Leaders: Bob Thompson, Stag Brown
Stag's Annual Birthday Hike ascended Brown Mountain this year, since Twin Peaks was too icy and dangerous to lead a group up. We met at 7:00AM at La Cañada, took out 14 hikers up Chaney Trail to Millard Canyon Campground, and took the beautiful trail up-canyon to Tom Sloan Saddle. Then Stag led the final one mile grind up the steep ridges and firebreaks to the top of Brown Mountain.
It's one of the peaks on the new "Lower Peaks" list, and it's one of the best, too!
After an hour of Cat-napping and nibbling, Bobcat led the hikers down the south ridge of Brown Mountain, through some very steep terrain and back to Millard Canyon Campground to end a great day. Now, if everyone who climbs Brown Mountain would bring a couple of rocks to place on the summit, in a few hundred years, we can put it on the HPS list! See you all next year, when Stag will celebrate his 39th Birthday.