Leader: Bruce Jones
Asst.: Laura Jones
Advisor: Charles Jones
Thirty-two people, including fourteen children, met at 9:30 am at Clear Creek Station for the childrens hike up the fire road to Josephine Pk. The leaders, Bruce, age 11, and Laura age 9, were wearing their newly acquired emblems - Bruce, 200 Peak Emblem; Laura, 100 Peak Emblem. After an introduction, Bruce and Laura took complete charge of the hike. We started at 9:45 and everyone was on top by 12:15. After an hour for lunch we started down, reaching the cars by 2:45 pm. The kids received compliments from several people - Bruce, for his considerate pace and ability to keep the group together; Laura, for her patience and understanding at the end of the line. The kids knew they had done well and have asked to lead another childrens hike in the next schedule. Laura's report on the the Josephine hike follows.
In back of the line it was pretty good. There was some slow people, but they all made it with a little encouragement. I had a fun time leading down. It was an easy hike ... a road all the way up. 3 miles up, 3 miles back. Few had troubles. There were 32 people there. There were 14 children.
(ED. - We must thank Bruce and Laura for a fine climb. These are two of our fineryoung climbers.)