Leader: Jan Hawley
From early Friday afternoon, through the night, and on to the last minute Saturday morning, people arrived to participate in a many-peaked weekend led by Jan Hawley.
The first peak was North on which there were 37 participants including 12 children. The weather for this peak was, like the rest of the weekend, ideal. After a leisurely paced 3 hour round trip, returned to camp (at the State Park) for lunch and to start the next official trip to Middle Pk.
However, as so often happens on trips like this, 9 greedy, hot-footed baggers did Cuyamaca Pk. in addition to eating lunch. Returning in time to start the next trip, seven of the Cuyamacans were joined by eight others and another leisurely paced hike put us up to 1100' gain to one of those summits where the view is breathtaking for about 12' in any direction. Despite this, it is on Middle Pk. that the beauty of this finely forested area comes through the best. The trip up and down more than compensates for the lack of a summit view.
In the evening we gathered at the park amphitheatre to enjoy the campfire and songtime. The singing of our group (while no competition for the Roger Wagner Chorale) was a source of much merriment. Song leaders were Mona Conn (guitar) and Bobbette Hawley (trying to keep people on key.) After the campfire, a moonlight trip to Stonewall Peak was offered. Three accepted and they now recommend it for a beautiful nighttime view. (1 1/2 Hrs. RT)
Sunday 8 a.m. saw the group ready to caravan to the start of the Oakzanita hike. Eighteen (including 6 children) made the summit using the long but steady fire road route. This route leaves about 200' of trailless gain (with lots of Manzanita - so beware of shorts.) While having lunch on the peak, some talked of showers back at camp, some talked cider and apples in Julian, and as usual some discussed peaks for the afternoon. After a long dry trip back and welcome "refreshments" at the cars, people scurried in all directions having completed another rewarding HPS weekend.