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Climbing Guides

** Use at Your Own Risk **
See the Retired Peak Guides in the Archives for Microsoft Word and other versions of this peak guide.
Location: Los Angeles County, about 12 miles southeast of Pearblossom, 63 miles from Los Angeles
Auto Club | Los Angeles and Vicinity |
Forest Service | Angeles National Forest |
USGS Topos | Valyermo 7½, Mescal Creek 7½ |
Official HPS Maps |
TPO file - Save to your computer then open with National Geographic TOPO! |
| Viewable JPG file - Approximately 625K |
| GPX file or Google Earth KML file to
download to GPS units and other map software (How to use GPX and KML files) |
| Routes as shown on
CalTopo using the above files (How to use CalTopo) |
Printable version of this route
This route, which started at mileage marker 6.27 on N4, has been withdrawn because it crosses
private property. Please use Route 4 instead.
Printable version of this route
(USFS Adventure Pass may be required)
- Distance: 120' round trip
- Gain: None
- Time: None
- Rating: Drive-up
Original: Warren E. von Pertz, June 1969
- From the intersection of I-210 and Angeles Crest Highway (SR 2) drive
north on Angeles Crest Highway 50 miles to Vincent Gap.
- Turn left on a
dirt road that heads uphill. Note your odometer and go as follows:
- Go right at an immediate fork.
- At 0.9 mile, fork. Go left.
- At 2.8 miles, fork in a saddle. Keep left.
- At 3.2 miles, park about 75 yards past stake "AA10", at the
top of a gentle rise.
- The summit cairn is 40 yards north of the road in the brush.
The gate on the dirt road at Vincent Gap may be closed. Contact the USFS
Big Pines Information Station, PO Box 1011, Wrightwood, CA 92397 (760)
249-3504 for information about the status of the gate at Vincent Gap.
Printable version of this route
(USFS Adventure Pass may be required)
This is the hiking route for Route 2 if the gate is closed.
- Distance: 6 1/2 miles round trip on road
- Gain: 1200' total, 600' out plus 600' on return
- Time: 2 1/2-3 1/2 hours round trip
- Rating: Class 1, easy
- Navigation: Easy
- Leader Rating: "O", normal conditions
Original: Tom Hill, June 2001
- From the intersection of I-210 and Angeles Crest Highway (SR 2) drive
north on Angeles Crest Highway 50 miles to Vincent Gap. Park here.
- From the parking area at Vincent Gap (6593'), hike north on the dirt
road that heads uphill. One mile up this road, a second road comes in from
the left.
- Turn left (north and downhill) for 3/4 mile on this road
which switchbacks southwest in the process of losing 350' of elevation
to another road junction.
- Take the right fork (north) and follow the road
to saddle 6360'+ just south of the summit.
- Head north beyond the saddle
less than 1/2 mile to the top of the ridgeline.
- Continue about 75 yards
past stake "AA10" at the top of a gentle rise.
- The summit cairn
is 40 yards north of the road in the brush.
Printable version of this route
(USFS Adventure Pass may be required)
- Distance: 2 miles round trip
- Gain: 1120' total, 1090' out plus 30' on return
- Time: 1 1/2 to 2 hours round trip
- Difficulty: Moderate
Original: Peter & Ignacia Doggett, August 2011
- From Pomona, drive east on I-10 for 14 miles to I-15.
- Drive north on I-15 for 22 miles to SR-138.
- Drive west on SR-138 for 8.6 miles to SR-2.
- Drive on SR-2 (through Wrightwood) for 8.9 miles to Big Pines Ranger Station.
- Just beyond the Ranger Station, turn right on N-4 and reset odometer.
- Dron on N-4 for 5.4 miles and park by mil marker 6.12 (5480').
- From the south side of N-4, walk 30 yards through a stand of trees, then
follow a dirt road to the left (southeast). The dirt road goes up over a shoulder and descends 30'.
- At about 0.2 mile from the parking area, climb up a steep firebreak
that follows the south bearing ridgeline.>
- The ridge becomes less steep around 6200' and takes you to the summit plateau.
Please report any corrections or changes to the
Mountain Records Chair.