Leader: Gene Andreosky
Assts.: How Bailey, Bob Schull
Saturday morning found 36 people ready for a pleasant trip in what turned out to be typical Joshua Tree weather - cold and windy. We met at the intersection of Dillon Road and Berdoo Canyon Road and then caravanned about 10 miles over a rather bumpy route up Berdoo Canyon Road. From there we took the standard "Andreosky Scenic Route" - one that guarantees a maximum time in the wind - to a ridge and then went over three false peaks to reach Little Berdoo Peak. From there it was an easy stroll to Bernard Peak where we had a nice lunch in the wind. An uneventful trip via a slightly different route brought us to the cars approximately 4-1/2 hours after we left them. It was at this point that we separated the true hiker from the peak bagger. Since the next day's hike was one that would not add to the HPS list, it was interesting to find out how many would turn out for the trip to Eagle Mtn.
After camping overnight at Cottonwood Springs we found out. Including the two who showed up for only Sunday's trip, only 19 were at the starting line at 7:00 a.m. for the more interesting climb to Eagle. The group responded reasonably well and we were on top by 11:30. Eagle is continuously one of the windiest peaks in Southern California and the party did not hesitate to find shelter for the lunch break. Eager to get out of the wind, the mass moved out and returned to the cars by 3:00. Probably the biggest thing that was learned on the trip, however, was that Wally Henry can't cook eggs worth a darn.