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South Hawkins, Middle Hawkins, Mount Hawkins

22 May 1971

By: How Bailey

Leader: How Bailey
Asst.: Fred Bode

Both Vic and Sue Gleason, the scheduled leaders, had conflicts, but the hike went just as planned by them. 32 started up the Pinyon Ridge nature trail out of Crystal Lake, and then straight up the ridge just north of Soldier Creek. At 6900 ft. we hit the road, which we followed to South Hawkins. Warren Sanchez, age 13, got his emblem peak here, with appropriate celebrations. Some returned to the cars, but most of the group continued north up the lovely, pine covered ridge to Middle Hawkins. A few more waited here while 19 made it over to Mt. Hawkins for a late lunch. Six returned by trail via Windy Gap. The rest went back to Middle, then down the ridge to the saddle at 7900', picking up late arrivals along the way. From this saddle we zoomed straight down 1000 ft. -- a new experience for some -- to the spot where we had first hit the road in the morning, and then continued by the same route down to the cars by 4:00 p.m. It was a gorgeous day, with temperatures ideal for hiking, and a good time was had by all.

(Ed - Vic Gleason, the scheduled leader, was held in San Francisco on this date and How Bailey agreed to lead these peaks. The calibre of the climbs of this section will always remain high as long as we have leaders of How Bailey's calibre who are enthusiastically available at short notice. Thank you, How!)

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