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Mount Hillyer, Pinyon Ridge, Mount Mooney, Mount Lewis

1 August 1970

By: Les Stockton

Leader: Les Stockton
Asst.: Ruth Smith

This was listed as a beginner's climb and 42 new beginners (a redundary?) appeared. In all states of readiness, dress and enthusiasm. As over one-half of the group had never climbed a mountain before, the pace up the 400' gain and 1 mile to Mt. Hillyer was moderate. (The Red Baron struck again - slowly!) At the top we were greeted by a reluctant rattlesnake to enhance the excitement. The leader, under the trees, on a beautiful sunny afternoon discussed (?) the ten essentials and expanded them to the number they should be -- twenty-seven -- including a car key, money ($2.10), identification, T.P. (#11), nylon cord, altimeter, extra film, knickerchief, needle and thread, check list, paper and pencil, etc. Emergency items, such as battery jumpers, chains, carlights out, change of clothing, rain equipment, extra gas, etc were all identified and the need for each item was stressed. I am certain no member of this group will show up for a snow climb with only tennis shoes, a sandwich and a canteen after this extended briefing. We returned to the cars, and drove to the base of Mt. Mooney, parking at the Ranger Station and "wended our way" up the 2 mi. road and firebreak to the summit. We had a short question and answer period while consuming our lunch. The group then became reduced in numbers as the more serious peakbaggers proceeded to Pinyon Ridge. The Ridge road was open so the cars also bagged this peak while the 12 man (4 women) group hunted for the highpoint and the register.

Eager and ever willing for new worlds to conquer, the dauntless nine (now) proceeding up the steep but quick Mt. Lewis to bag four peaks for the day and an introduction to our Hundred Peaks game.

I believe trips of this nature are particularly desirable for an introduction to our section and its events. All participants were completely interested in what they were doing and the effort put forth was not exhausting but exhilarating. We should schedule two or three of these a year -- This is social climbing at its best!

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