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Granite Peaks, Tip Top Mountain, Mineral Mountain

27 September 1969

By: Les Stockton

Granite Peak (East Peak?)
Leader: Les Stockton
Asst.: Sue Gleason

Twenty-seven stalwarts arrived at Rebel Ridge Ski area for a short ten mile caravan to the base of Granite Mtn. The day was extremely dry, so extra water was carried. After crossing two miles of desert floor, we proceeded up a steep rock-filled gully for 1200 ft. until we reached the saddle of the ridge opposite the peak. By this time the group had divided into two sections -- those who were affected by the heat and the gung-hoers who were interested in bagging more peaks. Instead of waiting for the second group who were about 30 minutes behind, I sent the quick 12 to the summit direct -- boulder hopping and dropping some elevation en route on this southern approach. The second group after a short rest, took the circuitous, easier route to the north side of the peak. Spotting some gung-hoers on the summit, instead of proceeding along the easy route, we decided to go direct and introduced some 3rd class climbing practice to some who didn't particularly desire it. Upon reaching the summit, the leader was informed that no register was on this peak and some of that group proceeded to the eastern summit. The bench mark there was "EAST PEAK." Ye old leader, meanwhile, was hunting for the register on the summit block bench-marked "GRANITE PEAK!" Under a cairn at the side of the summit block, the register was found and indicated that many prominent Sierra Peakers regarded GRANITE PEAK as the summit. The register on "EAST PEAK" had been placed there by Sam Fink and that summit scouted by your leader as the summit. The "EAST PEAK" summit has the proper elevation as listed on the 100 peak peak list. The topo map lists "EAST PEAK" as "GRANITE PEAK" in bold type. The name of the mountain we should climb should be changed to EAST PEAK or we should change the elevation on the peak list to correspond to GRANITE PEAK and climb GRANITE.

After determining where MINERAL and TIP TOP were, the fast group signed out and disappeared over the ridge. The rest proceeded in a leisurely fashion down the mountain, meeting JOHN LINDEN and his group on the way. Sharing what water remained, we continued, reaching the cars and liquid refreshments at 3:30 p.m. Twelve climbed TIP TOP and several proceeded to MINERAL before calling it a day.

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