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Asbestos Mountain, Santa Rosa Mountain, Toro Peak, Lookout Mountain #1

21-22 November 1965

By: Steve Molnar

Ten Sierra Clubbers met under threatening skies at Pinyon Flats Campground just off Hwy. 74 and left as scheduled for Asbestos Mtn. As the group took only about 90 minutes to go the 2 miles to the summit, return to the cars provided the group with much time for exploration of Asbestos Springs and its abandoned buildings and fixtures.

With most of the group dining out, and later a very pleasant campfire, the rain during the night seemed to bother no one. Bright and early the next morning, 9 people in 3 cars left from Hwy. 74 and found that the road had been regraded so that driving to Santa Rosa was no problem. Desert Steve's (no relation) cabin on Santa Rosa was open but deserted. The view from this point was very poor due to low clouds.

Proceeding from Santa Rosa the group encountered a locked gate marked "No Trespassing - Government Property" in Marine Corps colors. (The gate is just beyond Virgin Spring but there is plenty of room to park.) The group hiked along the road, through a T. V. relay station, and then up a steep road to a Marine Corps equipment storage building in 1 hour. Contrary to rumors, no vicious dogs were encountered. On the return, the group dropped down to the saddle between the two peaks on Toro and down the draw to the road and found themselves only about ten minutes from the locked gate.

As the group arrived back so early, they decided to try for another peak, immediately after lunch. The peak selected was Lookout Mtn. and consisted of a very real bushwhack. Once upon the top, a fire break was noted which would have provided a much easier route and it was this easier route which was taken back to the cars. Thus, many of the group had a four peak weekend.

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