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Pinyon Peak, Nicolls Peak, Onyx Peak #2

11-12 November 1967

By: Wally Henry

Joint HPS - Y's Hikers

Walker Pass was the meeting place for 25 Antelope Valley Y's Hikers, HPSers and guests. A short 4 mile caravan took us to the trailhead for Pinyon Peak.

This peak, and Onyx Peak, were being explored for possible additions to the HPS qualifying list. Pinyon Peak lived up to its name as many pinyon nuts were gathered during the hike. Barbara Lilley must have gotten 5 pounds of them.

Saturday night we were joined by more HPSers at our camp at Robbers Roost.

By 7:30 a.m. our number had swollen to 40 persons as we started the 32 mile caravan to Nicolls Peak trailhead. All hands who started this 2 1/2 mile, 2400 foot gain hike signed in at the register. Much discussion centered around the location of the register. It is at the survey marker on the western most of the two peaks. The peak 300 feet easterly appears to be several feet higher.

Onyx trailhead was reached by a 4 mile caravan to the south of the peak. Sixteen of the more determined hikers signed in after an hour and fifteen minutes scamper to the top. There is about 1000 feet of scree slope that makes for a fast descent of this peak.

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