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Climbing Guides

** Use at Your Own Risk **
See the Retired Peak Guides in the Archives for Microsoft Word and other versions of this peak guide.
Location: Los Angeles County, about 14 miles northeast Azusa, 47 miles from Los Angeles
Auto Club | Los Angeles and Vicinity |
Forest Service | Angeles National Forest |
USGS Topo | Crystal Lake 7½ |
Official HPS Maps |
TPO file - Save to your computer then open with National Geographic TOPO! |
| Viewable JPG file - Approximately 1.2 megs |
| GPX file or Google Earth KML file to
download to GPS units and other map software (How to use GPX and KML files) |
| Routes as shown on
CalTopo using the above files (How to use CalTopo) |
Nearby Peaks: Middle Hawkins, Mount Hawkins, Mount Islip
Printable version of this route
(Entrance Fee for Crystal Lake area)
- Distance: 10 miles round trip on trail and road
- Gain: 2000'
- Time: 4-5 hours round trip
- Rating: Class 1, moderate
- Navigation: Easy
Original: Warren E. von Pertz, July 1968
- From I-210 and San Gabriel Canyon Road (SR 39) go north on SR 39
to Crystal Lake.
- Park in the day-use parking area near the trailhead to
the Windy Gap Trail.
- From the parking area (5800'+), hike up the Windy Gap Trail to where it
crosses dirt road 3N07 the second time. There may be a sign "S
Hawkins Road 3N07, Hawkins Lookout 5". (This mileage is incorrect.)
- Turn right and follow the road up to a saddle (7440'+) just north of the
summit. This is the turnoff for Middle Hawkins.
- Continue south on the road up to the summit. There was an old lookout
tower on the summit.
Printable version of this route
ROUTE 2 - Islip Saddle
(USFS Adventure Pass may be required)
- Distance: 14 miles round trip on trail
- Gain: 3500' total, 2300' out plus 1200' on return
- Time: 7-9 hours round trip
- Navigation: Moderate
Original: Ted Lubeshkoff, July 2008
- From the intersection of I-210 and Angeles Crest Highway (SR 2) in La Canada, drive 41 miles east on the Angeles Crest Highway to Islip Saddle. Park in the lot on the left.
- From the parking area (6670'), hike across the Angeles Crest Highway to the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT).
- Hike 2.2 miles up the PCT to Little Jimmy Campground (7450').
- Continue east on the PCT for 0.4 mile to the Windy Gap trail junction (7600').
- Continue east on the PCT for 1.6 miles to the Hawkins Ridge Trail (8400').
- Turn right (south) on the Hawkins Ridge Trail.
- In about 0.2 mile, the trail goes to a saddle just north of bump 8505. This is the turnoff for Middle Hawkins.
- Continue heading south on the trail 2.0 miles to dirt road 3N07, staying east of bump 8047. If you lose the trail in the meadow area, look south and you will see the dirt road. Head towards it.
- Hike 0.6 mile up road 3N07 to the summit (7783').
Printable version of this route
(USFS Adventure Pass may be required)
- Distance: 12 miles round trip
- Gain: 5300' total, 5100' out plus 200' on return
- Time: 6½-8 hours round trip
- Navigation: Moderate
Original: Peter & Ignacia Doggett, May 2011
- From I-210 and SR-39 in Azusa, go north on SR-39 (Azusa Ave) for 17 miles.
Park on the right by the 2N15 gate. Do not block gate.
- From the parking area (2880'), hike south on 2N15 for about 1 mile to elevation 3200'.
- Leave this dirt road on the left and follow the Pigeon Ridge firebreak for 3 miles until it ends at 6100'.
- Pick your way up the slope in a northeast direction around vegetation until you reach about 7000'.
- Turn left and proceed to the main ridge at 7100'.
- At the main ridge, head northwest and proceed to the summit which is now only a lookout tower foundation.
This peak can be combined with Mount Hawkins,
Middle Hawkins, and Mount
Islip for a loop trip in both directions based on the Crystal Lake Road
head. The loop would use the road to South Mount Hawkins, the trail between
South Mount Hawkins and the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) junction, the PCT between
that junction and Windy Gap, and the Windy Gap trail between Windy Gap and
the parking area in Crystal Lake Campground. This would be a strenuous
The Lookout on the summit was lovingly restored and
operated by volunteers. It was burnt down in the Curve Fire in September, 2002.
Please report any corrections or changes to the
Mountain Records Chair.