Leaders: Dick Akawie, Frank Goodykoontz
We met at the roadhead along Highway S-22, 14.5 miles west of Highway 86. Most of the party had driven in the night before; a few got up quite early Saturday for the drive. It was a cool enough day for pleasant climbing with partial cloud cover; it had even sprinkled for a few minutes around 6AM.
The group of 26 started out at 7AM across the flats into Palo Verde Canyon. Frank took over and led us up the ridge just west of Palo Verde Canyon, across the canyon at the 3200 feet level, northeast to what I call Salton View, which is just over 3600 feet on the ridge south of Rosa Point, and then north on that ridge to the peak. We reached the top for lunch.
Then down we came, along the same route, back to the cars, which we reached at 4:40M. When we stopped for a break while crossing Palo Verde Canyon again some of the women encountered a fairly large rattlesnake, which the rest of the group came over to admire.
Everyone in the group made the peak because of Frank's great lead. On the way back Joe Douglass dropped off the ridge into Palo Verde Canyon a little south of the waterfall, at 2400 feet, to examine it; he thought it might be climbable, but I think the ridge route works well and is safer. On the trip, Mike Fredette unveiled his new cholla remover, fabricated from a couple of forks with curved tines - it was in great demand.