Leader: Anne-Marie Coennen
Asst.: Bob Strommer
This hike had been planned for cold weather and probable rain; apparently Mother Nature didn't read the schedule, because she gave us a blistering hot day with not a cloud in sight. And when the leader scheduled it she didn't expect it to occur on her honeymoon. But nothing stops the Sierra Club, and husbands prove to be true peak-baggers.
A good turn-out was expected; a mob-scene was found at the trail-head. Fortunately when we scouted the trip we received permission from the Glen Ivy manager to park our cars on resort property. Fifty-four men, women, and children signed in, including nine guests and some members from the San Diego Chapter. Then away we went; some were tigers, others were lambs, and we had a bunch in between. Needless to say we were two distinct groups before we reached the summit. Our thanks to Bob Strommer, Assistant Leader and Sam Fink who again helped the leading.
The route to the summits was a beautiful spring garden, with lilac perfuming the air. Forty-four reached Santiago, 24 went on to Modjeska, and everyone was back at the cars before nightfall. It was a beautiful day for the Honeymoon Special.