (or on the way down): purple lupines, yellow lilies (Alan Coles spotted them), red monkey flowers, yellow monkey flowers ... the flowers make the tedious and steep climb interesting.

We hit the ridge at about 11:00AM and took a long refreshing break at Trail Fork Springs. Then we set off to do "bouldery" Shields. Alan Coles, Evan Samuels and Carleton Shay decided to head down the north ridge from San Bernardino Peak to John's Meadow and then back to the cars.

Apparently, it's a semi-viable route: they got back to the cars at about the same time as us, but with more scratches. They hit BRUSH! Alan (whose idea it was) said it was worth the effort, because the rest of us missed a lot of wildflowers in John's Meadow, including many that Alan had never seen before. Alan also said he wouldn't do it again - so hike at your own risk.

The rest of us went down the usual way at our own pace. We all got back within a half hour of each other. The earliest by 5:30PM, the latest by 6:00PM. It was kind of a strenuous day (15+ miles, 5000' gain), but most of us finished with a grin.

The participants were (besides the leaders): Evan Samuels, Daniel Bleiberg, Darcie Miller, John Southworth, Rocky Morton, George Pfeiffer, Carleton Shay, Marc Ratner, Karl Kraues, Jim Peterson, and Bob Ferguson.

Footnote: Frank Goodykoontz, Dave Welbourn and Georgina Burns got their own permit, started a little earlier, and did the peaks in a different order. We kept running into them. The last we saw of Frank and Georgina was at about 2:00PM when they were on their way to do Anderson and Shields and then Charlton and Dobbs and return via Vivian Creek. Dave Welbourn (who has a lot more sense) decided to return to his car. We hope that Frank and Georgina made it back before dark, but we doubt it!

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