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Cobblestone Mountain, White Mountain #2

23-24 May 1970

By: Paul Lipsohn

Leaders: Paul Lipsohn, Ray Redheffer

Twenty-three climbers assembled after a fashion at El Rancho Cafe, the confusion due mainly to construction on the new highway. Following a short but dusty caravan to Hard Luck Campground, we started up the trail about 1:30 together with a rather torrid day. As promised, the trail wound through magnificent stands of poison oak and nettles, and we even delivered a rattlesnake for the vanguard. Buck Creek was gained by 3:30 and all enjoyed a leisurely afternoon with a few enduring a dip in the frigid creek.

Sunday a.m., our thoroughly rested group bombed the trail and topped the ridge in little more than an hour. At the trail junction the group moved down to the saddle and scrambled up Cobblestone. Visibility was affected by the haze but the effect did not carry over to our appetites. We paused for lunch on the main ridge and then pushed on for White Mountain.

We returned to Buck Creek directly down the steep wash immediately before the peak. This route brought us out within a half mile of the Campground with no problems other than an easily by-passed waterfall and a few ticks. This saved about five miles and was a pleasant diversion on the way back.

Striking camp individually, we made our way back to Hard Luck and home with the leaders out by 5:00.

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