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Climbing Guides

** Use at Your Own Risk **
See the Retired Peak Guides in the Archives for Microsoft Word and other versions of this peak guide.
Location: Los Angeles County, about 13 miles north-northeast of Pasadena, 34 miles from Los Angeles
Auto Club | Los Angeles and Vicinity |
Forest Service | Angeles National Forest |
USGS Topo | Chilao Flat 7½ |
Official HPS Maps |
TPO file - Save to your computer then open with National Geographic TOPO! |
| Viewable PDF file - Approximately 1.8 megs |
| GPX file or Google Earth KML file to
download to GPS units and other map software (How to use GPX and KML files) |
| Routes as shown on
CalTopo using the above files (How to use CalTopo) |
Nearby Peaks: Rabbit Peak #1, Round Top, Granite Peak #1
Printable version of this route
(USFS Adventure Pass may be required)
- Distance: 5 1/2 miles round trip, road and cross-country
- Gain: 1800'
- Time: 3-4 hours round trip
- Rating: Class 1, easy
Original: Warren E. von Pertz, June 1969
- From the intersection of I-210 and Angeles Crest Highway (SR 2),
drive north on Angeles Crest Highway 9.5 miles to Angeles Forest
Highway. Turn left (north).
- Go 9.9 miles to the entrance to Monte Cristo Campground on the right.
Parking is available on the highway just outside the campground. Free day use
parking inside the campground is no longer available.
- Hike immediately left inside the campground (after crossing the creek) past the locked gate
on dirt road 3N23.
- Go about 1.6 miles to a fork near the Black Cargo Mine.
- At the fork, switchback sharply to the right (east) and up the sometimes steep road toward the ridge
north of Iron Mountain.
- As you approach the ridge, leave the road and gain the ridge as convenient (avoiding the brush),
potentially on a use trail. Alternatively, a seldom used dirt road to the left (north) as you
approach the ridge goes away from the peak, and up to the use trail on the ridge. On the ridge,
follow the use trail south to the summit.
Printable version of this route
(USFS Adventure Pass may be required)
- Distance: 3 1/2 miles round trip on firebreak
- Gain: 1800'
- Time: 2 1/2 hours round trip
- Rating: Class 1, easy
- Navigation: Easy
Original: Warren E. von Pertz, June 1969
- From the intersection of I-210 and Angeles Crest Highway (SR 2),
drive north on Angeles Crest Highway 9.5 miles to Angeles Forest
Highway. Turn left (north).
- Go 9.4 miles to the entrance to Monte Cristo Campground on the right.
Park on the highway. The campground no longer has a day use lot.
The campground has restrooms.
- Enter the campground, crossing the creek and then immediately left
to a locked gate on dirt road 3N23.
Approximately 50 yards (+/-) past the gate, find an opening on the right that leads northeast
to the top of the ridge.
- Hike through minor brush up to the top of the ridge to find an old
firebreak. Follow this open firebreak for 1 mile east, then southeast,
then east again to meet a steep road at a sharp turn in the road.
- Turn right and follow this road generally southeast for 0.3 mile
to a northeast trending ridge.
- Hike 0.3 mile up this open ridge to the summit.
Iron is often climbed as part of a loop trip with Granite
Peak #1, Round Top, and Rabbit
Peak #1. This loop can be done in either a clockwise or
counter-clockwise direction. This is a full day trip.
Caution: If hiking in a counter-clockwise direction, a one mile section just prior to Round Top
involves approximately 1700' gain.
Please report any corrections or changes to the
Mountain Records Chair.