Location: Riverside County, about 12 miles southwest of Twentynine Palms, 142 miles from Los Angeles
Auto Club | Riverside County |
Park Service | Joshua Tree National Park |
USGS Topo | Keys View 7½ |
Official HPS Maps |
TPO file - Save to your computer then open with National Geographic TOPO! |
| Viewable JPG file - Approximately 1.1 megs |
| GPX file or Google Earth KML file to
download to GPS units and other map software (How to use GPX and KML files) |
| Routes as shown on
CalTopo using the above files (How to use CalTopo) |
(National Park Service Entrance Fee)
- Distance: 5 miles round trip, cross-country
- Gain: 900' total, 700' out plus 200' on return
- Time: 4 hours round trip
- Rating: Class 1, moderate
- Navigation: Moderate
Original: Peter Doggett, December 2007
- Take I-10 east past Banning to the intersection with SR 62.
- Go north on SR 62 to Park Road in the town of Joshua Tree with a sign
"Joshua Tree National Park". Turn right.
- Drive 16 miles on this road to the intersection with the Keys View
Road. Turn right.
- Continue 4.3 miles (1.8 miles past the Lost Horse Mine Road) to a parking
turnout on the left.
- DPark here. Room for 3 to 4 vehicles.
- From the parking area (4850'), walk back down the paved road for about 1/4 mile.
- Leave the road on the right and proceed east for 0.9 miles to a shallow saddle at 4760'.
- From this shallow saddle, drop down 60' to a wash at 4700'.
- In the wash, turn right and proceed 100 meters to a large gully.
- Go east up this gully to a plateau at 5000' that is about 0.5 miles west
of the summit.
- Continue east for 0.4 miles to the summit plateau at 5280'.
- Turn right (SE) and proceed about 50 meters to the summit.
Note: One can avoid the saddle at 4760' by walking around the southern bump.
This will only save about 20' of elevation gain and will result in an extra
1/4 mile of hiking distance.