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Climbing Guides

** Use at Your Own Risk **
See the Retired Peak Guides in the Archives for Microsoft Word and other versions of this peak guide.
Location: San Bernardino County, about 11 miles northwest of Yucca Valley, 135 miles from Los Angeles
Auto Club | Los Angeles and Vicinity, San Bernardino County |
USGS Topo | Rimrock 7½ |
Official HPS Maps |
TPO file - Save to your computer then open with National Geographic TOPO! |
| Viewable JPG file - Approximately 1.3 megs |
| GPX file or Google Earth KML file to
download to GPS units and other map software (How to use GPX and KML files) |
| Routes as shown on
CalTopo using the above files (How to use CalTopo) |
Nearby Peaks: Chaparrosa Peak,
Meeks Mountain,
Bighorn Mountains
Printable version of this route
- Distance: 4 miles round trip cross-country
- Gain: 1200' total, 800' out plus 400' on return
- Time: 3 hours round trip
- Rating: Class 1, moderate
- Navigation: Difficult
- Driving: Requires a high clearance vehicle
Original: Byron Prinzmetal, February 2002
(Western approach)
- From Big Bear City, drive northeast on SR 18 about 6 miles to
3N03 (dirt) on the right. Turn right. Note your odometer and go as
- At 1.3 miles, fork 3N07Y to the right. Keep straight.
- At 3.3 miles and 3.6 miles, forks on the left to Smarts Ranch. Keep
- At 5.0 miles, you cross Arrastre Creek.
- At 5.1 miles, fork. Go left.
- At 5.2 miles, fork to the left. This is the turnoff for
Granite Peaks. Keep straight on 3N03.
- At 7.3 miles, fork in a saddle. 2N02 comes in from the west and
becomes the main road going straight ahead (southeast). Keep straight on
- At 7.7 miles, fork to the left (north) 2N90. This is the turnoff for
Tip Top Mountain. Keep straight.
- At 9.3, parking area on the right. This is the parking spot for
Mineral Mountain. Continue.
- At 13.2 miles, junction with a sign "Yucca Valley Rimrock -->".
Turn right.
- At 13.5 miles, fork. Go left.
- At 14.5 miles, fork. Turn north.
- Drive north about 1/2 mile. There is a road
junction here. 2WD vehicles park here.
- 4WD vehicles can drive east up the road for about 0.4 mile. Do not
drive farther or you will be in the wilderness area. Park here.
(Eastern approach)
- Take I-10 east through Banning to SR 62.
- Go north and east on SR 62 to Pioneertown Road in Yucca Valley.
Turn left (north). This is about 19.5 miles from the intersection
of SR 62 and I-10.
- Go 7.4 miles to the intersection with Pipes Canyon Road and Rimrock
Road. This is the turnoff for Chaparrosa Peak.
Keep straight on Rimrock.
- Continue north 1.4 miles to Burns Canyon Road. Turn left.
- Go 0.9 mile through Rimrock to where the road turns to dirt.
- Continue up Burns Canyon 4.5 miles to a fork. Turn right (north).
- Drive north about 1/2 mile. There is a road
junction here. 2WD vehicles park here.
- 4WD vehicles can drive east up the road for about 0.4 mile. Do not
drive farther or you will be in the wilderness area. Park here.
- From the 2WD parking area hike up the road to the 4WD parking spot.
- Continue up the road for another 1/4 mile.
- Leave the road and hike up the slope to the bump that is
southwest of bump 5990'. Be sure to note the terrain for your return.
It is easy to miss your parking spot on your return trip.
- Hike northeast to bump 5990'.
- Hike east along the ridge to the bump that is directly east of
bump 5990'.
- Hike north from this bump down the slope until you reach a saddle.
- From this saddle, hike east down the gully until it intersects the
gully that runs north-south just west of the peak. Look for the gully
intersection on your left side (north). It is easy to miss where the two
gullies run together.
- From this point, leave both gullies and hike about 1/4 mile to the
Pipes Canyon Road intersects SR 247, Old Woman Springs Road, 5.5
miles north of SR 62 in Yucca Valley. It can be used for the east
approach to get to Rimrock Road.
Printable version of this route
- Distance: 4 miles round trip cross-country
- Gain: 1400' total, 960' out plus 440' on return
- Time: 3 hours round trip
- Rating: Class 1, easy
- Navigation: Difficult
- Leader Rating: "I", normal conditions
- Driving: Requires a high clearance vehicle
Original: Byron Prinzmetal, February 2002
(Western approach)
- From Big Bear City, drive northeast on SR 18 about 6 miles to
3N03 (dirt) on the right. Turn right. Note your odometer and go as
- At 1.3 miles, fork 3N07Y to the right. Keep straight.
- At 3.3 miles and 3.6 miles, forks on the left to Smarts Ranch. Keep
- At 5.0 miles, you cross Arrastre Creek.
- At 5.1 miles, fork. Go left.
- At 5.2 miles, fork to the left. This is the turnoff for
Granite Peaks. Keep straight on 3N03.
- At 7.3 miles, fork in a saddle. 2N02 comes in from the west and
becomes the main road going straight ahead (southeast). Keep straight on
- At 7.7 miles, fork to the left (north) 2N90. This is the turnoff for
Tip Top Mountain. Keep straight.
- At 9.3, parking area on the right. This is the parking spot for
Mineral Mountain. Continue.
- At 13.2 miles, junction with a sign "Yucca Valley Rimrock -->".
Turn right.
- At 13.5 miles, fork. Go left.
- At 14.5 miles, fork. Turn north. This is the common point for all
driving routes.
- From the common point, drive north about 0.7 mile. There is a
road junction here.
- Go straight about 50 meters. You will see a large clearing on your
left (west.) Park here.
(Eastern approach)
- Take I-10 east through Banning to SR 62.
- Go north and east on SR 62 to Pioneertown Road in Yucca Valley.
Turn left (north). This is about 19.5 miles from the intersection
of SR 62 and I-10.
- Go 7.4 miles to the intersection with Pipes Canyon Road and Rimrock
Road. This is the turnoff for Chaparrosa Peak.
Keep straight on Rimrock.
- Continue north 1.4 miles to Burns Canyon Road. Turn left.
- Go 0.9 mile through Rimrock to where the road turns to dirt.
- Continue up Burns Canyon 4.5 miles to a fork. This is the common
point described in the west approach instructions. Continue as described
- From the parking area, hike east for about a mile generally following a
small ridgeline, through some gullies, until you see a shallow saddle on the
north side of and at the base of bump 5990'. Please note your way for the
return as it is easy to miss your car on the return.
- Hike through this saddle and then follow the gully east until you reach
a major saddle at the ridge line. This saddle is directly north of the
bump that is directly east of bump 5990' (and about 1/4 mile south of
bump 6042'.) From this saddle you can see Black Mountain to the east.
- From this saddle, hike east down the gully until it intersects the
gully that runs north-south just west of the peak. Look for the gully
intersection on your left side (north). It is easy to miss where the two
gullies run together.
- From this point leave both gullies and hike about 1/4 mile to the
The old hiking route from the east in previous guides is no longer
available because of private property concerns. It should be avoided.
You can also hike this peak a much longer route by hiking east along
Antelope Canyon for about two miles, then walking northwest and then
north up another canyon until you are directly west of the peak and then
following the normal routes to the top.
route crosses private property, and the property owners
emphatically request that this route not be used. Ascend
Meeks ONLY via the route documented in the current
Meeks peak guide.
Please report any corrections or changes to the
Mountain Records Chair.