Leaders: Bernie Petitjean, Russ Mohn
A group of 30, about one-third from the Pasadena City College Highlanders, met near Icehouse Canyon Resort for the hike. Seven took off ahead to climb Timber, while the rest went to Icehouse Saddle and then up to Bighorn. The fast party joined the main group before the top of Bighorn, where 28 signed the register. The group proceeded over to Ontario Peak along the ridge, as the trail was buried under snow. Only 23 reached the top of Ontario. At that point 16 hikers, led by Russ Mohn, went downhill to Sugarloaf Peak and then continued down Falling Rock Canyon to the cars, reaching them about 5:30 p.m. The remainder, led by Bernie Petitjean, went back along the ridge, and enjoyed a beautiful glissade down the side of Bighorn, reaching the cars almost an hour before the Sugarloaf group. The trip was an enjoyable one, and the weather was fine.