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Mount Markham, Mount Lowe

12 November 1988

By: Jack Trager

Leaders: Jerry Loftus, Jack Trager

Despite doubtful weather reports, this was a beautiful day for hiking and thirty-nine individuals took advantage of it. No doubt the easy four miles attracted many, but it was mixed bag of veterans and newcomers, including one girl visiting from Chicago who had never hiked before. She did well and can go home proud of her two peaks climbed.

This was the provisional leadership hike for Jerry and he handled everything while I tagged along. He recently completed BMTC and LTC as did his wife Cay. They are strong hikers and enthusiastic and I am sure will be excellent leaders. They look forward to joining the HPS shortly.

Jerry announced that we would stop at Red Box for regrouping, but upon arriving we found a Search and Rescue operation with two helicopters and numerous fire and police vehicles was underway. So we were waved on to Eaton Saddle.

After counting noses, Jerry led on out to Markham Saddle and up to the Markham summit. We lost one man who was hot and had not expected ridge running and headed for home. Three others opted to wait on the next to the last bump, but rejoined the group for the hike over to Mount Lowe where we enjoyed the view through the haze, lunched and rested. A number signed out at this point, some to do other peaks in the area and others to hurry on home for other activities.

All were back at their cars by 1:30PM after a short, but enjoyable day.

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